Chapter 8

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Two days past from that conversation between two friends. It was weekends and y/n was sick of being in home so she called Heline to go out and talk a bit.

She wore her black jeans and dark green flannel button up shirt with her black vanses. She grabbed her keys, phone and wallet then head out.

They met each other in a cafe and sat near the window to have some view.

"How is my little sister doing?"

"I'm good y/n you were the one who was bored." She said giggled.

"How's your crush doing?"

"I really need to get his number, he is so cute."

"He is, but he is not so good with emotion stuff."

"I know, it's the charm that he have." She said and winked, y/n laughed at her friend.

"How is Daishou?"

"He is going through a lot."

"I know the Mika stuff transferred in the whole school."

"Yeah that too, but it's not all of it."

"Is there something else?"

"I can't tell you."

"That's alright." She smiled at her friend.

The girls talked about their memories and everything that came to their mind.

"It's been an hour let's go home we have a lot of homework to do."

They each go back to their home. Y/n spend most of her day doing the homework of the whole week and then cleaning her house.

For a girl who live alone, a house with three bedrooms and two floors is so big so it takes a while to clean up.

After cleaning the whole house she took a shower and then laid on her bed to watch a movie but she got sleepy in the middle of the movie so she decided to sleep and it was late at night.


Daishou had a rough day, he got into a fight with his father again and got beated by him, again.

His father tried to choke him, he had a tone of bruises and scars that appeared on his skin in the last few hours.

After the huge fight his father drank again and slept on the sofa. Daishou got into his room and locked himself in his room.

He was so tired and sore he laid on his bed and start crying. He was so hateful to himself, he hated himself for being to week, for crying time to time for be this vulnerable.

He was so tired so tired of be in a cage. He decided that he want a change he was disgusted about this eighteen years that he leaved with his parents.

He never had a good time in this years. It was always beating and cutting, crying and being sore. He needed help and he wanted a change and he knew where to get help.

He stands up and packed a bag and dressed into something that was good for this weather. He opened his window and jumped out of the window to the street.


Y/n was in a deep sleep when she heard her door banging. She got up a bit annoyed and went to open the door.

"Who is it one in the morning?" She opened the door and see Daishou looking down.

"Suguru? You ok?"

"Sorry for being this rude to come here."

"Come in it's cold."

She lead him in the living room and turned on the lights. She gasped when she saw Daishous face. His eyes was red and puffy, he had some bruises on his neck and his cheek was red.

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