Chapter 5

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The next day practice for girls was so sloppy. Y/n wasn't feeling well and she didn't want to show it but it was so obvious from her playing.

Her usually so strong serves was now sloppy her sets was ok but not as perfect as usual.

"Water break." She shouted. She was getting her water bottle but her eyes went black. Ella and Miko got her and didn't let her to fall.

"Hey cap you ok?" Ella asked worried.

"I will be." She said while her team guide her to sit on the bench then Heline came in to watch her best friend practice.

"Shit y/n you ok?" Heline asked and rushed to her side. By then the boys attention were on the girls to see what happened.

"Yeah I'm good."

Heline touched her neck and started yelling.

"No your not good, why do you keep doing this to your self someone call the nurse to come here." Heline yelled and glared at her friend.

Miko rushed out of the gym to call the nurse and the boys were wondering what is wrong with y/n.

Daishou came to y/n side and bend on her level and touch her arm.

"Hey y/n what happened?" He said worriedly.

"Don't worry I'll be ok." She replied with a weak smile.

"Ok what happened." The nurse came in the gym and asked.

"We were practicing and our captain after the break almost fainted." Ella answered the nurse.

"Ok let me check your heart beat." The nurse said and y/n noded.

"Your heart beat is so high call the ambulance." The nurse said panicked.

"No no no I'm ok. I will be ok let me explain. I have heartthrob illness when I don't eat and stress I will be like this. I'm going to be ok in an hour or so."

"When was the last time you eat?"

"Yesterday lunch. I didn't eat dinner and breakfast today."

"Eat something and don't practice today you can start practice tomorrow again." The nurse said and got out of the gym.

"Girls get back to practice Heline will help me." Y/n said and grab a chocolate.

She laid down on the side of the court to watch her team practice and put her head in Helines lap.

"Please never do this again." Heline said worried.


After a few minutes y/n decided that she want to wash her face and neck to get a little calmer and fresh.

She stands up and went to the changing room she get in the bathroom and splash cold water on her face. Meanwhile Daishou was worried about her he decided to go check on her.

He heard the water from the bathroom so decided that he would wait for her in the changing room.

After a few minutes y/n came out the bathroom and see Daishou leaning on the wall.

"Hey don't you have practice?" Y/n asked a bit tired.

"Yes but I was worried about you. Just wanted to check on you."

"Thank you I'm better now."

"Come here." Daishou opened his arms to give her a hug she laughed and hugged him around the waist.

Hugging started be a habit between this two friends after she found out about Daishous self harming. They enjoyed each other company and feel safe.

Suddenly Daishou did something that y/n didn't expect it at all. His lips were attached to her neck and tracing her pulse she was to shock to say something. He broke the kiss after a few minutes.

"Your heart beat is so high are you sure you're ok?." He asked a bit worried.

"Yeah I'm good. Why did you do that?" She said still stunned.

"I wanted to check your heart beat." He said calmly but he had a tint blush on his face and cursing himself in his head.

She noticed that but didn't said anything to him but she secretly liked it.

"I didn't notice that the tip of your hair is icy." Daishou said while playing with her hair and twirling it around his finger.

"Cause you don't pay attention. It has so much contrast with my brown length."


The day went on and Daishou was waiting for y/n to walk her home as usual. Y/n saw him and waved to him. They wanted to walk but a voice caught their attention.


"Hey dear didn't see you today how are you?" Daishou asked Mika and he tried to kiss her cheek but she jerked away.

"Who is she?"

"She is my friend is that the reason you didn't kiss me?"


"Mika do you have a problem with me?"  Y/n asked and looked at her.

"No I don't, actually I don't care I have a problem with my boyfriend." She said bluntly.

"You have a problem with me? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"That's enough Daishou let's talk tomorrow."

"Since when are you calling me Daishou?"

"Since the time I didn't feel the same."

"What do you mean Mika?"

"Talk to you tomorrow bye." She said and leave.

Daishous mind was a mess that he didn't notice how they arrived at y/n place.

"Hey, don't bother yourself to much." Y/n said and pat his shoulder.

"Why do I feel that you know what's going to happen?"

"Maybe, just open your eyes. You should figure it yourself." She hugged him for a second and let go.


"Bye take care."


Hey guys how are you doing?
Hope you are good. Enjoy reading and stay safe.
Have a nice time and take care💜


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