Chapter 26

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They were already in front of Nekoma, it was lunch time so Mill was expecting them to come.

"Let's get over this already." Y/n and entered the school while Heline and Daishou follows her not to far behind.

"Oya? Y/n what are you doing here?"

"Hi Kuro I came to visit an old friend, not staying too much." She gave him a small smile.

"I see. Well me and others missed you too so sometimes pay a visit to us too." He laughed and hugged y/n.

She hugged back "sure, tetsu."

"Why did you bring that snake?"

"I think it's non of your concern kitty." Daishou respond bitterly.

Kuro wanted to say something but y/n interrupted.

"And I think you two better knock it off." She glared at both of them "Suguru is my boyfriend Tetsu."

"Ok see you around y/n." Kuro said and left.

Y/n saw Mill from the corner of her eyes that was waiting beside a wall in the yard.

"Guys he's there." She pointed and the three walked to his direction.

He saw them and stand straight. When she was in his arm reach Mill pulled her into a tight hug, she didn't hug back. Daishou bit his tongue and tried not to snap at him.

In his eyes Mill was quite beautiful boy. Very light brown hair almost like blond and ocean blue eyes. He also had a sharp face and muscular body.

"I-I missed you y/n." Mill said and pulled away from the hug.

"Nice to see you again Mill." Y/n said and looked at him.

In a swift movement he grabbed her shoulders and pulled to a kiss but fortunately she was fast enough to put her palm between their lips. Mill got shock and his eyes widen, y/n pushed him away forcefully and took some steps back until her back collided with Daishous chest, Daishou wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Can we talk somewhere more private Mill?" She asked coldly.

"Y-yeah is something wrong?"

"Many things are wrong." She said and followed Mill to the Nekomas garden.

"Ok, who is he I'm sure that I haven't seen him when we were dating."

"I will tell you who is he but first we need discuss my situation."

"Ok I know you didn't remember me and suddenly started to remember things. I will help I can help you remember everything. I hope we can get together again."

"When I first remembered you, I remembered the night before the accident so I know you from there and some blur memories here and there."

"That night was the sweetest and the bitter one at the same time."

"So to me you are a half stranger."

The conversation goes on and Daishous heart got more shattered because he was there to hear their memories and things that they did.

"Mill did we had sex?" She asked so straight to the point.

"No I wish we did, we just had some rough make outs and the number wasn't low." He giggled a bit.

"Ok Mill, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same. I still like you but it isn't the same."

"W-what do you mean. I can help you to feel the same or even more."

"No Mill you can't. I found something that it's much more stronger than the feelings I had toward you."

"Y-you love someone?"

"I do. Daishou is my boyfriend."

He looked at Daishou and he looked away. Daishou feel bad for him but he was somehow relieved that y/n chose him.

"So you came here to end things not reconnect them?"

"Yes Mill, I'm sorry."

"Ok I understand I can't make you fall in love with a person that you barely know. At least now I can get over you."

"Thank you. So it's the goodbye isn't it?"

"Yeah. Wish you the best."

Y/n walked to him and kissed his cheek, Mill looked down and y/n started to walk out of the garden while Daishou and Heline silently following her.


After a while Heline left Daishou and y/n alone, they need to discuss things so they got to y/n place where nobody could interrupt them.

Y/n is looking out of the window while Daishou leaned on the wall and looking at her back. Y/n  put her hand on her heart and clenched her shirt in a fist.

"It feels right."

"What?" Daishou questioned

"It feels right." She turn to face Daishou "my heart is much lighter right now. I loved him but no more."

She walked to Daishou and leaned her head on his chest, he put her hand on her shoulders hesitantly and closed his eyes.

"I want to be with you. When I go somewhere, my mind is with you, my heart is with you, my soul is with you, only my body is somewhere else, and when I'm with you my every cell is craving you. You stole me from me." She look up to see his bright yellow eyes "even if I didn't want to be with you my whole being was running for you."

Daishou just looked at her, he didn't speak a word. He was mesmerized by her eyes, and he want to hold her and don't let her go.

"I want to be with you to the end of the world." She cupped his cheeks "I will follow you even if you want to go to the end of the hell, I'll be always with you."

A tear rolled down on Daishous cheek, he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and closed his eyes again to hold back the tears but the tears find their way out of his eyelids on to his cheeks.

"I will be with you too princess. I always will." He took a breath but didn't opened his eyes "I'm happy that you didn't dump me, I felt bad for him but I never want to be in his shoes."

Y/n smiled and put her lips on his without warning. He was so surprised and his eyes shot open to look at her eyes. Both of them were kissing and crying at the same time.

He let out a sight in the kiss and relaxed, both of them closed their eyes to melt to the kiss, a kiss that touched every part of their soul. The kiss was out of the world.

They pulled away and hugged each other tightly, tears still on their cheeks.

"I love you."

They both said in sync. Y/n was listening to his excited heart and he put his head on hers while tightening the hug.

"Stay the night." Y/n said and looked at him.

"Ok." He pushed her hair behind her ears.

"I will cook your favorite."


They pecked once again then headed to the kitchen.


Hey guys how are you?

I personally love this chapter, and I feel like we are close to the end of the story I don't know what my mind is preparing to write.

My writing is like I write until my mind stops I never understand how I start and finish writing 😂😂😂

Ok enough of chit chat I hope you guys like this chapter and enjoy reading. I love you guys so much and thank you for reading.💜💜💜

Have a nice day and take care 💜💜

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