Chapter 32 (final)

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Y/n and Daishou now are in a plane heading to an island for their honeymoon. They got married two weeks ago and now her stomach started to show small bump.

Her head was basically rested on Daishous shoulder and his head on hers and they both were dead asleep. Their flight was about 8 hours so they didn't have anything better than sleeping.

Y/n wake up from the call that the pilot made to tell them that they are going to land. Y/n shake Daishou to be meet with a veil eyed Daishou.

"What is it princess?" Daishou asked still half asleep.

"We're landing." She said and giggled at her sleepy husband.

The plain landed in the island, they weren't so many people it the plane so the island wasn't crowded and it was a big island. They picked their luggage from the airport and somebody came to drive them to their villa.

The carried their luggage in the villa and started to unpack because they will be there for two weeks. After two hours, the unpacking party got over.

"Hey princess, want to eat something?"

"Yes pleaseeeee."

Daishou laughed at her childish attitude, he could hardly believe that she is now his wife.

"We have pizza is that ok?"

"Sure I love pizza."

"But you should eat healthy."

"You requested it."

"Now I regret it." Daishou laughed.

"But now I want it." Y/n argued with a playful frown.

"Fine just because both of us are tired."

They eat in silence while watching a movie, by the time that the movie has ended it was midnight and the moon was shining bright in the sky. But they were both wide awake.

"Hey princess, wanna go swim?"


Y/n went to the bedroom and pulled out her black bikini, that it's top was strapless. She looked in the mirror, her stomach had a small bump. In 6 month she will be the mother of a boy and a girl and Daishou is the father, she couldn't be more happy.

She head to the front door to find Daishou already in his bathing suit.

They walked around the beach and found a very beautiful spot that reflected the moon light beautifully. The water seemed shallow but deep enough for them to jump and a bit further there was a waterfall.

Suddenly something devilish came into y/n mind.

"Princess you do want to ...." Daishous sentence never ends because y/n had already pushed him into the water.

Daishou was surprised but he managed to grab her wrist and pull her in to the water with him. When the cold water collided with her skin she shivered to the feeling.

Daishous fingers never let go of her wrist. She opened her eyes to meet Daishous who was smiling at her while both were sinking deeper into the water and y/n on top of him.

Y/n suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him right on the lips. This was the second time that Daishou got off guard that night but this time he wasn't complaining, he kissed her back tenderly.

The way that the kissed warmed both of their bodies under the cold water was unbelievable. After a few seconds both of them felt the urge to breath so as quickly as they could they both swim to the surface.

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