Chaptr 31

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Y/n and Daishou were currently heading to doctor for their appointment. They both gave Kuroo the guest list and the color of the ceremony.

Kuroo and others were so busy preparing the best wedding ever. Daishou was busy taking care of his girlfriend and his child and now both were heading to doctor so nervous.

They both were sweating and trembling from excitement and nervousness.

They sat in the sitting area while her head was on Daishous shoulder and both of her hands were between his to warm them.

"Miss l/n doctor is waiting for you." The nurse said and lead them into a white room then left.

"Hello, nice to meet you I'm doctor wells happy to help you." The doctor said and smiled.

"Hi we're here for check up."

"I know. How old are you?"


"How old are you pregnant?"

"One month and half."

"Ok lay on the bed and push up your shirt."

Y/n did as said while Daishou standing right next to her. Her stomach didn't show any bump and it was stiff as a board.

"Ok so you're the type that won't show a big bump before two months and half so enjoy you being fit." The doctor said and put some gel on her stomach.

The doctor looked inside of her stomach with that machine and told her something about what to eat and how to take care of herself.

"Ok fortunately you're child is healthy, you shouldn't be stressed so please make home a peaceful place for her." She looked directly at Daishou who sweat dropped.

Y/n laughed at the sight and Daishou gave her a look that meant 'your doc is going to kill me'.

"Sure." He finally reply the doctor.

The doctor was paying so much attention to the monitor with a visible deep frown.

"Um is something wrong?" Daishou asked a bit worried now.

"You can't say wrong but it was unexpected since she won't have a bump."

"What is it." Y/n asked forcefully.

"Well I heard a double heart beat and I thought I miss understand or its the reflection of your child heart beat, but now I see it. You're having twins."

"WHAT?" Y/n yelled nearly jumped from the bed and Daishou was stunned.

The said doctor laughed at the sight and took her hand.

"Well the trouble is doubled, you two have children to take care."

"Ok seriously I didn't see that coming." Y/n said standing up from the bed.

"Well it's hard but you need to take care of them and the good news is both of them are healthy."

"Yes thank you."

"Your welcome you may leave now. Oh and one more thing, don't have sex."

"Goodbye." Y/n said flushed red.

They both sat in the care still analyzing what just happened until y/n broke the silence.

"We should tell guys."

"We should."

"I'll call Tetsuro."

She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

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