Chapter 11

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The next morning Daishou wasn't feeling well so he didn't attend to school. So the school was so boring for y/n and seeing Mika and her ex didn't make it easy for her.

The day went on so boring. After the practice she decided that she want to grab an ice cream so she texted Daishou that she might come late.

Daishou had sleeped and did his homework all day. So he checked his phone when he heard it buzzing.

Hey Suguru I want to grab ice cream do you need anything?

Dear suguru
I'm coming too, see you there.

He put on his hoodie and grabbed his spare keys wallet and phone then head out.

It was near 7 in the evening and the sky started to darken. He was near the ice cream shop when he spotted y/n in the distance. He sped his walk to catch up with her.

Suddenly a drunken man pushed her into the wall and kissed her neck forcefully. She gasped and froze. Daishou starts running to grab her while anger is building in his blood.

After a few disgusting seconds she managed to kick the man and punch him in the face hard. Daishou grabbed the man by collar and punched the man. He slammed the ground fainted.

Daishou grabbed y/n by waist and didn't let her too fall.

"Hey hey, you ok?" He asked worried.

"Yeah can we go home." She said normally but Daishou notice the unstableness in her voice.

The whole walk was so silent, she didn't speak a word. Daishou was so worried about her, he glanced at her before opening the door and let them in.

They both go to y/n room and sit on the bed. Daishou looked at her neck and see a red mark on the left side of her neck.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said and disappear in her bathroom.

Daishou went to his room and changed in a comfortable outfit then went to kitchen to make dinner because he knew that y/n isn't in the mood for cooking.

He opened the freezer and grabbed frozen vegetables and see three spoons in the freezer. He didn't took them out but he was wondering why she put them there.

He made chicken breast with vegetables for dinner, he looked at his watch it was near one hour that she went to shower he got worried and decided to check on her.

He knocked on her door and heard a faint come in. He opened the door and see y/n sitting on her bed still with towel around her and wet hair.

He forced himself to not loose control by looking at her perfect body. He sat next to her and pushed her wet hair behind her ear.

"Y/n you ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok dear. Can you do me a favor?"


"I have frozen metal spoons in freezer can you bring one?"


He rushed down and grabbed one and backed to her room. He handed her the spoon and she put it on the hicky.

After five minutes there was no hicky on her neck. Daishou looked at her confused and raised and eyebrow.

"The frozen spoon makes the hicky goes away in minutes."

"How many times did you did that?" He asked amused.

"This is the first time for myself and hundred times for my friends." She rolled her eyes.

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