Chapter 20

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It's been two months that y/n and Daishou were dating. The two helped each other in every step in every problem. They are the power couple of volleyball.

Today practice was good since the girls and boys teams were combined. Y/n set her next ball to Daishou and he spiked it successfully but he tripped when he landed. It was the fifth time that he tripped and no one beside y/n noticed it.

The practice ended and the two captains start to walk home hand in hand. Y/n noticed that sweat appears on her boyfriend forehead and he seemed off.

Hopefully they are near Daishous house but his condition was getting worse by any moment.

"Suguru are you ok?" She asked worried and touched his forehead "you have fever."

He suddenly ran into the house and rushed into his bathroom, y/n ran behind him.

"Y/n what happened?" Yui asked

"I don't know I will tell you when I find out."

She throw her stuff on the floor and rushed into the toilet. She found Daishou sitting near toilet and throwing up. She sat behind him and put her legs in the side of his body the way that he was now between her legs.

She put one of her hands on his stomach and pressed his stomach and her other hand rubbing his back, she would put small kisses on his neck to comfort him. After a few moments he flushed the toilet and took a breath.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. Y/n noticed that his boyfriend is so pale. She brushed his hair with her fingers and make him too look at her.

"Are you better now?"

"Yeah I'm better but I still feel a bit sick."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know I feel this way since last night."

"Ok lie down I'll be back."

She head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Um, yui what did he ate for dinner last night?"

"We had strudels why?"

"What was in them?"

"Meat, cheese, oyster and vegetable. Is my son ok?" Mrs Akaashi half yelled.

"Oh shi... he is allergic to oysters. His stomach had reflux and he threw up. I'm going to buy some medicine."


She grabbed nausea pills and some mint tablets and stomach syrup then payed for them and rushed to the house.

She immediately got upstairs and found Daishou asleep, his eyebrows were frowned obviously he have pain.

She ruffled his hair and his eyes opened immediately. She gave him the syrup to drink then swallow the nausea pill with water.

"Chew this you might feel better and rest." She put the mint tablet in his mouth.

He grabbed her hand and kissed the tip of her fingers one by one then put a big kiss on her palm. She caress his cheek with her hand.

"Thank you. Sorry that you need to take care of me this much." He looked down.

"It's nothing dear rest. I will be doing my homework downstairs. Call me if you need anything." She pecked his lips but he pulled her into a deep kiss.

This time he tasted like mint.

"Mint is my favorite flavor on everything but on you I prefer green tea." He chuckled at her statement.

She head downstairs and sat on the kitchen counter and start to doing her homework. She was studying deeply when she felt someone sit next to her, she looked up from her text book and saw Keiji looking at her.

"What is it Keiji?"

"Nothing I was bored and decided to come downstairs."

"So tell me how was life treating you this two years that I've been in miyagi?"

"Not bad but the best thing was me and Kou dating."

"Yeah that was really something. I wanted to see that moment but I wasn't and you didn't bother to text me." She frowned playfully at her best friend.


"It's ok I'm happy that you are happy."

Keiji nod and took his leave. No one was home beside the three teenagers their parents left to a friend. She was doing the rest of her homework when she felt something soft and wet on her neck.

"You like to kiss me when I'm busy." She turned away to look at her boyfriend "how are you?"

"I'm good the pills worked it was a minor food poisoning."


She stands and pressed her lips to his, she hooked her arms around his neck and pushed his head more near to herself. Daishou wrapped his arms around her waist and gripped on her tightly.

They never gone farther but Daishou had the courage to go farther, he need her more than anything in his life. She is his life saver she is the one who get him under her wings so he wanted her all to himself. It is so selfish but for once in his life he want to be selfish.

He slide his tongue on her bottom lip, she hesitated for a moment but give him the access he want with a small smile on the kiss. Their tongues made a knot together and chase each other. After not so long Daishou pulled away.

"Not here princess." He states and she laughed and pulled him upstairs.

He closed the door suddenly y/n pushed him down to the bed and sat on his abdomen.

"You have a habit to push me on bed." He giggled.

"Shut it dear." Her attitude got a bit more dominant.

She leaned down and kissed Daishou hard and shut his next words up. She licked his lips but he didn't give her her the permission so she bite his lower lip.

He gasped and grabbed her waist hard, she pushed her tongue into his mouth and smirked at him. He glared at her but closed his eyes and melted to her touch of tongue. He was under her control without his will but his body was obeying her.

She touched everything in his mouth every tooth, inside his cheeks and finally his tongue. Their salivas mixed just like their emotions, they love each other the way that no words can explain but actions were shouting their feeling.

Daishou gulped the amount of saliva that was in his mouth then pulled away for breath. He was panting and so red.

"You taste so sweet." He licked his lips one more time "that was my best make out."

"You will get more of these soon enough dear." She whispered in his ear then got up from on top of him.

"I need to go home see you tomorrow at school."

"I will walk you." Daishou said and follow her.

They arrived at her house soon. She waved him goodbye but he pulled her and kissed her.

"This is better."

"Ok, bye Mr. Touchy." She winked and disappear in her house.

It wasn't five minutes that she entered the house that her phone starts ringing.

"Hi Heline?"

"Y/n my MOM." It was all Heline cried but it was enough for y/n to rush to her best friend house.

Hey guys how have you been?
Ok you have to wait a tiny bit to get what you want. Enjoy 😉

Have a nice day and take care 💜


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