Chapter Eight

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(Y/N’s POV)

I’ve been sitting inside the dance studio for half an hour already. I already warmed up on my own so I just played games on my phone while waiting for the other trainees to arrive.

To be honest, I don’t know if I was early or the others were just late.

“Oh, you’re early.”

I lifted my head up  to see Minho. “Good morning.” I greeted with a smile. “So I really was early, huh. It’s a good thing though. Maybe the dance trainer will recognize me for it.” I joked as he set his things down beside mine.

“Maybe they will.” He smiled and sat next to me. “What are you playing?”

“Just something I saw online. It’s a game where you take care of cats and live with your husband or wife.”

“Adorable Home! I play that game.” Minho laughed making me look at him.

“Really? I just started so my house  doesn’t look that great yet.” I mumbled with a pout.

He gently patted me on the back. “You’ll get there.”

We chatted for a bit until the other trainees came in. I put my phone inside my bag and Minho stood up and walked towards the mirror.

“Where are yo-“

“Good morning everyone. I am Minho and I will be your dance trainer.”

My mouth fell and my eyes widened at him. He looked at my direction and gave me a wink.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

•  •  •

After the session, we started to pack up.

“Isn’t she the one who was talking to Minho earlier? Do they know each other?”

“What if she’ll use her connections with him to debut earliear than us?”

“That would be awful.”

I bit my lip as I tried to keep myself from cursing at them. Do they really think of me that way?

“Good job today, everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Everyone bid their goodbyes and exited the room, leaving me with Minho.

I crossed my arms against my chest as he walked towards me. “You’re actually a trainer? You lied to me about being a trainee?”

“I didn’t lie to you.” He state as he mimicked my actions. “I just simply didn’t tell you.”

“No. I asked if you were a trainee and you said ‘sort of’ and left just like that.”

“But I am sort of a trainee.”

I only raised an eyebrow at him and waited for him to continue.

“I’m still a trainee. I just happen to be really good at dancing so they took me in as trainer until I debut.” He grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and picked my bag up. “Don’t get too cocky.”

He laughed, “I wasn’t being cocky.”

“You were. It was all over your face and dripping from the tone of your voice.”

We continued to bicker until we headed out of the room.

“You danced horribly, by the way.”

“That’s why I’m a trainee, you jerk!”

(Changbin’s POV)

This is a fucking mess.

Our flash drive was stolen. Not just any flash drive. It was one of our backups that has our unreleased songs in case one got lost. And we know damn well that we didn’t lose it.

Chan is a freak when it comes to his stuff. He doesn’t lose something easily, and this flash drive never left the studio at all and was put somewhere safe and well hidden.

Seeing it was missing had us restless and furious.

“Who the fuck would do this?” Chan exclaimed, slamming down his phone on the table.

“Have you checked the CCTV footages?” I asked Jisung as I rubbed my face in frustration.

Jisung nodded with a sigh, “I did. For 10 times already, and there was nothing suspicious at all!”

“Well, check it for the 11th time! Hell, do it a hundred times. Check if it’s been tampered. Just fucking find something useful!” Chan yelled, making us both flinch. “If I find who fucking stole that flash drive, I will fucking kill them.”

A stolen flash drive. And for sure, it is about to be leaked.

(Minho’s POV)

“You’re Hyunjin’s cousin?” I was obviously shocked.

“Why? You know each other?”

“Of course we know each other. We went to the same dance workshop years ago.”

“Huh, it really is a small world.” She muttered before taking another sip of her strawberry milk. “We should all hang out sometime.”

I nodded and took my phone out. I handed it to her and told her to put her number so I could text her.

She narrowed her eyes at me, “You’re not trying to do something, are you?”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Have you seen yourself? You actually think I would make a move on you?”

“Excuse me,” she gasped indignantly. “I am gorgeous. Now, if you’ve seen yourself in the mirror, you’d know you wouldn’t stand a chance with me.”

I laughed out loud at her words. “Whatever. You’re too confident.”

She did a petty hair flip before typing her number in. “Here,” she handed me back the phone.

“Cutie Y/N?” I read out the name she saved on her contact.

“I am, aren’t I?”

“I think I’m about to throw up…” I mumbled under my breath that she happened to hear clearly. I earned a good punch for it.

“You better not change it.” She threatened as she glared at me.

“I won’t.” I smiled, patting her head gently.

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