Chapter Twenty-one

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[Y/N's POV]

"I'd kiss you." He blurted out.

Silence enveloped us. My heart was beating so fast. I don't know what to feel or the right words to say. Hell, I probably looked like a fish with my mouth agape. I can't even think straight. We just stared at each other, unmoving.


"What's up, suckers!" Changbin hollered as he came in, making us stand up from our seat. "Uh, why do you guys look so startled?"

"Changbin, my man!" Chan exclaimed, laughing off the awkwardness.

"Why are you acting weird?" Changbin raised an eyebrow suspiciously as Chan threw his arm around his shoulders.

"Me? Weird? Nah! Anyway, now that you're here  you guys can start with the rapping and stuff."

"It's only 11. I thought we'd start at 2?"

"Then why'd you come so early?"

Changbin just stared at him.

I wanted to hit Chan for acting so awkwardly.

"Anyway, i gotta go somewhere really important?"

Changbin pulled him back. "Wait, you're just gonna leave?"

Chan quickly got out from his grip and took his stuff. "Yeah, see you around." He hurried out after shooting me a hesitant look.

For someone who hesitates, he was pretty quick to leave me like that.

"Yah, Y/N. Why are you so red?"

Oh, shit. I didn't even notice how hot my face felt.

"I, uh..." I trailed off, trying to make up an excuse. "It's too hot? Yeah, too hot in here." I lied, fanning myself with my hands.

"But the air conditioner is on?"

"What's your point?" I deadpanned, blinking at him.

Fuck. I was acting awkwardly too.

"What's going on with the both of you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

Oh no, he's onto something.

"Hey, have you had lunch yet? Because I haven't. I'm starving! We should go eat something, yeah? Oh, you're not hungry? Guess I'll eat by myself today. I'll be back before 2!" I blabbered as I hastily exited the room, leaving him confused.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't follow me.

"I'd kiss you."

I shivered as I remembered his words.

"Y/N, you must be crazy if you think he actually meant that." I hissed to myself, walking faster.

[Changbin's POV]

"Okay, that was pretty good. I think we're done for today." Jisung said, flashing Y/N a smile which she returned with one of hers. I nodded in agreement and proceeded to clean up lyric sheets.

I was stil bothered by the fact that Chan and Y/N acted strange earlier. As if they were hiding something. I shook my head, erasing my thoughts. No need to get ahead of myself. I'm sure Chan will tell us what's going on soon enough.

"I didn't know you could rap so well. You were complaining yesterday but you did a really good job today." Jisung praised her as she blushed wildly.

Ah, he was so whipped for her. Han Jisung is a guy you could read very easily.

"Hyunjin listens to rap music and practices most of the time. Guess I learned from him." She admitted with a small smile.

"You should tell him to audition. He can rap and dance. And he looks good too. He can definitely be an idol." I said as I plopped down the sofa next to Jisung.

"Do you think so?"

"Yeah, definitely. Tell him to audition next week. I'll take care of it." I grinned at her.

"Oh, my god! Thank you!" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat to hug me.

I laughed, "No problem."

She broke the hug and grabbed her stuff. "Thanks for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She beamed before exiting the room.

I heard Jisung clear his throat beside me. For a moment I forgot he was even there. I glanced at him and met his glare. "What the fuck are you glaring at?"

"Audition? Are you fucking kidding me?" He hissed, crossing his arms against his chest.

I scoffed, "Why the hell not? He's talented. It'd be a waste if he can't get himself under the spotlight."

"That's his problem."

"Why are you so bitter towards him? Didn't Y/N already told you he's just her cousin?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't care if he's her cousin. Hell, I wouldn't care if he was the son of a king. He is arrogant and smug and annoying and..." He ranted on and on.

I rolled my eyes as he continued to list down the things he hated about Hyunjin.

"And I bet he can't even rap that good."

I flicked his forehead to make him stop. "You better get your shit together and be nice."

I shook my head as he huffed in annoyance and ignored me.

Jisung is that annoying little brother with no self-control regarding his hate towards other people. He'd hate you for the tiniest detail he sees and would just run his mouth about it without stopping.

Believe me when I say, I am one step away from tying this kid up on the ceiling with duct tape.

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