Chapter Twenty-Two

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[Y/N's POV]

"Y/N!!!" Hyunjin roared as I got the choreography wrong for the 17th time tonight. Yes, I count my mistakes to know how much of a disappointment I am.

"I told you, your arms are— ah!" He exclaimed, rubbing his face in frustration. Minho chuckled beside, shaking his head.

"How are you so relaxed about this? You're just gonna laugh?" Minho shrugged at Hyunjin's question.

"Honestly, at this point I'm just used to it."

"Can we please just take a break? I'm tired, maybe that's why I keeo messing up." I said sheepishly, trying to get away with my mess.

Hyunjin shot me a look that made me flinch. "We are taking a break. You practice by yourself. By the time we get back, you better get it right or I'll throw you out the window."

I wanted to protest, but I know he'll just ignore me.

"Fighting!" Minho mouthed to me as he followed Hyunjin out of the room.

I was left alone. I wish Felix was here. He said he couldn't be here today since he had to clean up his room at the dorm. It was a mess since he left it a month ago. He even tried to bribe me to help him clean. He was either desperate for help or he was too damn lazy to do it himself.

I sighed as I stared at my reflection. My ponytail was a mess and my clothes are soaked with sweat. I looked like shit.

The door opened a bit to reveal Minho.

"Minho? I thought you were taking a break?"

"I convinced Hyunjin that I should help you."

"Ah, you shouldn't have. You deserve to take a small a break. I'll figure out the choreography myself." I smiled at him but he shook his head and walked closer to me.

"Let me help."

I nodded and he turned the music on so we could start dancing again.

I tried my best to follow the choreography as they have taught me, but I still missed my timing and messed up the entire thing.

I groaned and stopped dancing. "I can't do this." I sighed in frustration. I was really tired, but I had to keep practicing. I can't keep messing up.

Minho swiftly moved behind me and put his hands on my hips. My eyes widened at his actions . "Here, you gotta make sure your hips sway to the beat." He instructed, locking eyes with me through our reflections.

My heart pounded wildly against my chest. I could feel his hot breath behind my ear, his hands still on my hips. I tried to think straight, but my mind was all over the place.

"Uh, Minh—"

"Lee Minho!"

[Chan's POV]

I was ashamed of myself for leaving Y/N like that earlier. I admit, I chickened out after I spitted those words out. I still shiver at the mere thought of saying them. Not because I didn't want to kiss her. I did! But it was a horrible time and way to say it. Ah, it's complicated.

Because of my guilt, I'm going to see her and apologize immediately.

I opened the door to the dance room to see Minho holding Y/N's body close to him.

"Lee Minho!" I yelled, storming over to them. I don't even know what came over me but I grabbed Y/N and pushed Minho down to the floor before they could even say a word.

"Chan!" Y/N yelped, wanting to help Minho but I yanked her back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed, glaring at me.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you? I thought we had an agreement?!"


"Look, Chan." Minho spoke, getting up from the floor. "I don't know what the hell is going on with your head, but you can't just keep Y/N to yourself."

I was fuming with anger. Y/N is mine. And never will I ever let a person like him touch her. "You better watch it, Minho. I already warned you."

I pulled Y/N with me as I exited the room. Y/N kept yelling protests and trying to get away from my grip but I tuned her out.

"Bang Chan, will you just listen?!" She screamed as we got out of the building.

I stopped on my tracks, let her go and faced her. Only to have her hand fly across my cheek.

[Y/N's POV]

I slapped him right across his face.

My blood was boiling, I couldn't even contain my anger anymore.

"Why are you doing this?! This is the second time, Chan! I thought you were sorry for the first time, but to do this again? You're not sorry at all!" I shouted, not even caring if people passing by could hear.

He looked too stunned to say something so I kept going. I had to get it out of my chest somehow.

"You won't even tell me what's going on! Why do you hate him so much? Why do you keep saying that he can't have me? You act like you own me, but you don't—" He cut me off by pulling me closer towards him.

Next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.

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