Miss Jealousy

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"Mai, we're home." My AI transfers from my watch and into my apartment's sound system. "Thai sounds really good. Mai, order Thai, the usual." I sit back at my workbench. My notebook is still open to a page titled "The Super-Heroine." I don't have a real name for my superhero persona, but I know one day I'll be able to help people with my suit.

It's not like my fathers, big bulky, pure metal. Its also not like Spider-Man's, meant for an agile fighting style. Its a mix of mechanical and flexible material. My boots would be my mode of transportation, reminiscent of Ironman, but more streamlined.

I also have sketches of gloves, they would have the same functions as my watch. The rest of the suit would be made of something malleable and breathable. "But there's something missing. A gimmick, a thing that would give me my name." I begin working on the helmet, it's plain for now, but I can add the details later.

After my plans are all sketched out, I start working on the prototype. The doorbell rings after a while. Mai alerts me, "The Thai is here." I walk to the door and open it to see Happy with my food. "What are you doing here Happy?" I kick a small button at the bottom of my door frame. My workbench conceals its self in the wall.

"You know ordering with Mai brings it to the tower." I awkwardly laugh a little. "Yeah, forgot about that." Happy invites himself in and places the bag on my table. "It's too clean in here, did you just clean? Who are you inviting over? The Parker boy?" He shoots questions at me rapid-fire.

"No! What is with you and Dad, he's just my friend? He doesn't even know where I live." Happy still looks around the room. He eyes me and does the weird finger eye to eye thing. "Happy, since when was it your job to babysit me?" He scoffs at me. "Since the day you were born." I quickly shut my mouth. He has always been there for me when Dad was busy. I used to call him Uncle Happy, but I realized he didn't like it so I stopped. Happy heads out the door. "Take care of yourself, you should learn to cook instead of ordering out all the time."

"Yeah, I'll take a class over the summer." I wave goodbye as he leaves. There's an audible sigh of relief when he is clearly long gone. "Mai, change the address for food orders."

The next day at school I'm in Chem with Pete and Ned. The latter keeps asking dumb questions. "Can you spit venom?" I have to stifle a laugh, to not get us in trouble.

"No," Pete said flatly.

"Can you summon an army of spiders?" Pete tries to concentrate on the lecture and seems to force himself to write notes. "No, Ned."

I get closer to Pete and whisper, "Can you lay eggs?" He drops his head to the table with a loud thud. "I asked him that too!"

I'm told about Liz's party from MJ. "Are we going, " I ask. She shrugs, that means yes, we are, but we won't act interested in it.

That night me and MJ head to Liz's place. I see May pull up with both the boys. MJ stands with me. "Pete knows Spider-Man. He was supposed to invite him." My eyes go wide. 'What is wrong with this idiot? It's like he secretly wants people to know.' I just laugh, "Is that so?" She nods.

Then they are getting out of the car, Ned waves at who knows what. They start walking up the pathway, Pete pulls up his sleeves, revealing the sleeve of the Spidey suit. It's extremely dark, so I'm probably the only one who notices.

They come in and they are already whispering. Ned's probably laying down the game plan. Swing Spider-Dumbass in and say he and Pete are close.

"I can't believe you guys are at this lame party." I let out a half sigh half laugh. She throws her hair back and acts cool.

Ned says what I'm thinking, "But you guys are here too." She looks at him and turns to me. "Are we?" She takes a bite of toast and walks away. Then Liz comes by. "Oh, my gosh." Peter sees her and his eyes go wide. And there goes Pete. In his own world.

"Hey, guys. Cool hat Ned. Love the dress, Morgan. " She looks me up and down, it's just a simple black dress, it's the only one I have on hand. "Hi Liz," Ned says, and like an echo, Peter repeats. But his voice goes into a higher octave revealing his nervousness.

"I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself." Don't mind if I do. I leave before Peter can give me more second-hand embarrassment. I grab a cup to get some water but somehow my klutz of a self drops it and it breaks. "Goddamnit. Liz is going to kill me." On cue, Liz comes walking in. "No ones hurt right?" I'm afraid to even walk forward, I didn't really wear the greatest shoes for broken glass. Liz grabs a broom and dustpan. As she sweeps I feel awful for making her do all the work.

"I am so sorry Liz, I'm not well coordinated." She laughs and waves her hand, "Oh it's fine, we have tons of those glasses, my parents will never know." She's so kind, it's no wonder why Pete and the entire school loves her. I almost feel guilty for being jealous of her.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now