Miss Lookout

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We start walking down the hall without anyone finding out. I deactivated my suit pieces. Liz sees us, she's in a bathing suit. 'Oh no, Peter, please think with your head, not your-',

"Hey Liz." We say together.
"Perfect timing. We're gonna go swimming. Come on, come on, come on."
She waves for hiding students to come out.

"What?" Is all we can say, teens come pouring out, everyone waving and say hi to us. Peter then suddenly taps me. "Switch me spots." I am confused but I do as he says.

Just then Flash runs past and slaps Peter's butt. 'That's weird... Did he do that on purpose? If so how'd he know Flash was going to do that.' "Hey!" Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it.
"I was, uh... We were gonna go study, um in the business center." Liz looks at me with a knowing gaze.

"Uh-huh, Peter, you don't need to study. You're, like, the smartest guy I've ever met. You don't have to lie about sneaking out with your girlfriend." Peter and I jumped and frantically tried to get words out. We manage in the end to say "We're aren't dating." In unison.
"Either way, a rebellious group activity the day before competition is good for morale."

Peter hums in confusion, "Um., well, I read that in a TEDTalk, so, I-I heard it in a TEDTalk. And I read a coaching book."

I look back at Peter who is completely engrossed with Liz. I wanna puke at the sight.

"Wow, you really... This is really important to you." 'He didn't already know that?' I ask myself.

"Yeah. It's our future. I'm not gonna screw it up. Besides, we raided the minibar and these candy bars were, like, eleven dollars. So get your trunks on and come on." Liz throws us each a candy bar. The group yells at Liz and she runs off.

Pete turns to me, "You can still stay here. Be normal, as much as you can be when you're Tony Stark's secret daughter." I laugh. "No, I'm going. Not a big fan of showing off my body anyway." He motions for me to follow him.

I activate my boots and gloves. We go to the roof. Peter watches our group play in the pool while I fix the settings on my boots. He steps away and puts on his mask. He hops around a little bit searching for something.

"Hello? Hello? Morgan was that you?"
"Was what me?"
"Ah, thank you." He must be talking to his Suit A.I. he continues to talk to her and gets a path to the bad guy. "Let's go, Morgan." He swings off and I follow him. Since there aren't a lot of things to swing on like in NYC, we hop on and off various semi-trucks. "Suit lady said jump." Spidey unexpectedly yells.

So I jumped with him. We land in some tall grass, we cross it and reach an abandoned gas station.
"Well, this is underwhelming."
"Why is their secret lair a gas station? That's so lame." He jumps onto the price sign. I follow him, but I have to be more careful, my suit isn't the greatest at stealth just yet.
"Hey suit lady, what are they doing?"

"I can hear what they're saying? Uh, yeah."
I put on a small visor, it was all I could packet, my helmet wouldn't fit. "Mai, Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."
"Activating Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."

Some men are talking, Spidey is clearly impressed with his suit so far. I'm glad but I wish he would have gotten it legitimately.
"Woah, they're in the middle of a heist. We could catch them all red-handed. This is awesome. Okay, I'm gonna get a little closer so I can see what's happening."

"Uh, Enhanced combat mode?" I recognize that. As long as he doesn't say okay.
"Peter, I don't recommend that just yet."
"Yeah, " he says despite my warning.
The suit's eyes shrink and turn red. Giving the friendly neighborhood Spider-Dweep a menacing look. It doesn't suit him at all. I had to add it though, for emergencies.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want to kill anybody!"
The eyes go back to normal and Peter tries to webswing off the sign but falls straight onto the asphalt.
"What the hell just happened. What was that?"
"You fell and broke you face Spider-Dweep." I don't say it very loud, but he heard me.

"Haha very funny, Morgan. Suit lady, what's wrong with my webshooters?" Peter runs behind the sign.
"Why would I need a rapid-fire?"
"Why wouldn't you need rapid-fire?"
"Woah, Morgan, you really overdid it."

Peter takes quite a bit of time looking down at his hands, selecting a web. "Hurry up," I say looking around as look-out.
"That one." He shoots at a neon sign, it starts to blink on and off.
"What as that?" He pauses to listen to his suit. "Taser webs? I don't want taser webs." 'You will when you get in a situation that calls for taser webs.' All this is happening and I don't feel like I'm doing much. I came to help but it seems like maybe I'm dragging him down. We see a man wearing metal wings fly above us. "Woah, that's so cool. Look at that wingspan."

"Oh, that's him." We follow him. He puts four cubes down on the truck. The space in between glows purple. Spidey drops onto the trailer while I fly behind. My boots start to lose power. I fall, but manage to save myself before I hit the ground. The damage wouldn't have been that bad, but I wouldn't be able to walk very far. I get up and ask Mai to search for a gas station. "Thank God I added that. As much as I like being eco-friendly, I like not being stranded more."

Following Mai's guide, I find a gas station. I got a few stares while pouring gasoline into my boots, but at this point, I didn't care. I need to find and help Pete.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now