Miss Upgrade

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One month later

I excitedly grab my phone and call the one and only Peter Parker. “You have to come up to the facility before fall break ends.” I can barely stop myself from blurting out the surprise.

“And why is this?” He asks nonchalantly. “Because there's I need to show you. I can have Happy come get you right now, or tomorrow morning. Whichever you prefer.”
“You complain about Mr. Stark over-relying on Happy Hogan. But you, yourself, are just as bad.” I scoff at him.

“I can't drive, Tony can. I'm not allowed to take the private jet on my own, Tony can. You see the difference between us.” I continue to talk with my hands despite the fact that I am alone.

“I've got two words for you. Public. Transport.” He says it so calmly.
“That's exactly what I'd expect someone from the lower class would say.” I bust out the old Royal British accent for this one. “I could never get on the same bus as mere peasants like you.” He laughs and I break character to do the same.

“I'll just come over tomorrow then.” We discuss the technicalities then hang up.

The next morning I wake up to Mai alerting me of Peter's presence outside my door. Without getting dressed I walk up to the door and give Pete a quick hug.

“You sit out here, I'll get suited up and I'll show you the surprise.” He nods and goes to sit at my desk.

Quickly, I change into my bodysuit then tap a button and I step into my suit. I walk out of the bathroom and do a twirl for Pete. “Is that all?” I roll my eyes and pull him along to my flight testing area on the roof.

“I've got a massive upgrade. Over the last month, I was thinking about how I could use the suit more effectively.” I drop the helmet onto my head and pull up the visor. “I realized that I didn't need so many different mini weapons when I had so much potential just waiting to be discovered right on my back.”

I let the wings unfold and spring up. “So, with a little help from our biotech branch, we were able to create a chip that allows me to use the wings as if they were real functioning parts of my body.” He stands there slightly confused.

“It means I can control the wings just like I would control my arms and legs.” To demonstrate I flap my wings and begin to hover in the air. Before I was only able to use the wings almost like thrusters. They didn't have much flexibility.

“Oh, and I can trigger razor-sharp feathers at the bottom of the wings.” I prove my claim real by releasing the first row of metal feathers. It then reveals a new set, shiny, and brand new.

“They purposefully dull out very quickly though.” I land and walk up to Peter, waiting for his opinion. “That is crazy. Stark was able to build this in just a few days.” He runs his hand down the side of my right wing.

“Oh, no, of course not. This has been in the works for the last three weeks.” I decide to show him my favorite part. “Watch this.” I fly into the air and wrap my wings around me. They interlace creating an incredibly protective little container.

I fall back onto the ground and excitedly look up at Peter. “It has full life support inside. So if I ever end up underwater, I can just form a ball, drain the water, then it can fill with air.”

“That is so cool!” He has a fanboy moment over all the features of my new suit. It makes me incredibly happy because that means he's going to love his newest suit. As soon as Dad decides to give it to him.

“Hey, Pete. I've got some SHIELD training sessions I've got to get to soon. You wanna join?” His eyes light up.

“Hell yeah!”

A/N: This is where I'm going to end the Nightingale Origins. Thanks for sticking with me through all the slow parts. And read the bigger A/N after this.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now