Miss Useless

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“Okay! Everyone, fill into the bus. Let's get this show on the road.” Miss Warren shouts toward the group of teenagers that still haven't got on the bus. I, of course, made sure I got on first, so I could pick the best seat.

Peter waited outside for Ned. Everyone slowly funnels into the big yellow tin can. School buses aren't nearly as bad as the bus I experienced today. However, I'm still happier with Happy in the driver's seat.

Come to think of it, the man driving our bus looks oddly familiar. I shrug it off though.

Finally, Ned and Peter get on. Pete plants down next to me and Ned sits in front of us.

“So, how did you get Warren to let you come?” I ask, trying to start a conversation. “Oh, I gave it to Mr. Herrington, just like anyone in their right mind, I'm slightly terrified of Ms. Warren.” Of course, he is. Yes, she's a little more intimidating but that doesn't justify terror.

“After all the stunts you've pulled I'm surprised he let you get away with that.” I pull both of my knees to my chest and lean on Peter. After all, he is the comfiest pillow I've ever used.

“What can I say, it's my superpower.” Unfortunately, due to the other students within earshot. I can't be nearly as witty as I usually am. So, he gets a break this one time.

We end up sitting in silence, but it's a comfortable one. The chatter of everyone else keeps me from going insane. I hear someone mention a chemistry test and that reminds me.

“Peter, you have to help me study for the chem test coming up.” He's about to answer me when his arm hair stands straight up. “Oh no, Spidey-Sense.”

We both rapidly twist around to see a massive ring that can not be earthly. Peter lightly taps on Ned.

“Ned, hey, I need you to cause a distraction.” Ned turns and notices the foreign object. It doesn't take him long to realize.

“Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!” He hurriedly gets up along with the others and huddle at the end of the bus. “That certainly worked.”

Peter nods at me and I nod back. He slips on a webshooter and shoots the emergency exit lever on the left side of the bus. Peter jumps out of the window and clings to the side. I make sure no one is paying attention as I slide into the opposite seat.

With one simple button push, I'm fully clad in metal armor. The wings instantly fold up once they sense I'm not in the air.

I manage to squeeze out the window and climb onto the top of the bus. “Where were you hiding that?” Peter's voice comes through my helmet's speakers.

“Nanotech. You like?” He gives me a confirmation and webs something to take off. My wings flap and lift me. These wings sure are a huge improvement from my last ones.

A bit of swinging, and a bit of flying later, we reach the oversized bike tire. I look around and see my father on the ground fighting some Dungeons and Dragons monster.

“Spidey, this way!” I wave my hand towards the fight unfolding. Spidey drops down and catches the alien's weapon. I dive down and try to hold him back from behind.

Spidey, cocky as ever, looks back and says his greetings to Iron Dad.

“Kid, where'd you come from?” I chime in, making my presence known. “We had a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art.”

Big Guy grabs Spidey and tosses him to the side. He attempts the same on me but I fly up before he gets the chance.

“What is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?” Spidey webs something as he speaks. Dad flies around, shooting at it.

“He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.” That would sound extremely abnormal if it weren't for the fact that weirder things have been happening for the last decade.

I try to find an opening where I can jump in. Usually, this ends up being fruitless and I end up flying in the air watching the fight. This time, however, I'm able to shoot him on the opposite side that Tony is shooting.

Spidey tries to jump into him but gets a gut full of metal. Big Guy starts spinning him like a jump rope in a game of helicopter.

Dad and I continue doing our best without superpowers -besides our genius intellect. BG throws a car, but Spidey slams it back down into him on his way back down to Earth.

He does get back up and he seems even angrier. Before I dive back in, a red blur flies past my face. “Kids, that's the wizard. Get on it.” Peter jumps into action, following the wizard.

“But, Dad!” I hesitantly start to hover in the direction Spidey went. “No buts! The wizard is more important at the moment.” I huff but ultimately rush to catch back up to Pete.

I see them right as the smaller alien tosses a billboard behind him. “Spidey watch out!” I visibly cringe when Spidey gets hit directly with the slab of metal.

I swoop down and pull up the board. He regains his momentum and he's off again.

We speed through streets when utility pulls stop bending around the flying guy. It eventually strips the man of his cloak. Spidey saves the man as I save his cape. “You know, sometimes I feel like I'm not actually doing all that much. Am I useless?”

Suddenly the fabric springs to life. It rips free of my grasp, speeding towards its owner, pulling me along with it.

Blue light comes from the ship and pulls everything up. Spidey anchors himself on a light pole, but it quickly gets pulled up too.

“Uhhh, Morgan, Mr. Stark.”
“Don't you dare say it!”
“I'm being beamed up!”
“Goddammit Peter!”

A/N: If you didn't see the announcement, I'm changing the update schedule to Tuesdays and Fridays.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now