Miss Magazine

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“I'll go get Tony,” I say as Spidey crouches in front of the three girls that are now wrapped in his web fluid. “Too late.” At the entrance of the alley stands Ned and my father. “Dammit, Ned.”

“What the hell were you thinking, Morgan?” I deactivate my suit and walk up to my very disappointed dad. “Dad, I can explain. These girls were stalking me on Twitter and then in person. I didn't want you to move me upstate do I decided to take care of it myself.”

I look back and see all three of them glaring at Tony. They really hate him. “Those girls have been sending me death threats for years.”

“You know them?” He nods and crosses his arms. “As we all know, I slept around before you were born. Unfortunately, some of these women neglected to tell me they were married. So their husbands would find out and leave them.”

I sigh and look over to Spidey. He realizes and clears his throat to talk, “Well, I'll be leaving now.” He throws a small two-fingered salute and swings away.

“They could get into your head, so they decided to try with mine,” Dad calls the cops and tell me to go back inside.

Once I do, I stand and stare at the ground. It's over, my first direct threat, and I mostly took care of it myself. It may not have been as big as Peter's but I'm still proud of myself. I can also acknowledge all the things I need to improve on.

Peter, Ned, and MJ find me and pull me along to the corner of the room. “How about we have our own mini party. They aren't playing the best of music, but I have a blue tooth speaker and premium Spotify.” Oh yeah, MJ just thinks I'm freaking out over the party.

“That sounds great.” Ned leaves to push a table over to where we're at. MJ puts the small cylinder on the table and turns it on. And a slow song comes on first. “But first, Peter gets the first dance.” I blush slightly and take his hand. Guests look over at us, I feel a bit self-conscious but I fight it back.

Peter whispers in my ear. “You did great.” I don't say anything and savor the experience.

Soon enough, the song ends and MJ turns on something more upbeat. It's weird dancing in any style other than slow dancing in this type of dress. That doesn't stop me though, I sway my hips and pump my arms in the most awkward but energetically way possible.

Ned joins first. We both look absolutely ridiculous, but the people who matter don't care. All four of us are just having fun, dancing to cheesy and goofy music while other, sharply dress folk watch and chat under their breaths.

I appreciate everything my father has done, but this little dance party in the corner of a ballroom is the perfect birthday for me. Not some fancy, snobby gala.

In the end, it all worked out. But, maybe I should leave the superhero path and just be Morgan Stark. Not the Nightingale.

No, I can't give up like that.

The party end and my friends and I head up to my hotel room. I run into the bathroom and change into casual clothes. “Morgan! Come on I have to pee.” Ned bangs on the door.

“Okay, okay, I'm out.” He runs in and I roll my eyes. “Told you six cups of cider was not a good idea.” I sit next to MJ on the bed. “Hey, guys, I just wanted to say thank you. For everything, today, yesterday. Hell, everyday past, present, or future.”

The rest of the evening is relaxed. As we just sit back and watch the crappy cable the room had.

The next morning I wake up next to MJ. I sit up and look around, Peter is halfway off the bed as Ned is sprawled out taking up two-thirds of it.

Headed to the bathroom, I look at my reflection. I forgot to wash off my makeup and I'm still in jeans.

Quickly I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I plan to wake everyone up. Surprisingly Peter is up when I get out. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”

“No, of course not. I'm a light sleeper outside my own room.” I give him a quick hug before going to shake MJ. He does the same to Ned, but without much luck.

MJ is awake instantly, so we all team up and help Pete. “Well, we could all just cannonball on the count of three.” This startles him and he sits up. Everyone laughs.

We're all ready to leave in about thirty minutes. Then we rush out of the building and back home. Peter and I split from Ned and MJ early on.

“Hey, Morgan. Look at this.” I see him holding up a magazine with big bold letters. “New York's own royalty?”

“What in the world?” I pick up my own copy and being to read. “Last night New York's very own Morgan Stark had a huge Princess-style birthday ball.” Peter flips through the pages. “They sure do print these fast.” I notice a picture of, with a tiara and scepter pasted onto it.

“Since when was I royalty?” Peter shrugs his shoulders and puts the magazine down. I buy one and continue to read it the entire time he walks me home.

“So, apparently the only reason they are saying this is because I have a quote-unquote birthday-style ball.” I shake my head and Peter laughs.

“So glad one of us finds this amusing. The whole school is going to have a hay-day with this.”

A/N: Only one more chapter until we start Infinity War.

Miss Stark  [Peter Parker x OC] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now