1- Veridian

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There was one person walking along the empty street in the rain, their clothes soaked and clinging to their thin frame. He was small and looked scrawny, no one would suspect he is actually one of the most elusive vigilantes that has been evading capture for nine years. Veridian is a vigilante who has almost never been seen during his nine years of work, not even seen by the criminals he takes down. He has been seen by a handful of heroes, Eraserhead, Present Mic, and a couple more small time heroes. He was fast and agile, with quick analysis skills and an understanding of his opponents weaknesses, this is a dangerous combo but it's there in the form of a vigilante. 

As you were reading about Veridian the street was emptied, the boy had disappeared because life doesn't wait for explanations and everything moves on, with or without you. The hidden vigilante was walking down an alley, one of many connected to the maze of dark narrow paths. He made his way through the maze  with practiced ease, confidently making turns in a trail that was nearly impossible to remember. He stopped as he came to a tall brick wall, seemingly a dead end. He stepped forward, his toxic green eyes scanning the wall before he lifted his hand up and pressed a slightly protruding brick that was a shade darker than the surrounding brick. It made a quiet scraping noise and moved into the wall as a doorway sized opening appeared.

He walked into the opening, descending down a set of stairs as the hidden door closed behind him. It was dark, but that was to be expected when you go in and out of the underground for information. He kept his head down, his hood covering his hair and covering his face in a shadow. He wasn't recognized as 'Veridian' as he was in civilian clothing and has almost never been seen by villains and brokers or other thugs that lay low in the underground. Down here he was known as Kieru, fitting really.

He got a few strange looks from newer 'children of the underground' as that's what most people there called themselves, oddly. Veridian didn't fully understand why they called themselves that but he didn't question it, this was a place where the law didn't reach. People born here that want a semi-normal life usually never see the sun, sad but it's true. It's almost like surface life save for the fact that there aren't any heroes wandering around and there are lawbreakers every ten feet. Life down here really isn't the best, it's dirty, you can't really make that much money, and you never know whats going to happen.

That may or may not be another reason for Veridian to frequent this place.

He may be a little bit of an adrenaline junkie but that didn't matter, no one cared for someone on the 'wrong side of the law' anyway. He dodged out of the way of a punch that was sloppily aimed for him, but a downside of walking through is having to fight for passage in someones 'territory.'

"Who do you think you are walking through my territory?" A voice slurred. Great, an alcoholic as well, Veridian could smell the disgusting scent of whatever drink the man man had on his breath and recoiled slightly. He lifted his head to scan the burly drunk, bright green eyes looking empty and almost devoid of life. The man swung again and Veridian dodged again, it wasn't hard seeing as the man was drunk and the vigilante had nine years worth of practice. 

A small crowd of people had begun to form around the two facing off, the crowd made a circle about ten feet in diameter around them. This was basically a custom in the underground, the crowd would form a circle around the fighters so they had enough room to fight. Veridian saw that he wasn't going to get out of this until someone gave up or was knocked out and let out a small sigh of annoyance, he had places to be and people to save, he didn't have time for this idiocy.

The man swung again as he clearly underestimated the small vigilante as he could tell by the stupid smirk on the guys face. Veridian dodged again and moved behind the drunk man, diving into a handstand as said man tried to yet again punch him. Veridian twisted his lower body so that his weight went into a kick right to the mans chest as he turned. The man let out a small yelp as the breath was knocked out of him from the hit. Those who weren't familiar with him stared in shock, seeing as this scrawny looking guy was able to take down someone twice his size. 

The now angered man took another swing at Veridian, the vigilante dodged, twisting around him with ease before aiming a punch that connected with the mans jaw, efficiently knocking him out. Veridian looked at the downed man before turning and walking off, continuing on his way without being stopped again.

Viridian, now back above ground, sat on a rooftop, the breeze blowing past him as the sun started to rise, tainting the dark sky with oranges and yellows as the stars faded. If one was up this early, and was looking closely, they maybe could make out the figure of a vigilante retreating into an alley, his hood falling down to reveal curly, dark green hair and vivid green eyes.


Izuku Midoriya has been missing for the past nine years and is assumed to be dead. Except, he wasn't, he was living alone with a job at a cafe and did online courses for school. He was very much alive and not only that but he was borderline thriving, but he did all of this under a fake name seeing as 'Izuku Midoriya' was as dead as his parents. The police had no evidence that Izuku was dead, but a quirkless person was the least of their worries as there were still villains out. They got a good thrashing from a certain sleep deprived hero who they handed the case over to, he was not happy with the fact that they were basically abandoning a child because of a gene he can't control.

But it was fine, the boy lived though no one knew that as he went by the name Akarui Sora. He didn't really care for the fact that he's quirkless, that just means he had to work twice as hard to prove himself. He didn't really care for what people thought of him so he ignored the whispers that would trail him since he was proclaimed quirkless. That's a lie, he cares about everyone else's safety above his own well being, he had almost zero sense of self-worth and would probably die before he allowed someone close to him get hurt.

He would do his best to help those who needed it, being a kind and shy boy during the day but by nightfall he was an elusive vigilante that nearly got scorched by Endeavor last week. By night he was Veridian.

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