18- 'Secret love child'

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Internships were a breeze after that, just a few common purse snatchers and back alley thugs who rose up from the small window of chaos that Stain and the Nomus brought. None of them succeeded, easily being taken down by the still of high alert heroes and the occasional intern. Nothing going near the level of disaster of what is now known as the Hosu indecent. Izuku stayed under the radar after that, fighting Stain was eventful enough and the media was already blowing it up. They even got quirk 'readers' to try and figure out what kind of quirk he had.

"It seems he has an agility quirk, it would make sense how he was able to dodge most of Stains attacks." Izuku groaned quietly as he heard the video playing from someone's phone on the bus. Don't they use headphones or earbuds for that? It's irritating listening to alleged 'quirk analyzers' drone on about one that doesn't exist.

"No, it has to be a strength or analytical quirk." Another chimed in as Izuku covered his ears, grumbling to himself. He knew that it was illogical for anyone to think that the kid who took down Stain did it without a quirk, few people were quirkless and even fewer people his age. Was it still annoying? Yes, extremely.


Izuku walked into class and went straight to his seat behind Mineta, or as Katsuki liked to call him; the purple pervert fuck. And Izuku could not agree more seeing as the grape headed boy was currently leering at Momo. If looks could kill, Mineta would be nothing but dust from the glare Izuku was giving him. Mineta, being smart for once, turned his gaze from the girls and to his desk before he got hurt.

Class was boring, as per usual, with one exception being Aizawa telling them that there is going to be a summer training camp. Sounds festive. Everyone got excited about it but plot twist they had to pass exams to do it. The exams will be next week so they could prepare for it, Izuku was kinda surprised Aizawa didn't just dump it on them like a pop quiz the next week. That would have been horrible for half the class since not everyone is bright with book smarts. Izuku leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms up over his head. It was almost time for basic hero training with All Might which should be interesting, let's see how bad All Might's teaching is today. Sure he's a reasonably good hero but he isn't a teacher, it just doesn't suit him. Izuku heard the very first training session the class did with him almost got someone killed but that's none of his business.

Aizawa left the classroom and almost instantly after All Might came in doing an odd pose while saying 'I'm coming through the door like a normal person!' Which he wasn't.

"Alright everyone, go get in your hero suits and meet me on Ground Omega!" All Might said after clearing his throat. The class filed out, chatting as they went to the locker rooms to change. Izuku was walking with Katsuki when someone tapped him on the shoulder. Izuku turned to see who it is and saw Shoto standing there, he looked like he was puzzling over something.

"What is it Shoto?" Izuku asked.

"I've been thinking, are you the vigilante Veridians secret love child?" The dual haired boy asked with the most deadpan expression on his face. It was silent for a minute before both Izuku and Katsuki burst into laughter, the later of the two covering his mouth quickly to try and restrain the laughs.

"I never thought of you to be a theorist Shoto!" Izuku said between gasps for breath and laughter.

"What the hell is wrong with you half-n-half?" Katsuki managed out, cackling and trying to regain his posture. Izuku on the other hand was almost dying, crouched and holding his stomach.

"Shoto, Veridian is to young to have kids." Izuku said after he calmed down a little, still chuckling lightly. "We should get to class before we're late."


"Today we will be playing a little game of reverse hide and seek, where there is one hider." All Might said, standing infront of the class. A few murmurs started up before Tenya raised his hand stiffly.

"Sir! Wouldn't that be unfair to the hider?" The armored boy asked, his hand falling back to his side without bending at all. All Might laughed lightly at the question.

"It would seem that way for a normal game, but this area is large allowing anyone to move through it to hide. So! Who wants to be the hider?" All Might asked and Izuku's hand immediately shot up, the only person willing to hide from twenty other people. All Might looked startled but cleared his throat and smiling brightly.

"Excellent! Now, I will keep the rest of the class here for half a minute for you to hide, you are only 'found' once someone tags you. Time starts.... Now!" As soon as All Might said now Izuku was gone, vanishing into the large forest of ground Omega. Katsuki scoffed, bringing the attention of the other students to him.

"No one's going to find him." The explosive blond said matter of factly. This created an uproar with the class.

"No way a quirkless person can hide from all of us!" Mineta shouted above the arguing. Shoto, Tenya and Katsuki all glared at him, well, Katsuki glares while Tenya gave a disappointed look and Shoto looked unimpressed. The rest of the class turned to Mineta, seems like the little annoyance hasn't watched the news.

"You are aware he took down Stain right?" Momo asked after a pause. Mineta gave her an 'are you serious' look.

"He may have beaten me in a fight but you don't have to make up some impossible scenario." The ball haired boy said. Hitoshi glared at him.

"You're giving purple haired people a bad rap with your perverted idiocy and obliviousness." The sleep deprived boy stated, glaring at the short boy. Tenya frowned.

"Mineta, both Todoroki and I were there when he knocked out Stain. It is unheroic of you to assume how strong someone is by their quirk status, or lack of one." Tenya said as he chopped at the air. Mineta's expression went from annoyance to disbelief, his eyes going wide.

"You're being serious?!" Mineta shouted but luckily he was left mostly in the dark as the time ran out for Izuku to hide.

"Alright, you have the entire class time to try and find him, if you do we will start another game." All Might said and the class broke off into groups. Katsuki was annoyed to find Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari and Mina tagging along with him. Momo, Jiro, and Kota teamed up as Sato, Shoji, Tokoyami and, strangely, Aoyama formed a group. Ochaco, Tenya and Tsuyu joined together while Ojiro and Hagakure teamed up forming their own little duo. Hitoshi and Shoto set off alone, like the stubborn people they are about staying 'lone wolves' and Mineta was just left behind seeing as no one wanted to deal with him at the moment. Each team, or person for the loners, took a different route, fanning out through the dark trees in search of their green headed classmate.

Izuku was near the middle of the forest in one of the taller trees, relaxing in the middle of where several branches split off, creating a small alcove. Perfect for taking a nap in Izukus opinion. The greenette was currently stretched out in the hidden spot, his eyes closed as he listened for anyone getting close. There only real reason he wanted to be the hider was because he was tired, having not slept much the past week. That and maybe to brush up on his vanishing abilities, a little trick he learned after being Veridian for a couple of years. It was a useful skill, especially when running from anyone and everyone, Veridian wasn't really liked by anyone on either side, mainly the villainous side hated him seeing as he stopped part of the attack on the USJ. He didn't really care, can't 'take care of' what you can't find.

He opened an eye as he heard a small explosion and Katsuki screaming at who Izuku assumed was Kaminari.

"Shut up Dunce face!"

"Dude chill Bakugo."

Izuku rolled his eyes as the arguing continues, shifting into a curled up position. They were never going to find him.

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