16- Never assume

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Shoto wasn't planning on finding Stain, nor was he planning on seeing Iida there paralyzed as Stain walked over to the pro Native, about to kill. Shoto was having none of that and sent a wave of ice at the villain, forcing him to dodge. The heterochromatic boy sent his location to the group chat, hoping someone understood and was close enough to help. He just had to stall for time.

"Kid get out of here! Stain's after me not any of you!" Native said. Shoto scoffed lightly, sending a fire blast at Stain and gorging him to retreat further.

"Like that's gonna happen, innocent people's lives are at stake if he's not brought in." Shoto replied, barely dodging a knife that was thrown at him but it still skinned his cheek. Stain burst forward so fast Shoto didn't comprehend it in time and next thing he knew he couldn't move. He cursed to himself, hating he got caught.

"You children stay out of my way. You'll be true heroes one day." Stain said as he walked towards Native. "But the fake heroes will have to be taken care of for the real ones to grow." He poised his katana to strike, aiming for a fatal spot on the pro.

Right as he started to swing down something small clicked against the ground and smoke filled the alley briefly, the only thing in the blind state was the single sound of metal against metal. The smoke cleared, revealing Izuku standing between Stain and Native with his arms raised against against Stains katana. For a second Shoto thought the blade had sunk into the greenettes forearm but then saw the metal that protected them and let out a small breath he didn't know he was holding.

Izuku held Stains gaze for a moment before pushing back against the katana and quickly taking out his baton, extending it right into the hero killers gut.

"Sorry Stain but no can do there." Izuku said as he leaned casually against the Bo. He ducked under a knife that was thrown his way, blocking Stains katana with his staff.

"Another kid?" Stain questioned, wondering why these teenagers were there.

"Ever hear of 'never judge a book by its cover?'" Izuku muttered as he rolled his eyes, ducking under another throwing knife. He had his staff collapse again and switched to using his escrima sticks, a small smirk playing at his lips.

"Wanna kill anyone you gotta go through me." Izuku said. A few shouts of protest and a really creepy grin (the hero/ heroes in training and Stain respectively) later and a full blown fight had started. The sound of clashing metal rang around the alley, blurs of green, black, and red were all you could make out of the two speed fighters.

Izuku was aware of Stain being more of a speed than stamina fighter, preferring to take opponents out quickly. This would work in Izukus favor since he is both a speed and stamina fighter. He could go for a long time, obvious from his solid week of nonstop fighting. Even so, fighting Stain was harder to fight so Izuku was tiring faster than usual. But he saw Stain was starting to get frantic with his movements, starting to make miniscule mistakes. Better than his earlier mistake of underestimating Izuku.

Izuku blocked a katana and jumped back at the same time Stain did. Both were on some degree of self control and calm, one closer to the losing it side of that spectrum. Stain was starting to rush, throwing another one of his knives at the green haired student. Said student easily dodged, angering the hero killer more.

If Stain had to admit one thing, it'd be that this kid is good and that he severely underestimated him. The green haired boy could probably take on Endeavor and win with his smarts and skill. This teenager was keeping up with the famous hero killer step for step without an obvious problem. To Stain the kid had a familiar aura, a clear confidence to the way he walked and moved that wasn't normal for that age group.

This kid has been through a lot, you could see it in his eyes.

Then it clicked. Why the kid was so familiar was because Stain had fought him before, around a week ago to be exact. This teenager was, somehow, Veridian.

Izuku saw when it clicked, Stains whole demeanor changing from angered to cautious and almost confusion. The greenette smirked, changing his aura to the one that was usually shown in Veridian. He noticed that Iida, Shoto and Native didn't notice the shift in energy, oh well, not his problem. The two rushed forward and clashed again, blade meeting baton in a shower of sparks before Stain jumped back again. Izuku followed, spinning into a kick to Stains right before delivering a punch to the hero killers gut, dodging a sloppy attempt at slashing his arm.

Izuku jumped up, the springs in his shoes boosting the height to it. He flipped over a katana and kicked it, sending it clattering along the ground as Stain let out an annoyed growl. The knife wielding man lunged at the younger boy, swing his remaining katana. Izuku ducked, lashing out with one of his escrima sticks that knocked the sword away. He dropped into a crouch and swung his leg out, catching the back of Stains ankles and causing him to fall roughly. Immediately Izuku had Stain pinned and started de-weaponizing him, just how many knives does one person need?


"Izuku, you fucking idiot." Aizawa said as he gave his intern a smack upside the head, this crazy kid just ran off and fought Stain, of all people to go after he chooses the S-rank villain who is known for killing heroes. The Problem Child gave him an annoyed glare before his eyes glinted slightly.

"You only said not to get myself killed, I'm not dead yet." Izuku sassed, earning an annoyed sigh from the teacher. Both Tenya and Shoto would have said something to the shorter boy but he's the one who took down Stain and they also ran straight into danger. They were just outside the alley where Izuku fought Stain being talked to with the heroes since sometime during the beginning of his fight Izuku had called for back up. There was just Aizawa, Manual, and Native there until Endeavor showed up with his sidekicks while he was looking for an escaped Nomu. Izuku was looking around for the Nomu when he saw it appear from the corner of his eye, heading right for Shoto. The green haired boy shouted a warning to the others as he darted forward, shoving the taller boy out of the way. Izuku hissed as the Nomus talon like feet wrapped around his torso, digging into his skin through his suit.

He heard multiple shouts of his name as he saw the ground fall below him, getting further away as he was carried off. Izuku twisted around as he pulled the knife from his pocket, he refused to die here and was not about to be taken by a retreating Nomu that didn't want to leave empty handed. He heard a few more shouts as he sunk his knife into the Nomus leg, a few seconds later Izuku felt the Nomu swerve off track and crashed into the ground with a shower of dust.

Izuku sat up and groaned, rubbing his shouler, "That hurt." He muttered to himself and let out an annoyed sigh as he realized his shoulder was dislocated. He easily shoved it back into place as he heard Stain speaking, the hero killers aura flaring out. Izuku was unaffected by it, like before it was just an annoyance, similar to that of a fly. The green haired boy gave an agitated sigh, his eyes half-lidded as Stain started rambling about the heroes being fake and how hero society was fucked up. It certainly was but you really shouldn't say it aloud because there is going to be someone out there who will fight you on that statement.

The heroes were frozen in place, the intense bloodlust radiating off of Stain, the villain spitting what most people would refuse to believe but then again no one really liked the truth did they. Seconds later the hero killer lunge right for Endeavor, knife aimed to kill.

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