2- Fame doesn't make a hero

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Izuku hummed a small tune as he washed the dishes, the cafe he was working at was closing early today. He cleaned up the kitchen before leaving, waving a bye to his coworker as he walked out the door. He was walking down the street when he heard an explosion and flinched, looking around for the source of the explosion. He saw a crowd over by an alley that was in between two shops, he went over to check out of curiosity and a familiarity with the resounding explosions.

When he got there he was disappointed to hear that there was a sludge villain that had caught a kid hostage and the heroes weren't doing anything to help. He let out a breath and started carefully weaving through the crowd to the front to asses the situation, he was not expecting to hold eye contact with the victim, familiar crimson eyes burned into his green ones for a split second. He blinked and scanned the villain, his confusion disappearing for now seeing as he had to do someones job for them.

He had quickly made out that the villain was almost completely a liquid except for his eyes, the only solid part and to be frank Izuku was surprised the heroes hadn't figured it out yet seeing as he did it in less than ten seconds. He looked over his surroundings before bolting forward, ignoring the shouts from the pro heroes as he picked up a stray pipe. It was thin and about five feet long, perfect for a Bo staff.

Izuku ran towards the sludge villain, temporary staff twisting in his hand as he brought it down onto the criminals eye. The guy screeched in pain and anger as he was momentarily blinded, Izuku took that change to plunge his arm into the sludge and grab the other boy by the arm. He pulled the ash-blond out and moved him so that he was away from the villain with Izuku in between them.

"AH!! You brat!" The slime villain shrieked, the scream causing Izuku flinch due to his sensitive hearing. That's how he was able to pick up the almost inaudible mutter from the boy he saved but that was pushed to the back to the greenettes mind as the sludge lunged for him. He braced for an impact but that's not what happened.

"I am here!" An obnoxiously loud voice boomed as a figure blurred past Izuku and punched the slime villain, causing a gust of wind to form and it harshly threw Izuku off his feet and into a wall. He slouched, annoyed, tired and really doesn't want to deal with the media at the moment seeing as his back was most likely bruising from how hard he hit the wall. He shook his head and stood up, grumbling as it started to rain thanks to All Mights punch.

"Kid, you didn't have to step in we had it under control!" Death Arms scolded Izuku and the boy looked up at him with a blank face.

"If you mean 'letting a minor die' by 'we had it under control' then yes, you did." His words shocked the pros, but he wasn't done. "If you really had it under control then what was your plan?"

"We were going to call for someone with a quirk-" Kamui was cut off by the young boy.

"'With a quirk suited for this' right? Were you really willing to let a child die because of your hesitance? Because you were too blind to see the villains weakness? Because I sure as hell wasn't" Izuku snapped, giving the heroes a level stare that clearly held disappointment that the heroes seemed to shrink away from before the boy turned and started to walk away.

"Wait kid, you need to fill out a police report." Death Arms said and stepped in front of the greenette. Izuku just blankly stared at him for a moment before speaking.

"I'm sorry but you heroes saw what I did, and they'd believe you over the 'kid who blindly ran into danger." Izuku said bitterly, watching said heroes gawk at him. Izuku sighed, closing his eyes briefly so he didn't snap at them.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood for this right now and I have somewhere to be and would rather not be late. So are you going to let me go or am I going to have to leave some other way." Izuku said calmly, staring the heroes down. While it wasn't a total lie that he needed to be somewhere he didn't have to be there until sunset but he didn't want to be around these heroes any longer. No he, in fact, did not like most heroes for a few reasons.

One; a lot of heroes do it for fame and/or money, jumping into situations they weren't needed or aren't qualified for.

Two; most have no regard for public safety when they are fighting villains, stray attacks cause collateral damage to surrounding buildings.

Three; some heroes, like Endeavor, try and force their rivalries between other heroes onto their children.

And four?

They gave up on him.


It was close to midnight and Izuku, Veridian at the moment, was walking calmly along a railing. That was on a roof, around ten stories up. Could he die if he so much as breathed wrong? Yes. Did he care? No. Did he have a death wish? Well, he did fight villains and antagonize heroes through them not being able to find him so maybe. Was he currently being tailed by one of the only heroes that he's let see him? Yes. Yes he is and he knows it.

"Eraser, are you going to confront me or are you just going to tail me the entire night?" Izuku asked, turning so he could see the tired looking pro while still keeping his balance. Said tired pro looked almost surprised that the teen vigilante had noticed him, and that he was balanced on a two inch pole that was a hundred feet off the ground. 

"How'd you  know I was here?" Eraser asked in his usual monotone.

"Ah, I'm not sure about that myself." Izuku replied honestly but he could tell that Eraser didn't believe it at all.

"Is that your quirk?" Izuku burst out laughing. Quirk? Him? Impossible.

"No, no it is not." Izuku responded, calming down. His head suddenly snapped up, fully alert. Not five seconds there was a scream from nearby and Izuku was gone, Eraser following close behind him. Eraser got to the scene a minute after Veridian, finding the vigilante engaged in a battle with five other people, most of them almost twice his size. Aizawa would have been worried save for the face that the vigilante was easily weaving around any attacks, keeping the fight to the shadows as to mostly stay hidden.

That was until one of the five pulled a gun on him.

Three shots rang out in the air, two of the randomly shot bullets hitting Veridian, one in his shoulder while the other caught his side. Aizawa took that as a chance to lash out his capture weapon, snatching the gun away from the shooter as he jumped down from his perch on the fire escape. 

Then Veridian burst forward, twisting in a way that seemed almost unnatural as he dodged a quirk enhanced punch. He then grabbed the thugs arm and threw him over his shoulder, the force of connecting with the ground stunned the guy long enough for Veridian to hit his pressure point.

Aizawa was watching him from the corner of his eye, noting that he was fighting with two bullet wounds and would later come to realize the amount of pain tolerance that this guy has is worrying. He had a feeling that the vigilante wasn't as he seems to be, while most would label him as on the 'wrong side of the law' Aizawa had noticed this wasn't entirely true. Veridian never brought thugs in with more than maybe a few broken bones, he seemingly never used his quirk unless it was a mental one, and he never threw the first punch which allowed him to reasonably call it self defense.

Aizawa saw how the vigilantie was threading through the loopholes and was toeing the line of legality. He knew there was no way someone could justly arrest him since he was technically not breaking the law as a vigilantie unless he was proven to be using a quirk. Aizawa also saw how well Veridian could fight, he knew how to move his body and was pretty agile. 

Aizawa shook his head before knocking the last guy out, tying them up with some capture tape he had. He turned to find Veridian climbing up the fire escape and followed him, seeing the vigilante taking bandages out of his utility belt and started patching himself up. Aizawa decided to ask the question that had been plaguing him for a while now.

"You can fight well and clearly have experience in medicine. And you have a natural instinct to stick your nose in trouble" He started.

"Yes, your point?" Veridian asked.

"Why didn't you become a hero?"

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