15- The chaos is just beginning

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Izuku sat at his desk, silently listening to the chatter of his classmates as he absentmindedly doodled in his sketchbook. He didn't react at all when the bell rang to go to lunch, preferring to stay in the quiet classroom instead of the near deafening cafeteria. No one really cared, it's not like he was actively seeking out friends during his time at Yuuei, nor did he really want any.

During his time as a vigilante he had closed himself off from people, causing him to have little sociable abilities. He could hold a conversation for a bit but making friends was a different story.

"Ay, Problem Child." Aizawa said, getting Izuku's attention. "You're interning with me alright? I have a feeling you're going to try doing something stupid." Izuku smirked slightly.

"If you call stopping Stain-" "Yep, planning something extremely stupid." The tired pro said, not even giving Izuku a chance to finish. The problem in question was laughing as Aizawa went to the front of the class, grabbing his obnoxiously bright yellow sleeping bag.

"Don't blow up my classroom." Was all he said before leaving, most likely going to the teachers lounge to sleep through lunch. Izuku hummed a response as he put his sketchbook away. He took out a light grey notebook that had no obvious title on the front, flipping it open. Notes and drawings flashed across the pages as he got to a blank one.

He scribbled some notes down on Minas quirk, doing a small sketch of her using it on the side. 'Acid' was a pretty versatile quirk, able to be used both offensively and defensively as well as for movement. He didn't realize he was rambling out loud until a cheery voice broke through his thoughts.

"What detailed analysis, a hobby?" Izuku blinked and looked over to find Yuueis resident rat-bear. Izuku looked back at his notebook and nodded, finishing up his thought.

"May I look through it?" Nezu asked, curiously peering at Izukus notebook from where he was standing on the chair infront of Izukus desk. The greenette nodded and turned the book around so the principal could read it, waiting as he flipped through it.

Nezu was impressed, this was top tier analysis for just being a hobby. He flipped through slowly, looking over the notes he had. The specific notebook had some of his staff along with half of his classmates, most of it seemed recent. The notes were detailed, to the point that out could be big trouble if they somehow fell into the wrong hands.

"You said you were homeschooled, Where did you learn how to do this?" Nezu asked curiously, looking over support item ideas for his staff.

"Ah, I've always had a thing for analyzing quirks and vigilantism brought out more of that talent." Izuku replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Nezu kept that in mind, closing the notebook.

"Do you have more of these notebooks?" Nezu was answered with a nod from the green haired boy.

"I don't have them with me at the moment though." Izuku said, twirling his pencil between his fingers. He knew someone would have found out about his little hobby eventually, he had a feeling he'd be asked to help the other students out with their quirks. He didn't really care though, it was a useful skill that not very many people have, especially at his age.

So he wasn't surprised at all when the principal asked if he could analyze the rest of his classmates. He said it as if Izuku wasn't going to do it already, they really don't know him that well.


"Hey, Iida?" The blue haired boy turned to see none other than Izuku. He was honestly surprised seeing as the boy didn't seem like one to interact much with others, similar to Todoroki and Shinso. The only difference is that Izuku had a confident and, strangely, wiser air about him. He never hesitated, obvious by his almost reckless actions during the obstacle race during the Sports festival, and didn't seem to ever second guess himself. But right now he looked nervous, shifting from foot to foot as he configured a sentence in his head.

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