28- Depends

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How does a Pokemon au of mha sound to you guys? Idk, I've had the idea for a bit but I'm not sure. Any opinions?)


"We're really going to allow the press to ask questions? And I have to be there? Why not All Might? He's better with the public than I am." Aizawa said to Nezu, looking more tired than usual.

"Unfortunately they want the two teachers that were there and me since I'm the principal, if I could I'd have you go on the rescue mission with the other heroes." The mouse-bear or whatever species he is said, taking a sip of tea.

"Besides, I'm not too worried about the boy." The principal stated.

"Because of being Veridian?" Aizawa questioned.

"No, because of his analytical skills. Have you seen his notebook?" Nezu asked. Aizawa shook his head in response, watching as the white furred principal grinned creepily and stood up. He went to his desk and opened a drawer, taking out a normal college ruled notebook and walking over to him.

"Here!" He said cheerfully. Aizawa looked at the notebook, then to the principal then back to the notebook and he carefully took it from the rat-bears paws. Opening it to the first page.

Navel Lazer
User shoots a blue lazer out of his stomach, but if it's more than a second then his stomach starts to hurt. Does that mean it's similar to Momo's in the aspect of using fats or sugars to work? If so then does his body convert the fat/sugar into energy that directly passes through his stomach when his Quirk is activated? He also needs to work on hand to hand combat seeing as he can't always rely on his quirk.

Aizawa stared and flipped forward a few pages.

She is able to make anything float if she touches it with five fingers, nothing is really obvious to point a weakness. But she does need to work on creativity when it comes to using it, maybe she can use her quirk on little missiles that have sleeping gas in them for a quick end to the fight. They would be remotely controlled and would turn on when she uses her quirk on them. Her hero costume should have bracelet like support gear that presses the pressure points in her wrists to help with the nauseousness, and her shoes shouldn't be that bulky or heeled. I think they should be skinnier for mobility and flat footed, the sole being made of a foam like material to mute her footsteps and make landing less harsh.

Aizawa flicked further into the book.

A pretty destructive quirk that isn't really concentrated into one point, that being said he could accidentally hit one of his teammates. It only works from his palms, if you avoid his hands you'd have the advantage. It works best with close quarters combat of he doesn't have the gauntlets, which could be shrunk a little so they don't prevent mobility, you could also build shock absorbers into the gauntlets to prevent the explosion recoil. If it's in a cold environment he would be at the disadvantage since he sweats nitroglycerin to ignite the explosions, warmer temperatures would be best. Small hand grenades made from nitroglycerin would also work of he over uses his quirk.

"God damn." Aizawa said, closing the notebook. "I'm going to give it to All Might to see if his brain gets overloaded."

"Don't, at least not yet." Nezu said. "After we get Izuku back then you can show him, maybe it'll help his teaching."

"That's gonna take a miracle, both of us know that." Aizawa replied, giving the notebook back to the principal.

"Come on, it's almost time for the meeting."


"Iida, why are you here?" Hitoshi questioned.

"To make sure you idiots don't break the law or get yourselves killed." The speckled boy replied. The group was five people, Katsuki, Shoto, Hitoshi, Tenya and Momo. The raven haired girl had already made a second tracker, she was currently holding it as she listened to the boys talk. She and Katsuki have been silent, Katsuki was understandable; he just had his closest friend kidnapped. But Momo was thinking, why would they want to go after the greenette?

They most likely know he's quirkless, they got school files once so it wouldn't be surprised if they did again. If they knew he was quirkless then why wouldn't they actually go for Katsuki or Hitoshi, it didn't make sense. Sure he was strong and quick on his feet but so were the other two, well, one already was while the other was learning. Something just didn't add up. She was thinking when something clicked in her brain, it was like if an image was layered over another. Just the images were Izuku and Veridian.

Both Shoto and Momo gasped silently, at the same time. The dual haired boy had figured it out as well, they stayed silent though, unsure weather or not to say anything. It made more sense why he was able to take down Stain, why he was closed off, why the villains would want him to join them or take him out of the game. Izuku might be the deciding factor in this entire thing.

Then you realize that anything could be the deciding factor. A yes, a no, going left instead of right. One little decision could end the world, or save it. One, tiny, slip up could be someones demise, it's a terrifying thought. One, single thing, could change everything. It could tilt the very foundation of society, it could turn everything on its head.

One person, if they're smart enough, could destroy society. Or the villain society, it all depends on a choice.

One choice.

A yes or no.

Accept it or deny it?

It all...



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