26- To the plan

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A few days prior~

"Are you sure you want to go after him? Why not Bakugo or Shinso? Or even that Todoroki kid? Someone with actual power or a reason to become a villain." Dabi stated, crossing his arms.

"Yea, he isn't like the others who wants to be a hero for selfish gain, and probably wouldn't join us." Spinner said. Shigaraki glared at them, itching his neck in irritation. 

"Fine, but only if you can't get Midoriya. Then you can go for Shinso or Bakugo. Got it?" The blue haired male hissed. The green haired boy was valuable, his analytical mind would be useful and not to mention his strength. He was powerful, just not in the way most see it. Unlike most idiotic and brainless pawns in his game, Shigaraki knew that Izuku Midoriya was the vigilante Veridian. A valuable asset that has info on heroes, it was astounding how this fifteen year old, quirkless boy could be Veridian, and give a huge advantage to the villains or heroes.

He could also be their biggest enemy, it was just the question of if they get him on their side or not.


The green haired boy kicked Spinners knife away, shattering the giant blade made out of the smaller ones. The lizard stepped back in surprise, the broken belt straps falling to the ground with the many knives. This kid was powerful, that's for sure, even without a Quirk he was able to take out the Stain worshippers main weapon. He quickly snatched up a few of the knifes, aiming to bury it into the boys arm. He didn't expect him to dodge at the last second, the knife slicing through air before it was stabbed into Mages side.

It was almost an absolute nightmare, but Dabi just got there and had a lot of fire power.

The scarred male sent a blast of bright blue flames at him, biting his tongue as he really didn't want to hurt him. You see, while Shigaraki thought no one else knew of Izuku's little secret, Dabi knew since the sports festival. The greenette had taken a nasty burn from Endeavor for him, before he was the villain Dabi. He sighed, the flames that came from him open palm stopping.

As the smoke cleared a figure was seen on the ground, unmoving for a split second before he shot up and threw a well aimed knife at someone near his group of classmates. Compress hissed in pain, clutching his injured hand. He was about to trap Katsuki in a marble but the targeted greenette, who looked burnt, had stopped him.

The aforementioned green haired problem child was panting, his arms singing with the pain of both the flames and being, most likely, broken from his fight with Muscular. He whirled into a roundhouse that knocked a thrown knife off course, a disappointed pout coming from Toga. She and Twice had just joined the party, outnumbering the greenette further. Katsuki was about to step in, freezing at the look Izuku shot him, and backed up. If anyone from his class or even 1-B were to jump in right now they would be a distraction to him, causing him to put himself in more danger by constantly putting himself between hits to cover for the other.

It was better to just sit back and wait, or go get a pro hero so the greenette would worry less. But Dark Shadow wasn't having any of that, not wanting his friends to get hurt, and lunged at Mange, wrestling with her over the large magnet as Izuku dodged a punch from Twice. Dabi's flames raced toward the sentient shadow, forcing it to back off into the safety of the shadows. That annoyed the avian and they kept trying to find a way to get to the greenette, which proved to be useless as Dabi kept the shadow away from the fight with his flames.

Izuku bit his tongue harshly as Mange landed a hit to his right leg, most likely shattering it. The greenette stepped back, away from the female as he panted. The villains thought they got the upper hand, starting to close in on him. His hair covered his eyes for a minute before he looked up, toxic green seeming to glow in the shadows before he lunged at the nearest villain; Toga. The blond didn't even get a chance to react as the greenette punched her in the stomach before jumping, twisting in the air and landing on his hands, using his good leg to kick her in the shoulder. A pop came from the blondes shoulder and she shrieked in pain, clutching the dislocated limb.

Izuku didn't miss a beat, pushing off the ground in a handspring as he landed in a crouch and on his left foot. He elbowed Twice in the face as he stood up, quickly transitioning into a kick to the villains chest. He barely flinched as he put pressure on his injured leg, whirling around and dodging a blast of fire.

"How the hell did he get faster?" Compress hissed to himself, ducking under a kick aimed for his face. The boy side stepped a punch and snarled, literally biting the persons arm and drawing blood. He let go, twisting away from a knife from Spinner.

Izuku felt his body flaring with pain, shutting itself down. He took a controlled breath, his vision blurring slightly as he stepped back, the tip of it slashing his chest. He kicked the persons hand and the knife clattered to the ground, the person clutching their wrist in pain. The greenette lost control of his breathing and it came out in quick, ragged breaths. He swayed slightly but he lunged for Dabi, getting pushed back by a wave of blue flames. Once the smoke and flames cleared he was on the ground, the only sign that he was alive was the tiny rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

He couldn't move, everything hurt from the heat and broken bones. He didn't get any sleep the nights before either, exhausted and then tried to fight the villains six on one. He has taken six on one before, so why couldn't he now?! He heard someone shout his name as he was picked up by Twice, he tried to fight back but his body refused to function. His eyes closed involuntarily and the green haired teen slipped into unconsciousness.

Hitoshi could only stare in surprise as the villains started leaving through a warp gate, when did that even get there? He wondered but he couldn't think correctly, the person who helped him get into the hero course was currently being carried through a portal by villains. He heard an explosion from beside him as Katsuki rocketed forward, while the purple haired male felt rooted to the spot. It's like he subconsciously knew it would be useless to try and help now, it was too late.

The warp gate closed as soon as the ash blond got to it, he vaulted through empty space. He looked around, face contorting in anger as he realized he was still at the camp.

"Fucking damnit!" The explosive boy shrieked, larger than normal explosions sparking off his palms.

Silence followed in the clearing as the full realization of the situation set in. Izuku was gone, and who knows what's going to happen.

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