37- Work studies

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In the morning Izuku was woken up by the sun peeking through his curtains, the way it was having the beam of burning early morning light slant perfectly across his eyes annoyingly. He groaned softly and sat up, stretching his arms as a yawn escaped his mouth. The greenette swung his legs over the side of his bed, feet brushing against cool wood as he silently went down to the common room, getting a cup of coffee.

He hoped up onto the counter, leaning back on his arm as he used it to prop himself up and just held his warm mug and watching the steam, listening to the soft creaking of the hardwood floors and the occasional shifting from the students sleeping upstairs. He liked it, just before the sun's fully risen and the place still washed in quiet before the city woke up. It was nice.

He looked up from where he was zoning out staring at the steam that rose from the cup and swirled into the air, spotting a familiar head of lavender colored hair as Hitoshi walked down the stairs. The other glanced up, nodding to the greenette before going to get himself some coffee as well, a comfortable silence stretching between them.

Soon enough, too soon in Izuku's opinion, the others started waking up and chatter filled the common room, the greenette silently listening as he took a sip of coffee. It was the normal morning conversations; 'what do you think we're going to do today?' 'I wonder if Aizawa's gonna show us a video again' and Katsuki yelling at someone for something or other. The normal.

It was, again, all too soon they they had to be in class, waiting for their teacher to show up in his horrendously yellow sleeping bag. But like always he shows up right as the bell, or the weird recorded siren of Present Mics voice, went off. It always makes the greenette grimace, too high pitched and loud for him, but he's already changed it to multiple other recordings at this point, ones he took of his willing classmates.

To say each time it was changed the teachers were amused would be an understatement. There were several of the teachers themselves that had the students of 1-A wheezing such as; a lower pitched Aizawa saying 'Sit down and shut the fuck up it's time for class.' one with a very high pitched All Might after he burst through the door exclaiming; 'I AM HERE! To tell you to get to your seats!' and one of Mic screeching; 'OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA TIME FOR CLASSES!' which didn't need to change pitch seeing as there was a sorta voice crack already in the middle of his long winded 'yea.'

The greenette was very prideful of those recordings, and when Aizawa have him a slightly amused 'unimpressed' look he just shrugged and smirked. Today though it was just the normal, boring, and way too loud siren, but tomorrow is definitely going to be different.

Aizawa gave the green eyed boy a look, said problem child's mouth twitching up into a small smirk that was gone within a few seconds. An eye roll from the pro hero and then he started speaking, reminding them of the mandatory work studies, where they'll be working more as actual sidekicks or even pros with an actual hero who had more experience.

Then he called in the big three, third years at the top of their classes, Mirio Togata, Hado Nejire, and Tamaki Amajiki. It was honestly not that surprising so why everyone else was shocked was beyond the greenette. Quiet gossip filled the class as the three walked in, Amajiki having his head down compared to the other two who walked with confidence, shoulders back and smiles on their faces. Aizawa just sighed, grabbing his bright yellow sleeping bag and zipping it up with a gruff 'be quiet' to the class.

Not to long later Mirio challenged the class to a 21 v 1 fight that had the others sparking with overconfidence in their win. Izuku deadpanned and stared at the third year with a raised eyebrow in disbelief. Why would he pick a fight he knew he was going to win? What's the purpose of this? Why?

The greenette had opened his mouth to present these questions but was cut off by Katsuki jumping up onto his desk, explosions sparking from his hands in excitement and a very loud antagonistic shout from him. Izuku was done, oh so very tired of the blond haired males shit, but he couldn't really do anything about it except try and cheer them on and make sure Mirio had his damn hero costume.

Which is why he stood up, walked to the door, and left. He didn't say anything, didn't tell anyone ever he was going it what he was doing, he just left. Then came back a few minutes later with a box that everyone recognized as ones that hold their hero costumes, and held it out to Mirio. At the confused expression on the older students face the greenette rolled his eyes.

"Your Quirk?" The freckled teen inquired, shaking the hero costume slightly so it swayed in his hand. Realization flickered across plain blue eyes before Mirio grinned and took the case, prompting the greenette to retreat to the locker room, his classmates already being told to head there and change into the gym uniforms. Izuku didn't really want to participate but changed nonetheless, getting to the gym early, Mirio and the other two top students joined shortly after his arrival.

"OooOoo! It's the green haired kid!" Hado exclaimed, rushing over to him and he tensed, slightly flinching back at her sudden closeness.

"How'd you know what Mirio's quirk is? What's your name? Oh! Do you have an analytical quirk? How'd you get to the third year gyms and back so quickly?" She was asking rapid fire questions, too fast for the greenette to respond to any of them, that's a lie he just didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. She was distracted by the other students entering and Izuku took his chance to escape to the rafters, green eyes looking like they're glowing as he narrowed them at the students below.

It did not take too long for Mirio to incapitate half the class, using his permeation quirk to faze through the floor and calculating where he'd pop up as he took out the long range fighters first. He only lost thanks to Hitoshi asking a question, getting a quick answer from the unsuspecting third year as his quirk activated. It was most entertaining to watch Katsuki practically get thrown across the gym but hid his laughter, too busy analyzing more to pay attention to the explosive male.

It was quiet for a moment before Hitoshi released his quirk, a large smile forming on the face of the third year, loudly announcing how Hitoshi was being smart with his quirk which made the lavender haired boy falter in surprise. Mirio didn't notice before going on to explain what he really wanted to tell the students, how work studies can be painful. Izuku knew this and closed his eyes, faintly listening as Hado questioned where he went, one green eye opening to peer down at his class as several of them made eye contact with him.

He made the 'shhh' gesture and stood up, stretching his arms before silently jumping down and stalking up behind the three higher students, green eyes flickering with amusement.

"You summoned me?" A surprised shriek from the periwinkle haired girl and a shout from Mirio as all three of them whirled around to face the greenette, tense and ready to fight. Once they saw him they relaxed, Amajiki even sagging his posture as he looked up with a 'why, why me?' expression. Hado had a hand over her heart, a still very terrified expression on her face as she blinked, a quiet "you weren't there before..." Slipping from her. Mirio just stared at the greenette, faintly hearing class 1-A's quiet laughter.

"Guess you could say he got the drop on them." Hitoshi said after a moment of hesitation, reluctant before he relaxed at the howling laughter of Mina and Denki. Getting a small burst of unexpected laughter from Katsuki, who covered it up, and the rest of them were out right laughing.

Sero fell over, someone help Denki he's dying, the Bakusquad are rolling on the floor with laughter and Hitoshi doesn't know how to handle this. Help him. Help. Him. He's. Panicing. But he's also pleasantly surprised so only a little bit.

The only thing running through the big three's minds were;
'Help me.'
'What the fuuuuuuuu-'
And 'NightEye would want to meet this kid.'

And just like that Izuku was gone, the door sliding shut behind him as the others barely had time to register he was no longer there.

(Hahaha, not me completely forgetting about this for a while-
I'm so sorry
But I have approximately 0 ideas for this anymore
And this chapter was actually written like, months ago-
I'm really sorry
Enjoy this, hopefully, but I really have no inspiration for this
Imma just,,,, give it to you guys
Take it, recreate it, continue it, do whatever just tag me cause I wanna see lol
This is probably the last you'll see of me for a while I'm, again, very sorry)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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