30- All Might's fall

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Hey look another chapter! And I have decided that yes, I will be doing the Pokemon au since some of you seemed to really like the idea :3. Small little spoiler/hint; Izuku isn't really a gym challenger)

"You asshole-" Katsuki stated and the greenette laughed quietly.

"Hey Kacchan." He said again.

"Keep that shit up and I will slap you so hard even Google won't be able to find you." The blond threatened.

"That's a new one." Tenya said, then proceeded to quietly berate Katsuki on throwing threats like that around. The crimson eyed male really didn't care, rolling his eyes as he finally let go of Izuku. The green haired boy let out a breathy laugh, making sure to keep quiet so the villains didn't locate their position. He then went full analytical mode after a few seconds, his gaze flickering over the rubble around him then he listened in on the villains, who were still looking for them.

Ok, we can't get out without being notices and it's me, Momo, Kacchan, Tenya, Hitoshi, and Shoto here. Two longer range quirks, a varying one that could be in all three of the ranges, and three close range quirks or fighters in my case. Momo's quirk is creation, she could make a shield to cover for us and Shoto could use his ice as a defence. Hitoshi can only help with combat, the League already knew their quirks but I'm not sure about them knowing how they work, but it's better to keep that hidden for now and use as little of their quirks as possible.

Maybe Shoto could create an ice tunnel that leads us outta here, with Tenya and Kacchan at the back of the group to basically push everyone forward. We need shoes with less traction, I know the shoes I'm wearing don't have that much grip but I'm not sure about the others. If we could slide across the ice similar to ice skating, then we could use Kacchan or Tenya's quirks to get a speed boost, and Momo can make ice-skates if needed!

Izuku looked at the group, his previously tired green eyes were now sparking with a plan. A thin layer of anger in them at the fact that the villains thought they could attack his class and get away with it. There's no way in hell the greenette is letting that go.

"Shitty nerd gotta plan?" Katsuki said and Izuku grinned.

"You know it." The greenette said, diving into a quick explinaton of what was going to go down.


All Might punched at his counterpart, the symbol of evil and villainy. His lunch was blocked by a high pressure burst of air and he was pushed back, enough to see frost coming from behind a pile of rubble.

None of the villains have ice powers though! Unless they recruited more- He didn't have time to finish his thought as we was punched with another blast of air, forcing him to refocus on the villain in front of him.

He lands a punch, finally, and continues punching while All for One is trying to recover. He growled, frustrated, and punched the villain again before getting pushed back and All for One began floating.

All Might growled, lunging for him as he felt the air chill and an ice tunnel formed leading away from the fight. He payed it no mind, seeing as it was going the opposite way of the fight and he needed to concentrate on All for One.

Izuku was on Katsuki's shoulders, mostly against his will, but they saw his leg was fractured and would just get worse if he continued walking. He huffed in annoyance, he could walk on his own and he knew how to balance on one foot. He perked up as he heard something faint from behind them, twisting around so he could see.

"Greeeeeaaaat, fuckin hell." He muttered.

"Language!" Tenya scolded.

"¡Maldito infierno!" Izuku replied, glaring even as Tenya looked at him in confusion, not understanding what he said. He faintly heard Momo let out a small laugh, of course, she most likely studied other languages.

Izuku grumbled lighty, "Lov, behind us by about ten yards, Dabi's going to try and blast us with fire. Shoto, put up an ice wall behind us." The greenette said, hearing the crackling of fire being quickly cut off by the sound of ice. The six teens continued to get away, easily escaping even when the villains broke through the ice, the tunnel had stopped and the high schoolers were nowhere in sight, seemingly had vanished into thin air.

Shigaraki growled, it took him only seconds to get to the blocked area and even less time to disintegrate it! There was no possible way that they could have gotten away in that time, they didn't have a teleportation quirk with them at all! Utterly impossible, but what they talked to realize is that everybody thought being a quirkless hero was impossible, but look at Izuku. He's still goin strong, he should have been dead long before Yuuei but he's not.

Aaand they didn't bother to look just around the corner as the six snuck away and into the crowd, their fault for not looking.

Izuku looked up at the large screen that was on the side of a building, filming the fight between All for One and All Might. The greenette rolled his eyes, the media is going to get themselves killed at how close they get to villain fights. And they were just annoying, constantly asking questions- very many of them being personal, and then they expect an answer and a truthful one at that. Just, he thought they really needed to mind their own business on certain things, even if it's their job.

All Might's skinny form was revealed, many surprised gasps echoing around the unaffected green haired boy. He just watched the fight in silence until it ended, hearing the number one hero say 'you're next' and that's when it was confirmed that he had a successor. Izuku thought to anyone in Yuuei that could have One for All, searching him mind for anything that would point to who it could be. He crossed off anyone in his class, they all had amazing quirks and if being honest none of them had a similar personality to the blond hero.

He then thought to anyone in class 1-B and also immediately crossed off anyone in that class, All Might didn't seem to know anyone of them, only a few That got further into the sports festival like Monoma, Tetsutetsu, and Shiozaki but other than that, no.

He scanned his brain for information, the second years were a no go; none of them have actually had a class with All Might so they're out of the picture. Now all that's left are the third years, possibly one of the big three?

Nejire Hado has an energy based quirk, using her own energy to create beams of it but they have a tendency to corkscrew for some reason. She doesn't seem to be one to have an extra quirk and even if she did she seems like one to accidentally say something to hint at her second, given quirk.

Amajiki Tamaki has a powerful quirk called manifest, he is able to change any body part to that of whatever he's eaten. He is extremely shy though, and has major social anxiety but he's smart as well. He would be too shy to take the quirk, thinking someone else would be a better user for it.

Mirio Togata, his quirk is permeation, a hard Quirk to master seeing as when it's activated he slips through anything and everything, meaning he can't breath, see, hear, or feel anything unless it's just one part of him that's gonna through something. He has the closest personality to All Might, and there has been some whispers about how he suddenly got a lot stronger with his hits, and faster.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts as the fight ended, he'll just have to question the hero later.

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