32- Super moves

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Izuku huffed and he sat on a bench, watching as his classmates worked on their extra strong attacks that were meant to end a fight. Izuku thought it was pointless, while yes having that skill would be useful, only on some occasions, why wouldn't they just go for a quick hit to the pressure point of they could?

Plus his quirklessness wasn't meant to have a super move, so he just trained until he could knock someone larger than him out with a swiftly placed kick. He looked up, his gaze traveling across the platforms of concrete that were at varying heights, with Katsuki, Shoto and Ochaco being on the tallest ones and Koda, Sato and Tenya being on the ground floor. He huffed, flinching at the loudness of one of Aoyoama's large bursts of energy, that electively destroyed a slab of concrete.

Izuku grumbled quietly, he already knew a lot about his classmates quirks, so there was nothing he could really learn from here. Not even Katsuki's new AP Shot was a surprise, he had thought of it after all. The greenette thought about quirks he could analyze, his thoughts drawing back to class 1-B and their interesting array of powers.

The quirk allows the user to use any quirk of any person, they just have to touch the person with the Quirk they want or need. It only lasts for fifteen minutes each, only being able to store three quirks at a time at the moment, though that can be improved with training. Avoid the user touching you and be aware of what they might have.

Users hair is vines that they can manipulate to any length, and any place. They need to keep hydrated to keep the vines alive, and sunlight is also need. Fire works extremely well against the vines, they're plants so they'd obviously burn.

Solid air:
User breaths out a wall or solid platform of air that is reasonably sturdy, though it isn't indestructible. Telepathically forms the air into what shape user wants, could be anything if thinking creatively. With enough force the platform or barrier could be broken.

Razor sharp:
Allows user to produce large, sword like, blades from any part of their body. They are extremely strong but, again, aren't indestructible. They are able to cut through pipes of steel and iron, maybe more. Not really suited for long range or long winded fights.

User's skin becomes hardened, basically turning into steel. No obvious weaknesses, unless salt water counts since steel rusts, and endurance is a big variable so if you can outlast someone with this quirk you win.

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts as All Might called for everyone to leave and stood up, stretching as he did. He walked over to where his classmates were filing out of the room, his hands in his pockets as he thought about the other classes quirks, subconsciously following his class before heading back to their classroom instead of the locker rooms. He sat at his desk and once again got lost in his thoughts about quirks, leaning back in his seat.

He thought back to what Aizawa told him a few days ago, about what happened with the media. Apparently the media had interviewed, more like forced then to answer, his classmates about how they felt. And that little mother fucking, purple headed and useless bastard Mineta spilled that he was quirkless, on purpose.

That infuriated Izuku, that wasn't his information to give out. He should have just kept his perverted mouth shut instead of telling everyone about his quirkless status, probably hoping for him to drop out due to public backlash.

The stupid fucker.

Does he really think that just because a bunch of nobodies thinks he shouldn't be in the hero course that he would listen? He has a higher chance at getting a hero than they do! And if the hero commission tries shit to get him out they'll have one hell of a fight on their hands, and a much more active Veridian to deal with.

Izuku growled lowly, almost silently, at the thought of someone trying to force him to give up. He can ruin their entire damn careers, or their life for that matter.

If he really wanted to, there was absolutely no stopping him from finding every little thing that someone did that could get their lives ruined. Nobody would be able to stop him, not even trying to take his electronics away, he'd go to the library and research there! Even going through old news, he's done it before and he'll do it again.

Izuku suddenly stopped thinking for a moment, his eyes flashing. He knew what his super move was, and figured what he was going to call it.

IG, Info Gather.

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