12- Stained reality

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Izuku had gotten the ok from Aizawa to go to Hosu as Veridian, as long as he contacted him if anything happened. Izuku was fine with that but he probably wouldn't remember that in the middle of a fight if it happened. Oh well, he'll deal with that if and when it happens.

He ran through the alleys, not risking to be seen from the rooftops, listening for trouble. He let out a breath, slowing to a walk before suddenly stopping, tilting his head a bit to better listen.

"Get out of my way Ingenium." A voice rasped.

"Not until you stop threatening others, Stain." Was the response. Izuku crept toward the voices of Stain and Ingenium, his mind helpfully supplying that Ingenium was Iidas older brother. Isn't that just, fan-fucking-tastic?

Izuku made sure his voice changer was on and working before peering around the corner into another alleyway. There he saw Stain standing with his back to Izuku, facing Ingenium.

Izuku saw a figure behind Ingenium, probably another lesser known pro that Stain was going after. The vigilante crept forward, sticking to the shadows to keep him hidden. The injured pro was, thankfully, mostly in shadow. That made it easier for Izuku to fix his wounds before dealing with the other two.

"Wh-" Izuku hushed the pro, glancing toward Ingenium and Stain to make sure they didn't see him. He let out a small sigh of relief before silently taking a gauze out of his utility belt and starting to wrap the heroes wounds. All while listening to the two opposites bicker, realizing Ingenium was stalling for time.

"You're a true hero, Ingenium, but I will not hesitate if you don't get out of my way." Stain growled, the sound of metal scraping against the wall following his statement. It left a small shower of sparks as Izuku finished up helping the downed hero.

Just as Stain and Ingenium started fighting.


Instead of trying to break up the fight Izuku made sure the paralyzed pro was out of the way, careful to not to injure them any further. He then looked over right as Stain started to bring his katana down on a now paralyzed Ingeniums arm.

Tensei had stiffened, prepared to deal with the pain. But the hit never came. He looked up at the sound of metal clashing against metal, surprised to find the vigilante Veridian defending against Stain. Tensei was thoroughly shocked, Veridian usually didn't patrol in Hosu so why was he there.

"Veridian, surprised to see you again." Stain drawled, swinging his katana in an underhanded arch.

"Likewise." Izuku replied, blocking the attack. Stain grinned, his murderous aura flaring out. This may have frozen the heroes in place but the bloodlust feeling did nothing to deter the greenette. Izuku easily blocked an overhead swing and jumped over Stains leg that lashed out to trip him up.

"Interesting, you aren't effected?" Stain questioned, jumping back and throwing one of his smaller knives at Izuku. The boy dodged, leaping away from Stain who had charged at him.

"No, I'm very effected." Izuku sassed, rolling his eyes. He casually leaned on his staff, looking at Stain. He leaned further, dodging another knife that was thrown at him, grabbing his staff and twirling it in his hand that blocked a katana.

"What are you doing here?" Stain hissed, slashing at Izuku again.

"Preventing you from harming another innocent person." Izuku replied, blocking with his staff. They jumped away from each other and Stain grinned creepily.

"You are a true hero, weather society sees you as one or not." Stain said.

"I'm touched." Izuku drawled.

"Not the best personality, right intentions though." Stain said.

"Soo, almost like you?" Izuku responded. "Right mindset, wrong way of doing it." The young vigilante said.

"What do you mean by 'right mindset?" Ingenium asked, his words tense. Izuku choose to ignore it for now.

"Well, it's true that most heroes be a hero for the fame and/or money. Who are you to play God?" Izuku asked Stain. "If you kill off the 'fake heroes' who says the ones who take their place will be real ones? Even if they're doing it for mainly selfish reasons they're still saving people aren't they?" Izuku stated.

"You may be right but they're still fakes that need to be exterminated!" Stain snarled. Izuku heard the faint sounds of police sirens coming closer and let out a short breath, he'd stalled long enough. Stains eyes glinted, also hearing the sirens when they got closer.

"You're smart, stalling until police arrived like that." Stain said before he turned and disappeared. Izuku immediately turned on his heel and went over to Ingenium.

"Why'd you let him go?" The turbo hero asked.

"Treating your injuries is more important." Izuku muttered as he took out bandage wraps. There was a pretty long and deep gash on his arm, another, similar, one that dug into his side and across half his back. The second one would need professional medical help, simply wrapping it wasn't going to cut it but that's all Izuku could do with that he had.

Izuku finished wrapping the heroes wounds and stood up, flinching at the now loud sirens. Both of the heroes paralysis wore off and Izuku gave them a half-hearted two finger salute before turning and running back into the alleys, disappearing from view.


Izuku checked his phone as he felt it go off, sweat dropping as he saw it was from Aizawa.

Problem Child, why the hell did I just hear you fought Stain from Tensei

Answer your phone already

Well, I had a feeling and just happened to  come across them

I told you to contact me

Well I kinda maybe forgot about that

How do you forget that?!

I don't know!

Coffeeislife: You are a true problem child

I know

Izuku put his phone away as he got to his house, an abandoned apartment complex. It was pretty nice for being abandoned, just needed a bit of dusting and it wouldn't look abandoned at all. He let out a yawn and checked his phone as it received another notification.

Shinso got into the hero course to

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