25- Tricks and targets

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Hitoshi panted as he looked around, his violet eyes scanning the forest around him for anything. He heard the crackling of fire start coming near him and turned to see blue flames, yelping as a hand grabbed his arm and yank him out of the way.

"Hush, stay quiet." A voice, that the lavender haired boy recognized as Izuku, said.

"Where'd he go?!" Dabi hissed in annoyance as Izuku quickly slunk away, guiding Hitoshi back to the small group of students that included Shoji, Tokoyami, Tsu, Ochaco, Katsuki, Shoto and Izuku. The greenette stayed silent as the others in the group conclusively started talking about how they were going to protect the two targets, the protests coming from said two being ignored.

"Guys shut up, you're going to get us caught." Izuku said, silencing them.

"Too late!" A cheery voice said and blue flames sparked to life. Memories flashed being Izukus eyes and he stumbled back, his breathing quickening ever so slightly. Shoto had darted forward, a huge blast of ice covering for them for a second, bring melted at a quick pace. Izuku's mind was hazy, unfocused in a way he didn't like. He wasn't in control anymore as adrenaline rushed through his body making him feel numb. A girl with blond hair that was pulled into two messy buns, Toga, lunged for Hitoshi, a wide excited smile on her face at the thought of blood.

Izuku growled, appearing in between the two and parrying Togas knife away with his own. She looked surprised before she was pushed back with a fast punch to the stomach, the greenette whirling into a roundhouse. Dabi attempted sending a blast of fire at him that he dodged by ducking behind a tree. He lunged once the flames died out, kicking the scarred male in the shoulder before elbowing him in the chest.

The others didn't know what to do, watching as Izuku snapped at the villains.

"Oh shit..." Katsuki muttered as Izuku kicked Dabis hand, hearing a small crack from the males wrist. The villain hissed in pain, recoiling his hand away from the boy. A wall of ice erupted from the ground, separating the heroes in training from the villains. Hitoshi was watching Izuku, noticing the green haired teen seemed off, his eyes unfocused and breathing slightly ragged. He blinked and shook his head, his body relaxing slightly as he steadied himself.

Izuku turned and froze when he saw all their eyes on him, tensing back up again out of instinct. He realized it was just his classmates and let out a breath, he looked at them before nodding to the forest and leading the way. After they got a decent distance away Izuku stopped, directing the others to take up defensive positions with Katsuki and Hitoshi in the middle, Tsu and Tokoyami on the right of them, Ochaco and Shoji to the left as Shoto watched their backs.

All was going well until they got to the clearing where Pixiebob, Tiger and Mandalay were fighting against Mange and Spinner. They were spotted fairly quickly and Mange activated her Quirk on Hitoshi, Katsuki, and, surprisingly, Izuku. The magnetic pull was a shock to the others whole Izuku calmly leaned back, his body at an angle. It was like leaving leaning on wind or into a wave that was about to hit.

Hitoshi and Katsuki noticed and copied his movement, leaning away from the magnetic quirk user. Izuku grinned at them before he hopped sightly, immediately shooting towards Mange. The group watched, dumbfounded as the bulky female swung her huge magnet at him, only for the boy to easily twist out of the way, landing in a crouch as he went for a harsh kick to the shins. Mange hissed and stepped back, trying to swing at the greenette again.

Izuku jumped over the magnet and darted forward, aiming a punch to Mange's face. He barely reacted as a knife grazed his cheek, just landing the hit before jumping away. He dodged another swing at him by rolling, slashing the villains leg as he got out of the way.

Spinner looked at the green haired boy, he was a true hero if Stain spared him, and he didn't really want to harm the boy. But the villains had their orders, and Shigaraki wanted him alive, even though he is quirkless.

(So this chapter is kinda bad... And short.... Sorry bout that-)

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