20- Final exams

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A week of training and studying went by fairly quickly, most likely because I'm lazy, and the day of the final exams was upon the students of class 1-A. There would be both a written and physical exam that most of the students thought would be them against robots.

Izuku doubted this from the number of villain attacks that have been happening with the students, and the influx of villains due to the league and the recent morals of Stain being published to the public, surprisingly many people after with him. He figured that they would be paired up against the teachers, actual people who can come up with strategies against the students. He was thinking about it after he finished the written test, leaning back with his hands behind his head while he stared at the ceiling. He guessed they'd be paired up with people depending on how well they get along and against a teacher who had an advantage against them. He decided to take a nap before the physical exams, resting his head on his desk and waiting for sleep to come to him.

About half an hour later they were sent to get their hero costumes for the physical, chatting amongst one another how easy the robots will be to take down. Izuku rolled his eyes, keeping quiet while his classmates continues talking stupidly.

Izuku was last to get to the boys locker room, almost everyone already gone. He changed quickly and went to where they meet up with the teachers about the physical.

All the pairings are how they were canonically except Hitoshi was paired up with Katsuki and Izuku was going up against Nezu in the last fight. The fights also went through like in cannon, Katsuki and Hitoshi pretending to fight so they could get All Might to reply to Hitoshi, passing the exam.

Izuku relaxed as he walked up to the gate into ground gamma, waiting for them to open. The gates opened with the buzzer going off, signaling the exam has started. He ran inside and immediately saw they remade it into a maze, the metal pipes and walls high above him. He took a running start, running up to a wall, and jumped up, kicking off the wall. He grabbed onto a pipe, swinging himself up with ease and balanced on the thin piece of metal.

"How is he doing that?!" Kaminari asked from where the rest of the class was watching through the monitors. They watched as Izuku ran along the pipe and jumped to the top of a lower wall, hauling himself up with his arms.

"I have, no clue." Mina replied.

Izuku looked around and felt his instinct kick in as he leaped across a large gap, hearing crashing as the wall he was previously standing on fell down in a domino effect. He looked back at the trail of destruction and hopped down, running towards where the destruction started. He never faltered, even when the rubble beneath him did. It didn't take him long to get there and apprehend Nezu, who was smiling widely at him in a creepy way.

And with that Izuku passed the exam.

(I'm really sorry this chapter's so short I completely forgot about the final exams and had to go back and write this chapter and I didn't have much motivation when I wrote it. Really sorry about that ;-;)

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