7- Crimson stains

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Aizawa was out patroling, well, mostly looking for the problem child known as Izuku. It was the end of the week and he knew that every year, for some reason or another, Izukus activity as Veridian spiked drastically. It was a specific week of dates that this year just so happened to fall in a line that didn't overlap with a different week.

Aizawa leaped across a gap between the buildings before pausing. He turned back, thinking he heard something in the alley. He let himself fall, landing in a silent crouch as his knees absorbed the impact. He stood up and looked around, his footsteps echoing strangely in the alley. He heard something shift and then a small whimper as his head snapped towards the noise. A figure was laying on the ground by the alley wall, their dark clothes blending in with the surrounding shadows.

Aizawa walked towards the small figure and crouched beside them. He reached out and nudged them, recieving a violent flinch from whoever it was. That's when he noticed the strong, familiar smell of iron, it was all around the small figure. Aizawa scanned the figure and found four slashes through the fabric on the back of the person's hoodie, four matching gashes in their skin.

He was startled at how deep the cuts were but whoever it was needed medical attention. Aizawa shifted the figure into an upright position and saw they had a stab wound in their shoulder. The more he looked the more injuries he found, all of them were recent but a few had scabbed over. Aizawa heard the kid groan quietly and looked up from an injury, his dark eyes meeting vivid green ones that were painfully familiar.

"Eraser?" Izuku asked. Aizawa cursed in his head, wishing the problem child would stop getting into these situations. He quickly told Nezu the situation with the rat-bear responding to let him know Recovery Girl was informed. Aizawa picked the boy up, being careful not to rub his already agitated wounds. Izuku let out a small sound of protest as he weaved in and out of consciousness. Aizawa ignored it in favor of running out of the alley and onto the still dark street, going as quick as he could back to Yuuei.


Aizawa sat outside Recovery Girls office, waiting for an update on how Izuku was. It was already six and Aizawa figured he should get ready to teach since school started at seven thirty, but then again he could ask Hizashi or Kayama to take over for the day. He sighed as he rubbed his face, to tired to deal with teaching.

But he was always to tired to teach so what's the difference.

Aizawa let out a huff of annoyance before he stood up and walked to his classroom. He decided to curl up in his bright yellow sleeping bag and try to catch an hour and a half of sleep before school started. But knowing him he would get thirty minutes or less.

All while Aizawa was having this internal debate, the injured problem child in question was slowly awakening. Izukus eyes fluttered open as he looked at the familiar ceiling of Recovery Girls office. It was still painfully bright but his eyes adjusted fairly quickly. He sat up only to get a light whack to the head.

"Oww, that hurt!" Izuku complained, giving the Yuuei healer a small glare of annoyance which was mirrored in the elders face. She was clearly mad that this was the second time over the span of two weeks he was seriously injured.

"Good! You need to stop hurting yourself then you won't need the sense knocked into you." Recovery Girl replied.

"Stop worrying about me and maybe it won't be such a problem!" Izuku snapped back.

"You're a child, you shouldn't be getting these kinds of injuries!" The healer replied as she gave Izuku another smack to the head.

"And yet I am, not your problem." This was met with another smack which Izuku dodged. His head instinctively snapped towards the door as he heard it open, a small figure who looked like a rat, bear, cat hybrid and had a scar over their right eye walked in wearing a tux.

"Hello Veridian! What a pleasure to meet you again, though I wish it were under..... Different circumstances." The rat-bear said with a smile.

"You can drop my vigilante alias. You're the smartest being in Japan, if not the world, it'd be surprising if you didn't know my name by now." Izuku replied, he saw something glint in the principals eyes as his smile grew.

"You are intelligent, indeed I am aware of your true name but I assumed that in costume you'd prefer your alias." Nezu replied.

"Kind of you. But I assume that you didn't come here to just say hi did you?" Izuku asked, looking at the animal principal who nodded.

"You assumed correct! I have a dear for you; seeing as you aren't actually committing vigilantism because you are quirkless and, upon further research, your fighting could be written off as self defense..." The principal paused for dramatic effect, grooming widely. "I'd like you to join Yuuei!"

Izuku took a moment to process what Nezu said before his mouth fell open.

"You want me, who's been a vigilante for nine years, to go to Yuuei, a school mainly for future heroes. You're joking right?" Izuku spluttered out, his expression shocked and confused. Why would he be given that chance? It was his dream school when he was a child and was blissfully unaware of the flaws of this society. This had to be some sort of sick joke-

"Indeed! You can teach the others what it's really like out on the field and give them pointers on how to better use their quirks. It is known that you are skilled in analysing surroundings and quirks." Nezu said, shaking Izuku from his thoughts. Izuku looked at the principal, not completely believing him.

"What about my vigilante work? I don't think it'd be a good thing if Veridian suddenly disappeared." Izuku said truthfully, the public would erupt into stupid and pointless theories about what happened to him. Just like how they tried to identify what quirk he had, the guesses ranging from analyze to bring about to change his eye color (which was stupid in his opinion.

"Ah yes, you can continue your vigilante work if you inform Aizawa, or Eraser to you, or me if you find something big. At the moment, no one but Recovery Girl, Aizawa and myself know of your identity." Nezu replied.

"If you agree, you will be going into the hero course as a transfer student, they will know of you being a vigilante, just not which one. And, of course, they are unaware of you being quirkless unless informed by you." Nezu continued, looking at the teen expectantly.

"I-I accept. I never thought I'd be going to highschool let alone Yuuei." Izuku said, mumbling the last sentence. He had accepted because if not he's pretty sure he'd go to jail and Nezu looked interested so he doubted he'd be able to get out of this. Nezu clapped his paws together, smiling widely.

"Excellent! Your first day is tomorrow, I'll inform Aizawa after his class." Then Nezu left.

That's how Izuku found himself standing in front of class 1-As door as he waited for Aizawa to call him in. He nervously ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"Don't overwhelm him with questions, he was also a vigilante so don't underestimate him. Alright you can come in now." Aizawa announced before he went into his sleeping bag. The door opened and a boy with fluffy green hair, freckles that created a galaxy over his cheeks and bridge of his nose as well as piercing green eyes.

"Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's a pleasure to be here."

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