23- Karma's a bitch but I'm worse

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Izuku sat silently against a tree, not joining his classmates as they ate. He wasn't usually that hungry anyway but he currently felt like he was going to throw up any food he might eat, so he preferred to look like he was fine. He caught movement and saw that kid from earlier, Kota, walk into the trees. He noticed the boy hadn't eaten earlier but unlike Izuku, the kid needed it. So the greenette grabbed a plate of curry and rice and followed Kota, easily slipping away from the camp and silently walking barely ten feet behind the boy.

Soon they came to a sloping hill, leading onto a large ledge and a crevasse like cave. Kota sat down near the edge, staring at the forest with judging eyes. Izuku made his steps loud enough for Kota to hear and the boy whipped his head around to see who it was, startled by seeing the quirkless boy from 1-A.

Kota glared, "What do you want?" He snapped, this was his spot and he didn't want anyone there. To his surprise the greenette sat down a few feet away, sliding the plate of food over to him.

"I saw that you didn't eat earlier, that isn't healthy for someone who's growing." The teen said, not making any other move toward Kota.

"My name's Izuku Midoriya, though you can just call me Izuku." The greenette said, laying back to look at the sky. Silence followed before a small, "Izumi Kota."

"We're your parents by any chance the water hose duo?" Izuku asked and Kota hissed.

"Did Mandalay tell you that?!" He snapped, eyes angry.

"No, it's just that you have the same name as them..... And I can tell you've lost someone important to you." Izuku said, surprising the younger.

"How did-"

"I know that look all to well, Kota. I also lost my parents." Izuku said, his eyes clouding over with the memories.

"Do you know the pro hero Dragon?" Izuku asked.

"Yea, wasn't her and his wife murdered in their own home?" Kota asked, recieving a solemn nod from his green haired acquaintance.

"That day will haunt me for the rest of my life." Izuku said as he blinked, returning to the present.

"But, didn't they say the son died?" Kota asked, intrigued and Izuku chuckled.

"You have a few tricks up your sleeve when you're a vigilante." Izuku said, standing up. "Anyway, you don't sent to like when other people are here so, see you around." He said, disappearing.


The courage test had begun, a few of the 1-A pairings already in the forest, trying their best not to be terrified. Izuku looked around, his body unusually tense as dread twisted his stomach into knots. He was taping his foot against the ground silently, when all of a sudden he stopped, his nose twitching slightly at the smell of smoke.

He looked up, his eyes widening slightly as he was a small blue glow in the distance. He felt his hands start shaking slightly as memories flashed across his vision, his breathing quickening.

No no no! You can't have a panic attack now! He thought to himself as his gaze flickered around wildly until he found Aizawa.

Aizawa looked over as he felt someones gaze on him, turning his head slightly. A warning signal went off in his head when he saw Izuku staring at him looking like he was about to have a panic attack, tensing as he made his way over to the greenette.

"Aizawa we need to call the classes back there's a forest fire and I'm ninety percent sure it wasn't caused by the heat." He said quickly, surprising the erasure hero. Once he said that he realized he could smell the faint scent of smoke, just to dulled to initially notice.

"Mandalay! Call the students back, a forest fire started!" Aizawa called to the red themed cat. Shock flashed across her and Pixiebobs faces before Mandalay telepathically called out to the students, creatures made of dust formed as Pixiebob activated her quirk. The creatures started towards where the flame was coming from, all going maximum speed.

Aizawa turned to Izuku but the boys eyes flashed before he took off, vanishing into the trees before the tired teacher could react. Izuku dashed through the trees, beelining toward where Kota was. The kid was out in the open, the worst place to be doing a villain attack. Izuku hoped that wasn't what this was but God seemed to have a different plan for him, seeing as Muscular, an A-rank villain, was about to punch Kota.

Muscular, quirk; muscle fiber. His inner muscles will actually come out and wrap around whatever body part he wishes, mainly being his arms since he fought with haphazardly thrown punches. His weakness; his eyes.

Izuku recited this in his head as he dove forward, grabbing Kota as he rolled out of the way, taking off again. Muscular was infront of them in seconds and Izuku immediately took out one of his knifes, flinging it at Musculars eye. He heard electric zaps and a growl of pain, realizing he hit the fake one. Kota was frozen stiff, his eyes wide with tears that threatened to fall. And Izuku remembered something.

Muscular killed the Water hose duo...

Muscular left this kid to hate heroes...

Muscular left this kid an orphan...

Muscular has some karma to pay.

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