36- Training

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The following weeks were spent strengthening and enhancing their quirks, getting fighting tips that would benefit them from their resident analyst. The greenette happily giving it to them seeing as he was absolutely bored out of his mind and didn't have anything better to do, except scare an annoying little purple haired bitch who didn't deserve to be in class 1-A.

Which he did, by dumping a five gallon bucket full of fake spiders on him from the rafters, each of them painted detailedly to show the most deadly spiders patterns. The freckled boy had cackled while Mineta freaked out, running around and screaming about how the spiders were trying to kill him. The class had one hell of a time with the mischievous boys pranks, including superglueing the perverts water bottle to the bench, jumpscareing him (which was easy) and leaving him on top of the tallest platform while he was too tired for his Quirk to last more than five seconds.

There were more shenanigans that went down but those were the most rememberable for the class, the girls getting a relief from his constant annoyance and perverted comments.

Izuku had just watched his classmates as they improved during that class, taking notes and thinking on how they could improve. But once they had left, going back to the dorms to relax and do any homework they had, the greenette started his own training.

His own training for himself was a lot different from what the others do, not just because 'oh yea, he's quirkless and they're not so they have to train their quirk.' He physically trained differently than they did, his stamina, resilience, and pain tolerance way higher than anyone else's and the strain he puts himself under when he sets himself on something.

And when he's bored, he scans the news of villains, looking for anything interesting that he could research and get his hands on. This usually led to multiple cases being solved and a phone call to the detective, at best. At is worst that would mean getting no sleep through the night, multiple villains taken down and an extremely annoyed Aizawa at his sleep deprived actions.

That was where he was currently, sitting in the training room with his laptop open and his backpack leaning against the wall beside him. He hadn't bothered to leave the training room yet, knowing that his classmates would wonder what he was doing and he really didn't have the time or patience to explain. Plus he was knee deep in information about a particular villain called Overhaul, and a new temporary quirk erasing bullet that he had created at the moment.

The boy stretched his arms before grabbing his notebook on villains, quickly jotting down the information on Overhaul that was painfully little. He turned back to his laptop, trying to find any more information on him that could help. He found nothing there, closing out of the websites he was on and shutting down the laptop, putting it back in his backpack with his notebook.

The boy walked back to the dorms, thinking as he walked. He paused when he got to the dorms, stretching before walking in and passing through the common room and up to his room. He dropped his backpack by the door after closing it, kicking his shoes off and changing into comfy sweatpants and a loose T-shirt before flopping onto his bed and falling asleep, relatively easily which surprised him, just a little, before giving in to unconsciousness.

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