27- What did I say about doubting him?

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Aizawa sighed as he stood with All Might, facing one of his students. It's been three days since the training camp was attacked, and Momo was healed enough to tell the pro heroes that she had placed a tracker on the Nomu, with the help of the 1-B student Awase. The raven haired girl made a tracking device and have it to the blond hero, who thanked her in his loud and obnoxious voice.

The tired male snatched the device from All Might, the symbol of peace would most likely try and go attack on his own. They really didn't need him pushing past his limit right now, they wouldn't be able to do anything for the rest of the day of he did.

"How is everyone? Are they ok?" Momo questioned.

"Yes, no one had really serious injuries. The only ones who were in quick need of medical help were you able those who were caught in the poisonous gas." Aizawa replied with a huff, putting the tracker in his pocket. The two heroes left the room, not noticing a certain spiky blond that was listening to their conversation.


"You want to go after Izuku yourself?! Are you crazy?" Hitoshi hissed. He and half of class 1-A were in Momo's hospital room, listening to the ash blond teens crazy idea.

"You've got to be joking right?" Denki said, "That's crazy, we should just let the pros handle it." The electric blond said, his face concerned and shocked. The explosive boy gave him a glare and he backed off, it wasn't the usual firey glare Katsuki gave, it was one that was both angry and cold.

".... Then do you just want to sit back and do nothing?" He said, his crimson gaze piercing through him.

"Tell me, do you think that Izuku would sit back and do nothing if it were any of us in his place?" He asked, his gaze flicking to Hitoshi, then Shoto, then Tenya, Tokoyami, Ochaco, Tsu, it continued until he had made eye contact with everyone in the room. Silence followed his words, the class unsure what to say.

".. I'll help." Momo and Hitoshi said at the same time, a few seconds later Shoto nodded.

"If anyone else is coming, meet in front of this hospital at nine tonight." The ash blond said and left, soon enough the others also dispersed, leaving Momo to rest. She sighed, looking at her hands which were sitting in her lap. She wondered what she was getting herself into by helping, hell, it's borderline illegal. She ran her hand through her hair, the smooth silky feeling of it comforting her a bit. She let her mind wander for a little while before she let out a breath, turning on her side and closing her eyes. It's better to get sleep now, that had a long night ahead of them, they'll need the rest. They just hope Izuku was ok, they all knew he was too stubborn to die but he looked really beat up.

It was just a matter of time.

Izuku glared at Shigaraki as he walked over to the cell the boy was held in, they deemed him 'too dangerous' to be kept in the actual hideout which Izuku rolled his eyes at. If they thought he was too dangerous for the real base then they shouldn't have even kidnapped him in the first fucking place.

"What do you want Handyman?" Izuku said harshly, his voice cold as his face was emotionless.

"You to join us." The villain said.

"Mh, thanks for the offer but it's gonna be a hard pass." Izuku said, leaning against the wall. He held in a smirk as the villain began scratching his neck, annoyance radiating off him.

"You could have power, the world looks down on those like you. Born without a quirk. Messed up, dontcha think?" The villain said.

"I don't know how you know I'm quirkless but it's still a no. I can prove anyone can be whatever they want, no matter their past or their power. Or lack of one." The greenette said. This just made Shigaraki angrier, itching at his neck more frantically so a few beads of blood formed on his skin.

"Didn't the world turn it's back on you?! Why don't you just want revenge on those who have wronged you?!" Shigaraki shouted, Izuku grinned.

"Because the world wouldn't have turned it's back on me, if it weren't for a villain that killed my parents. Maybe of my parents were still alive I'd never be this cold." He said, looking Shigaraki in the eye.

"So no. And that's final." Izuku said. The villain stayed still for a minute before growling, whirling around and leaving. Izuku waited until he was sure the disintegration villain was gone before slumping against the wall, sliding to the floor in exhaustion. He hissed in pain and looked down at his broken leg, it was bruised badly, a dark purple that contrasted harshly against his pale skin, he was also fifty percent sure that the gash on his chest was infected thanks to not being treated.

He had nothing so he did what he does best. Analyze.

Mange's quirk is magnetism, she is able to activate her quirk on anyone and the magnetic pull would be different depending on the persons gender. She also had that giant magnet that would attract metal, so ceramic knives wouldn't be affected by it.

There really wasn't anything too special about Spinners quirk, it was a basic mutant type quirk. He wasn't that fast, so speed up the fight with him.

Compress had a five finger touch only, the person that he touches would be trapped inside a marble until he released them with a snap or if it wore off. It was only five finger touch so if even one of his fingers were gone it wouldn't work, even if it adapted it would take to long and he would be out.

Twice had a Quirk that can make clones of anyone, the only problem is he needed every measurement to make a clone. He also refused to clone himself, that was interesting. But the clones were only half as strong as the real thing and it was cut in half ever time a new clone was made, so each clone is weaker than the one before. There wasn't any real weakness to this one, maybe if he couldn't get the measurements but that is always taken care of beforehand.

Dabi was a fire quirk user, the flames were extremely hot but there has to be a limit on how much heat his body could take. That's probably why he has the skin graphs, and surgical staples instead of just stitches. They were definitely not burn scars, burns were messier and had more of a red shade than a purple one. The obvious defence to his quirk would be having him overexert himself or bring water to the fight, Kota's quirk would be a great counter to the fire.

Toga's quirk was disguise, allowing her to turn into whoever she drank the blood of. But she has a limit, depending on how much blood she ingests she can go for a few seconds to a whole day. Don't let her get your blood and you'll be fine, avoid her knives. She was also really slick, being able to get out of someones grasp and being silent. Listen for her breathing or feel her presence, the air always shifts right before she appears.

Kurogiri was warp gate, you have to be careful if you want to try and attack him since he was mostly made out of mist. He was probably vulnerable to mental quirks more than physical, since he has more brain then physical appearance. He's the one you want to take out of the fight first, and go for his neck armor. Don't give the villains a chance to escape.

Shigaraki's quirk is decay, it can work on anything except things like sand, dirt, anything that's already a fine dust like material. It was the same with Compress, make it so his hands are useless to win.

Izuku grinned widely, it was almost insane looking. A small chuckle escaped his mouth.

"They picked the wrong class."

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