19- Stay hidden, stay safe

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(This entire chapter is just filler and I realize that as I'm going back to read it before publishing but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

And he was right, they never did find him. Izuku was hardly trying, going into a mindset he hadn't been in for a long while. It was when he was still new to living on the streets, scared to death of what was out there; villains, vigilanties, low lying crooks, it was impossible to tell what just might be out there. And for a six year old with a wild imagination there's nothing that couldn't hurt him.

A six year old Izuku walked down an empty street, his small figure shaking with fear and the cold. It was getting dark and he had nowhere to go, flashes of a knife, dripping blood onto the floor and a burst of bright blue flames danced across his vision before he shook his head, clearing it. He couldn't have a breakdown, not here. He looked around for a place to stay, finding an abandoned building he could stay for the night. He walked in, listening for anything that might be inside. He, luckily, heard and found nothing except the dust and rubble of the old apartment complex. He was exploring when suddenly something darted infront of him, resulting in the boy stumbling back with a yelp of surprise.

Two bright yellow eyes peered up at him from the darkness, a mew broke the silence as the small kitten smoothly walked towards the frightened boy. Izuku too a deep breath to calm his racing heart, it was just a cat, nothing to worry about. The cat rubbed it's head against Izukus arm, purring quietly at the warmth coming from the boy. Izuku hesitantly stroked the small animals head gently. There was suddenly the loud thumping of footsteps echoing through the building and Izukus eyes went wide, standing up and looking for a place to hide. He ran into the nearest room, the kitten following him, and found a cupboard to hide in. The cat hopped up onto Izukus lap, keeping quiet as the cupboard door creaked closed, a small crack to see what was going on.

Izuku peered out into the room, catching a glimpse of a big, black boot as whoever it was walked in and looked around. Izuku held his breath as a big, burly man came into view. He didn't recognize the man so he sunk further back into the shadows of the cupboard, trying to keep himself from shaking. The strange man paused, scanning the area before moving on, sorely making his way around the abandoned apartment. Izuku looked around the small cupboard, noticing shifting silently and he started crawling towards a hole in the wall that was there, probably from termites or rats. He heard the man's footsteps come closer again and froze, hear rate speeding up in fear he would be found before continuing to silently crawl towards the hole.

Don't let them find you.

If they find you, you get hurt.

Stay hidden. Stay safe.

Izuku squeezed through the medium sized gap in the wall, tumbling forward into a crawlspace. He heard footsteps come towards where he was and moved so he wouldn't be seen from the crawlspace entrance, holding his breath. The cat mewed and he heard a gruff voice say, "Just a cat." Before the footsteps started up again, fading away. Izuku let out a sigh of relief as the kitten hopped up onto his lap, purring as he pet them. He sighed, looking around, it wasn't too bad, just a bit dusty-

"-ell done on the exercise Midoriya! Congrats on your win!" Izuku blinked back to reality as he heard All Might talking to him. He nodded before following the rest of the class to change or of his hero costume.

"Deku, where were you anyway?" Katsuki asked as he fell back to walk beside Izuku, the unofficial 'Bakusquad' not noticing his absence from up ahead.

"Near the center of the forest, I heard you yelling at Kaminari close to the beginning." Izuku said, "Though, you could have been further away seeing how loud you get- OW." Izuku glared at Katsuki who had just smacked him upside the head.

"That hurt." Izuku whined, rubbing the spot where Katsuki hit as the crimson eyed teen rolled his eyes.

"You're fine." Katsuki scoffed, "But just so ya know, I called it."

"Called what?" Izuku asked.

"That you wouldn't be found." Katsuki replied as Izuku hummed in response. He shrugged, saying a small 'Guess you were right' before going to his own locker to change.


Izuku was sitting on the rooftop of what he claimed as his apartment complex, being abandoned and all its not like anyone's going to fight him for it. He looked at the sky that was turning dark shades of blue and violet, bleeding into the bright reds, yellows and oranges of the sunset. It almost looked like the sky was on fire, glowing as the night slowly blanketed Japan it it's quiet embrace. Izuku watched the stars as they twinkled above him.

"See those stars Izuku? Some say that's where those who have passed go to rest after the long journey of life."

Izukus eyes grew a bit sad at the memory, a small smile gracing his lips. His mother always told him stories like that as he was growing up, but it seemed like her journey head been cut short. He laughed bitterly at the thought, a hollow laugh with no real emotion in it that rang out in the cool night air before it went quiet again. The greenette sighed, pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them as the air started to get colder. It's not like he was bothered much by the cold anymore, getting used to it from his living on the streets. He watched the stars as they slowly made their way across the sky, their movement unnoticeable without a time lapse or a picture every hour. Bright green eyes were the only thing you could see in the darkness on top of the building, two reflecting orbs that seemed to hover there.

"Mom, Dad, I miss you."

Bruised And Broken (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now