35- I'm tired

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Izuku woke up to the sound of many people talking, opening his eyes and he peered down at the mass of annoyances that wouldn't let him sleep.

He sighed, stretching his limbs out before scanning the crowd for his friends.

He paused, blinking a few times in surprise.

Friends? Since when did I call them my friends? Am I even allowed to call them that?? Do they think of me as a friend?

Izuku shook his head, still confused before he found where the Bakusquad were hanging out by the table that had water. He stood up and walked across the support beam, finding a spot right above the group before dropping, landing in a crouch. His sudden appearance made Mina squeak in shock and jump back into Denki who had shouted in surprise, making Sero and Eijiro turn to see what happened while Katsuki just watched blankly.

"Where did you come from?!" Mina asked, "You just dropped outta nowhere!"

Izuku pointed up at the rafters and they looked up.

"You- how did you even get up there???" Izuku shrugged and looked around, Toga was still there somewhere and he did not like it one bit. The others went back to talking, with Izuku adding his input every now and then but he mostly listened. He even made them laugh!

... Ok, he shouldn't feel this accomplished for making someone laugh, why is he feeling this accomplished?!

Soon enough the second half of the exam started, and a scenario was thrown at the students for what was going to happen. It was a search and rescue type, the actors for the citizen victims will have fake injuries that would need to be taken care of, they will judge how you proceed with the extraction and how you behave while you do so. Everyone will start with a hundred points and each time you mess up since points are taken away, you fail if you get below fifty percent.

Izuku looked around, finding his classmates and thinking of something like groups they could do to split up and cover as much ground as they could.

Momo, Hagakure, Aoyoama and Kaminari could stay back and make a medical/first aid area and take in the 'injured' people since their quirks wouldn't need to be used, unless something happened.

Their fastest people would need to take those citizens to the first aid area, Katsuki and Tenya, maybe even Shoto would have a help in that. They're arguably some of the fastest people in the class.

Jiro, Koda and Shoji would be on searching duty, Jiro and Shoji with their enhanced hearing and Koda could send birds to search the rubble. Shoji would also be on moving rubble, seeing as he's the strongest there.

Ochaco, Sero, Mina, and Sato would be a team, working on the people who are trapped in the rubble. Ochaco would make the heavier pieces float, while Sero keeps it in check with his tape. Sato would help with the heavy lifting incase Ochaco starts to get nauseous. Mina would be able to melt the rubble so it is no longer a problem or melt through the larger chunks to get to people.

Ojiro, Eijiro, Tsu, and Tokoyami will be a separate team of helpers for the people stuck in the rubble, Tsu bring able to jump up to higher areas while Dark Shadow could move debris. Eijiro and Ojiro helping keep boulders up while people get out from under it, the red haired boy using his Quirk to keep him steady and Ojiro using his tail like a fifth limb.

Hitoshi and Izuku himself will go between the different stations, seeing who needs the most help where. Hitoshi's quirk isn't suited for this, and Izuku was quirkless, they could do more by jumping around to the different areas.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts as the walls fell away, revealing a startlingly familiar scene.

The greenette froze, his breath catching in his throat as he stared at the wreckage.


He took a shuddering breath, of course they just had to have made it based on that. It's not like it affected anyone to the point that it would be a bad idea! Such an amazing plan, no one would have ptsd thanks to a traumatic experience that happened recently!

Who in their right mind would approve this?!

"Those fucking idiots." Katsuki snarled, recognizing the scenery as well. Izuku's hands balled into fists, his nails digging into his palms and snapping him out of his thoughts again.

Izuku took a deep breath before telling his plan to Katsuki, who nodded and went to search for half the class and Izuku found the other half and they explained the plan. Once the class met back up after being found by the two, Izuku looked at them.

"Everyone be careful, we don't know if there might be an extra part of this half of the test so don't let your guard down." The greenette said and they split off into their separate groups, Momo getting help from some of the other schools students to help clear a spot for the first aid area.

Hitoshi went to help with clearing the area with Momo's team while Izuku looked for a place with a high vantage point to keep a lookout for anyone in need of help and for any unsuspected dangers. He found a building that was tipped over slightly, leaning against one that was fully on the ground and quickly went over to it. He easily found his footing on the uneven ground, never wavering even when something shifted with his weight. He got to the top of the building, scanning his surroundings when he heard a call for help, his eyes flickering to a flash of red.

He jumped down from the building, sliding down the side to where the sound came from. He found the person, just one which was weird but he didn't question why this one person went out all alone, he was a loner himself. His thoughts wandered back to when he thought of the others as his friends and he shook his head, he had a test to pass.

He picked up the small person, who was playing as a young child, and piggybacked them back to the first aid area after checking them for any serious 'injuries'. The person was quiet, small fake sniffles coming from them.

"Hey, it's going to be ok." Izuku said instinctually at the sound, his voice soft and lacking it's usual sarcastic and sassy undertone and not even fully realizing he said it before they got to the temporary medical center. He handed the person to Momo before he turned and disappeared again, heading over to help move a pile of rubble with Tsu's team.

Suddenly gang orca, who was playing as the villain, came out of nowhere. They were on the other side of the disaster zone, away from the medical area and Izuku perked up, calling out to Hitoshi, Shoto, Katsuki and Tsu to follow him, taking off towards the 'villain' while taking the others in his class to stay back and protect the citizens.

Taking down gang orca was generally easy, with the help of a few of the other schools students like Shindo and Yoarashi. Izuku had kept Shoto and Yoarashi from fighting, and Katsuki from yelling at anyone so everyone in class 1-A had passed except Mineta. The short stack in question was whining about it not being fair, getting an annoyed 'life isn't fair' from Izuku and Aizawa.

Izuku noticed that Toga's presence was gone, she just vanished. The greenette wasn't sure how to feel, but he was distracted by an excited Mina taking about how they passed the exam with almost full marks for everyone and didn't pay it to much mind.

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