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If there's one thing Aizawa always did it was listen to his gut feeling over his head. It's saved time and lives countless times before, so when he felt his stomach twist into a knot as he and the students got off the bus at the USJ he knew something was going to happen.

Oh how he wished he was wrong.

"Has the exercise already started?" Kirishima had asked, taking a step forward. Aizawa turned around, the feeling in this gut grew stronger as he saw what his student had seen. A black and purple warp gate had appeared and now villains were pouring out of it, filling the space around the center fountain.

"What?" A villain with hands all over him started, "All Might was supposed to be here, I'm sure if we kill some of his students he'll show." Aizawas blood ran cold, there were too many villains. He wasn't suited for long winded fights, better in stealth and rescue missions. But he didn't have a choice here.

"Thirteen, get the students out of here." He said as he pulled his goggles up. He ran forward and jumped into the fray, drop kicking a villain that got close to the stairs. He heard the doors to the USJ groan open and looked up briefly, seeing Veridian dart forward and kick the mist villain as the sound of metal on metal rang out for a second. Aizawas first thought of him was 'I can't beat him' but he immediately thought that if he was with the villains he wouldn't have defended the students.

Izuku was standing in between the warp villain and the students, a metal Bo staff resting in his grip. He came right as Kurogiri had separated the students into the different areas. To late for his liking.

"Veridian. Didn't expect you to show." Kurogiri said.

"Sure, tell your plans too a vigilante and expect them not to try and help. You aren't that smart." Izuku replied sassily, twirling the Bo in his hands. Kurogiri, seeing as he wouldn't let him pass, warped to Shigaraki. Izuku then immediately turned to the remaining students.

"Alright, who's the fastest here. Doesn't matter who I just need you to go to the school campus and warn the other teachers." He said and almost immediately a boy in white armor nodded and ran towards the door.

"Veridian, what are you doing here?" Thirteen asked as the girl from the entrance exam helped them stand up.

"I'm doing what's right. I'll go and help Eraser, the rest of the students might need your help." Izuku replied. Thirteen paused for a moment before they nodded and turned to speak with the students. Izuku took that chance to jump down the stairs to go help Eraser, twisting the Bo in his hands as he landed in the middle of a group of villains. They all converged on him as he was the nearest target but he simply ducked, twisting in a way that seemed impossible to do. In seconds he had the group of six villains down and out cold, darting froward to knock out a villain behind Eraser that was about to attack.

"Fancy seeing you here." Eraser said.

"Likewise." Izuku replied as they stood back to back. He looked around and just so happened to lock eyes with Shigaraki, preferably Facepalm.

"Cheater!! You cheated!! You aren't supposed to be here!" The hand man in question shrieked, scratching his neck so much he started drawing blood. All the whole Izuku had been taking out the fodder villains with Eraser, easily weaving around attacks as he knocked out villains. He had knocked out one last filler villain when he heard Facepalm shriek;

"Nomu! Kill him!" He was pointing straight at Izuku. The vigilantes head snapped up as he heard heavy and fast footsteps coming right toward him. He barely managed to dodge around the hulking figure, a crater sitting where he stood only moments before. He looked up at the figure and cringed at the sight, it was a black and purple color with a beak that was filled with large triangular teeth. It had an exposed brain as it's eyes bulged out of said brain. It was twice as big as Izuku, with muscles that stretched the blackened skin unnaturally.

Izuku let out a small noise of surprise as it tried punching him again, diving between it's legs as he pulled out two knives and slashed at the things legs. He watched in both wonder and horror as the lacerations closed themselves, the only sign of them being there was a few beads of blood. He was forced to dodge again and faintly heard Shigaraki screaming in anger.

"How?! That is supposed to be able to keep up with All Might!! Cheater! Cheater!" Shigaraki screamed like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Izuku ignored it in favor of dodging the life threatening bird man. He moved around the 'Nomu' and used his knives to create long and deep cuts in the dark skin, despite it being no use.

Aizawa watched as Veridian, who is no older than fifteen, continuously dodge the large bird like creature that was supposed to take down All Might like it was nothing. It was terrifying to watch, especially since he couldn't do anything to help since he wasn't able to match such speed. He saw three of his students standing to the side, recognising them as Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima.

Suddenly the Nomu turned and lunged for Bakugo, startling everyone. The Nomu lunged right as the doors burst open and All Might stepped in. Dust surrounded the spot where Bakugo once stood and the Nomu currently stood. The entire place went quiet, thinking Bakugo just died to the bird creature.

"What the fuck?" A small voice asked and everyone's head snapped toward the owner. It was Bakugo, sitting on the ground like he was roughly pushed it of the way. Aizawa looked around, All Might was still standing at the entrance, looking as shocked as Aizawa felt. He continued and his heart dropped as he saw Veridian wasn't where he was a minute before.

The very vigilante who was just hit with enough force to kill lunged from the dust, narrowly avoiding another attack. That's when All Might decided to step in, appearing in front of the Nomu in seconds.

"Go for the brain." Izuku hissed, pain lacing his words. He was running purely on adrenaline at this point, ignoring the pain that flared though his limbs. That was until he felt something wrap around his chest and stomach, pulling him away from the Nomu. He let out a small yelp of pain, his vision clouding and the adrenaline started to fade. He tried to get out of what his foggy mind supplied as Erasers capture scarf.

"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself even more." Eraser said, Izuku ignored it and continued trying to twist out of the scarf, holding in a hiss of pain.

Aizawa was watching the vigilante when all of a sudden he went limp in the scarf. Aizawa thought he had died and started to panic for a second before he saw the slight rise and fall of Veridians chest and let out a small breath of relief. He carefully set the young vigilante down on the ground before picking him up himself, careful as to not disturb any wounds he had. As soon as he had a proper hold on the boy he darted for the exit, wanting to get the boy to Recovery Girl as soon as possible since he doubted he'd get full time to recover before he was questioned by police if he went to a normal hospital.

He got to the school surprisingly quickly and ran to Recovery Girl's office, she had been notified that Aizawa was coming by Hizashi. She was already waiting at the door of the infirmary by the time he got there.

Recovery Girl sent Aizawa out as soon as he had placed the boy down, he could do nothing more than wait now.

Bruised And Broken (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now