13- Aliases

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Sorry this took so long to get out but lately I haven't really had any inspiration so I'm going on a little hiatus from posting. Sorry if this is kinda sudden and unexpected.)

Izuku sat in his seat, quietly talking with Shoto about what happened at the sports festival after he left. The dual haired boy was into talking about his match against Katsuki, the early on match was their second fight. There was one thing that bothered Izuku though and he cut Shoto off.

"Wait, why didn't you use your fire side?" Izuku asked, looking at the other boy curiously. If he used his fire he could have won that battle against Katsuki. Shotos entire posture went cold as here radiated negativity.

"I'm never going to use my old man's quirk, I'll make it to the top without using it." He replied, sneering at the mention of his father.

"Have you ever heard of a quirk marriage?" Shoto asked coldly.

"Yes actually, I'm assuming that's what Endeavor did. But it's your own quirk, not your fathers, not your mothers. Does your mother have fire? Does your father have ice? No, they don't. You have a blend of both, not one or the other." Izuku stated, seeing Shotos eyes widen slightly.

"My own?" He questioned.

"Yes your own. What happens if you don't use your fire in a situation where if you don't it could get you or someone else killed? What then?" Izuku asked. He was for once glad for the noise of the classroom, it gave cover for their personal conversation.

"You wouldn't understand." Shoto hissed, trying to defy his fire side. Izuku looked him dead in the eye.

"You're right. I wouldn't understand having your 'fathers quirk' or your 'mothers quirk.' I wouldn't understand having one at all." The green haired boy said, his voice barely above a whisper. Shoto reeled, shocked that one of the strongest and fastest students with the most fighting experience was quirkless. That's when the heterochromatic male stopped doubting what one Izuku Midoriya could do.


"Alright class, we have, another, transfer student except this time he's coming from 1-C instead of another school." Aizawa announced and excited mutters started up, wondering who it was.

"Hitoshi Shinso, I'm here to become a hero not to make friends." The purple haired boy declared. Katsuki started laughing lightly, confusing the new student.

"Good luck holding up to that." Katsuki said as he gave a few people a small look. Izuku was just giving a shit eating grin that would make Aizawa shudder. Shoto had said the same thing but look where he was now, openly talking around people. Izuku wouldn't hesitate to drag either of them to a group of his classmates to befriend them, he'd do it.

"Whatever, just sit down. Today you'll be picking out what you want your hero names to be." Aizawa said as he zipped up his sleeping bag. Then Midnight strutted in and defined what Aizawa meant.

"Now you will be picking names to be called while doing hero work. You could possibly have these names for the rest of your lives so cute something that suits you and your quirk." Midnight said, snapping her flogger style whip.

Aoyama and Mina went up first, having them adjusted and shot down respectively before coming up with 'I can't stop twinkling' and 'Pinky.' After that it was pretty easy for them to make their hero names.

"The rainy season hero; Froppy."

"Red Riot!"

"Chargebolt, the electric hero."

"The Tailman."

"The zero gravity hero; Uravity."




"The fresh-picked hero; Grape Juice!"

"Invisible Girl!"

By now there was only Izuku, Katsuki, Tenya, Hitoshi and Shoto left to go. That was brought down fairly quickly though.

"King explosion murder!" The explosive blond shouted, sneering. Midnight immediately shot that down.

"Hey Kacchan!" Izuku called, the older boy snapped a 'What?!' at him. "How about Ground Zero? It's the point above or below an explosion." The green haired teen said, doubting that Katsuki would actually do it.

"Fine, damn nerd." The blond grumbled the last part halfheartedly as he erased the original name. Then Tenya went up, his hero name being Ingenium to carry the family line. Midnight, annoyingly, fawned over how noble it was of him to take on the next generation as the turbo hero.

"Frostfire, the split hero." Shoto said in his monotone voice. While Midnight complimented on how fitting it was, Izuku silently thanked whatever being was out there for having Shoto listen to him. He was, quite frankly, surprised he chose a name that suited both his fire and his ice side. It wasn't long after that Hitoshi went up to present his hero name, causing more of a fuss within the class.

"The mind control hero, MC." The lavender haired boy said, about to go sit down when Ojiro's voice rang out.

"But isn't your quirk called brainwashing?" The tailed boy asked, causing a few murmurs to stir up. Questions sprang up about his quirk and soon enough everyone was shouting at each other and at Hitoshi. It was clear that the sleep deprived boy hated the attention, desperately wanting to change the conversation or have it end.

"Quiet!" Izuku said, his voice somehow reaching everyone while not yelling. He gave an annoyed and disinterested look as he addressed the class.

"While, yes, his quirk is called brainwashing it isn't correct definition wise. The definition of brainwashing is the act of forcing radically different beliefs onto another person, usually by force. That clearly isn't what Shinso does. Mind control, even with how broad that term is, is more accurate than brainwashing." The green haired boy said without looking up from the whiteboard he had until he finished speaking.

The class was silent after that with a very confused and surprised Hitoshi still at the front of the class. Izuku didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow at them in question. Hitoshi went back to his seat as the rest of the class dove into small chatter as they waited for Izuku to show his hero name.

The green haired boy in question was silently tapping the expo marker against the small whiteboard, thinking. He didn't have a quirk to base his name from and couldn't use Veridian again since that's his vigilante alias. Well, he could but he didn't want them to know yet so that was out of the question.

He stopped tapping, finding something that he could use as his name. He smiled to himself as he wrote it down, going up to the front of the class right after.

"Kieru, the quirkless hero."

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