17- Never doubt

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Smoke burst into dark, billowing clouds around the heroes and the now familiar sound of metal against metal called sharply through the smoke. Aizawa waved his hand in front of his face, clearing the fading smoke away and, surprise, surprise; he sees Izuku fighting off Stain. Again. Right in front of Endeavor to. Izuku was defending the flame hero from being killed, obvious by the way he intercepted the killing blow. Endeavor may not be the best of people but he was still human, everyone makes mistakes some are just bigger than others. And if the number two hero died, society would probably riot seeing as hardly anyone knows the real Endeavor.
(Sorry everyone but I have a little something planned for the flaming trash can later on so :3)

Izuku flexed his hands, the claws in his gloves sliding out and clicking into place as he shifted into a defensive stance, waiting. He stood between Stain and the heroes, collapsible Bo staff in his now clawed hands. Stain lunged, shouting; "Get out of my way!" As he did. Izuku didn't even flinch at the aura of bloodlust that radiated off of Stain that left the heroes and his fellow students frozen to the ground. Izuku batted one of Stains knife away with his staff and swerved out of the way of another, retaliating with a sweep to Stains legs. The hero killer jumped and brought both of his knives down only for both of them to be blocked, sparks flying off where the metal clashed.

Stain jumped back, twisting his knife between his fingers menacingly. Izuku does not give a fuck about intimidation, unaffected by it, and followed Stain, sweeping his staff at the hero killers side. Stain ducked out of the way, swiping his dagger at Izuku who blocked it, aiming a kick at Stains shin. Stain hissed in pain as the kick connected, made worse by the steel coating over the tip and soles. Izuku followed that with a punch to the face before jumping away as a thrown knife grazed his arm.

Izuku dodged around Stain as he lunged for him, blocking a blade with his staff. The greenette jumped away, knocking another knife off course as he landed in a crouch. Stain snarled and lunged for Izuku again, swinging his dagger wildly. Lucky for Izuku and unlucky for Stain the green haired boy had reflexes faster than Katsukis so dodging it was like a light jog; no problem. The hero killer tried getting around Izuku to his target; Endeavor, but the boy refused to cooperate, only moving to block Stain.

"Hey, kid! Get out of there, it's dangerous!" A blond hero shouted, the rest of the group starting to shake off the terror of Stains aura. Izuku completely ignored it, preferring to not see heroes and possibly his classmates be killed, thank you very much. Stain burst forward, Izuku also darting to meet him in the middle and then started this almost trance-like fight. It was like watching a dance, a very deadly dance that could get you killed but a dance all the same. Both of them were blurs of color until they clashed, pausing in their sharp edged ballet for a moment. In that moment you could see the expressions on their faces, one of them deathly calm while the other seemed almost distracted, a wild look in his eyes.

Izuku twisted away from a knife, his face strangely neutral as he fought one of the most dangerous villains out there. This was odd to the heroes except Aizawa, who knows of him being an ex-vigilante. Was it still nerve wracking to watch a fifteen year old fight off a villain alone that most heroes couldn't handle even with backup? Yes. Very.

The atmosphere that came from this fight was tense and suffocating, every second putting you more on edge than before. Izuku shifted suddenly, his stance and posture changing in that one small movement. Stain, startled by the sudden shift, took a step back, looking Izuku up and down as he tried seeing any signs of his next attack. Izuku darted forward, sweeping his staff at Stains knees before twisting into a punch to the stomach and then another to the face. The green haired boy ducked under a dagger, making an odd movement that shifted his entire body as he straightened up. Stain tripped over his own feet, the heroes also feeling almost disoriented in a way, Izuku took the chance and swept Stains legs from under him.

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