4- Disaster lies ahead

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Izuku was in his vigilante suit, standing on one of the fake buildings of Yuuei. It was the day of the entrance exams and being the person he was he was there to make sure no one dies. He wasn't going to take it, he didn't want to get into the prestigious school, nor did he need to. He was perfectly content with his vigilantism, thank you very much.

Izuku didn't necessarily like the entrance exam, they expected kids who have hardly ever used their quirks to take on robots that are bigger than them. It also leaned heavily toward those with flashy and strong quirks, unless you had the physical ability to tear through metal or knew exactly where the off button is on them you wouldn't be able to rack up enough points to get into the hero course. There was always the possibility of transferring in through the Sports Festival but it was usually one of the hero course students who came in first.

 Izuku covered his ears as he heard Present Mic scream at the students to go and almost immediately after a stampede of teens rushed in, taking down as many robots as they could. He heard a very familiar explosion and looked around for the source, he had figured out why he recognized the angry blond. Katsuki Bakugo, his childhood friend. The boy used to be like a brother to him, until he got his quirk. Katsuki let all the praise he got for having a powerful quirk go to his head, causing his ego to swell, he began teasing Izuku for not having a quirk when they were five and since they went to pretty bad schools growing up no one told him to stop.

It wasn't entirely Katsukis fault seeing as the adults couldn't care less for the 'quirkless reject' and focused on those who had potential. That was until he 'died,' then all the teachers sucked up about how he was a 'bright kid who had a good life ahead of him' but in all honesty he didn't care what they said.

Izuku was shaken from his thoughts as the building beneath him shook, signaling that the zero pointer had been released. He jumped down from his perch, helping any students struggling to get away whilst sticking to the shadows. He heard a cry of pain and his head snapped up, spotting a girl stuck under a chunk of ruble as the zero pointer closed in. He ran in at the same time a taller boy with purple hair and eyes bags burst forward to help as well. Izuku got to the girl first, using a stray lamp post to heave the piece of the building off her. The zero pointer was closing in on the three and an idea presented itself to Izuku, he saw the girl when she was taking out robots and knew she had an anti-gravity quirk and took a few steps back.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" The purple haired teen asked, panic laced in his voice as he picked the girl up seeing as she couldn't stand.

"Use your quirk on me." Izuku said as he burst forward, locking eyes with the girl. She understood and reached her and out, tapping his shoulder. On his next step Izuku vaulted into the air, signaling for the girl to release her quirk as he neared the giant robots shoulder. He landed in a roll the lessen the shock and immediately turned towards what would be the bots neck, fishing a screwdriver out of his utility belt and wedging the tip in between the metal plates. He tore the piece off to reveal the wiring and instead of wasting time trying to sort out which on would stop the robot he just puled his knife from its holster and sliced through all of them.

The zero pointer stopped moving beneath him and he let out a sigh of relief, the tension leaving his shoulders as Present Mic announced the exam over. He pocketed his knife and returned the screwdriver to its spot before trying to climb down. 'Trying' meaning he got halfway down without a hitch before instinctively dodging Erasers capture scarf which was probably to help him get down. He turned and gave Eraser the 'I don't need help' look, climbing down a bit more before just falling the rest of the way. He landed lightly, like he didn't just launch himself onto a fifty foot tall robot and rip its wiring out as if he did it at least twice a week.

"What are you doing here?" Eraser asked.

"Making sure no one dies."

"No one was going to die."

"A girl with an anti-gravity quirk almost did."

That was met with an annoyed sigh from the tired pro. Suddenly an animal that looked like a mix between a ran and a bear came out of nowhere, introducing himself as Yuueis principal, Nezu. Who is also one of if not the smartest being in the planet and Izuku remembered the small conversation he had with Eraser a few months back and realized they probably knew about his identity. 

"Pleasure to meet you Principal Nezu." Izuku said, wanting to leave but knows that probably won't happen.

"Indeed." Nezu replied and shook Izukus hand, the teen felt something light in his palm as the rat-bear let go. Before anything could happen, the young vigilante was gone like a breath in the wind. Nezu was interested in the boy, hearing from Aizawa that he had excellent analysis skills and fought as well as top pro heroes. And he was separated by six so training would have had to be done by himself unless he started before his parents died, that was also a possibility as his father used to be a pro hero. His analysis skills will come in handy as well as having someone who excelled in hand to hand combat, people rely too much on quirks these days.


Izuku jumped from one roof to the other, scanning the streets. Something was off, it was too quiet the past week, ever since Yuuei started. He didn't like it at all and felt something would happen tonight, his suspicions were confirmed as a black mist appeared right where he was about to land. He stayed silent, dropping through the mist and landing in the new environment in a defensive position.

"No need to be so tense, Veridian." A scratchy voice said and Izuku turned to see who it was. He paused for a second as he saw that there voice belonged to a lanky man with dismembered hands in almost random spots on his upper body, one covered his face from view and messed up his already messy pale blue hair. Izuku raised an eyebrow, his sass coming out before he could stop it.

"Pardon me but last I checked it wasn't Halloween." He said, making the villain mad.

"Listen here vigilante, want to get out of this alive then listen closely." The villain snarled, itching at his neck in annoyance. Then he began this entire explanation of how he wanted to take down All Might, Izuku didn't pay that much attention to it, preferring to look for a way out.

"- tomorrow, we strike the USJ where All Might will be with his dumb class. Join us, it'll be good to have another pawn for some it the more annoying people to take down." This caught Izuku by surprise and he looked right at the hand man and saw he was dead serious about wanting him to join.

"Sorry hand man but attacking children is crossing a line, and I'm not joining you." Izuku said before peacefully walking towards the door.

"You'll regret that, the League of Villains will tear down this society of heros. Good luck being on the losing side." Facepalm snarled as a warp gate opened beside Izuku.

"Who said I'm on the losing side?" Izuku said before stepping through the warp gate. He appeared on the house he was on right before he was teleported to the supposed 'League of Villains' hideout. Izuku wasted no time before taking off, he knew Eraserhead was a teacher at Yuuei and knew where he generally patrolled.

But he got sidetracked with a group of muggers and by the time he had them unconscious it was already sunrise.

Guess he was going to Yuuei tomorrow.

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