33- Other Schools are a Pain

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Ha, ha ha, remember on like chapter fourteen I said I know what I'm doing?
Well I don't, that was a lie, writers block got me hard these past few months and I just couldn't bring myself to write. My profile sorta died on this app for a bit but now I'm back and hope to finish this book though the ending chapters may be a bit rushed since honestly I kinda just want to finish this but hopefully they follow what little plot there is lol
Anyway, me writing style might have changed starting at chapter 37 because I make chapters in advance :D
Why? I have no idea. Anyway, my humor also has not changed, just evolved, good day/night)

After a week of training and getting their super moves down, the Provisional Licensing Exam was upon them. Izuku walked up to Vlad King, class 1-B's teacher, and handed him a notebook.

"What's this?" The teacher asked, a skeptical look on his face.

"Info and analysis on your students quirks, so hopefully it helps. Good luck." He called before trotting back over to his own class as Aizawa was doing a head count.

The greenette found that there were spots above the students, probably if anyone wanted to put their bag up there, and seeing as he didn't want to sit by anyone at the moment he smoothly jumped up onto one. By the time everyone was seated he was just above Katsuki and Hitoshi.

He stretched out, laying on his stomach and took out his phone and earbuds, plugging said earbuds in as he searched up the schools and the people from the schools that were going to be there. He had gone through all of the students and teachers that were there by the time they arrived, easily jumping down as the bus shuddered and stopped, surprising Katsuki and Hitoshi at his sudden appearance.

As soon as they were out of the vehicle they we're joined by a dark brown haired boy who was slightly taller that Katsuki, Shindo from Ketsubutsu high.

"Hi! Wow, if it isn't class 1-A from Yuuei! I'm so excited to meet you!" The boy said, coming uncomfortably close to Izuku as he held the greenettes hands on his own. Said greenette just gave him a small glare, stepping back as he quickly shook his hands off.

"Yea, doubt, but ok." The sassy boy replied, his vibrant eyes meeting the other boys dull brown.

"Oh damn, your eyes are as dull as your personality." Izuku muttered to himself, hearing a snicker from a few of his classmates who were close enough to hear him. He saw a flash of anger in Shindo's eyes before they went back to the facade he put up, probably trying to get their guard down.

"And if you're trying to get our guards down by acting nice then I just suggest stopping, it's obvious it's fake." Izuku said, "And don't touch me again."

The brown haired boy stepped back in surprise, what it that obvious?

"Yes." Izuku said, seemingly reading his thoughts. "Your expression gives everything away." He said, his gaze on a small knife that he twirled between his fingers.

"Why should we be worried about a quirkless like you?" Shindo hissed and saw his hand that held the knife freeze, a small smirk playing at his lips as he thought he just got under the greenettes skin.

"If anything he's the one you should be most worried about." Katsuki scoffed, gaining Shindo's attention.

"Why? He's w-""You call him weak and I will personally make sure you won't become a hero." Hitoshi growled, cutting Shindo off. There was no way in hell anyone in this class was going to let the Ketsubutsu student talk shit about their resident greenette, not even Aizawa was going to let him get away with that without a talk.

"You are aware that Quirk discrimination is illegal right?" The menacing teacher of class 1-A said, his voice dark. A small bit of shock washed over the brown haired student, and his teacher, Miss Joke, stared at Aizawa.

"Now, that's enough I think, you can go at each other during the test." The teal haired hero said with a nervous laugh, seeing the glares of the other hero that was directed at her student. She said a quick greeting to Aizawa, trying to get him to laugh but ultimately failed and she took her class inside.

"Alright, please refrain from killing anyone in this exam." Aizawa said, giving a pointed look to Katsuki as he said it. The blond in question huffed a 'fine' and turned his glare to the ground.

"Alright everyone, don't die." Aizawa huffed in his way of saying good luck.

"Let's go beyond, Plus Ultra!" Denki started, the rest of the class and an unfamiliar voice joining in the end. Izuku turned to see Shiketsu students, his eyes quickly glancing at each of them. He froze as he felt the same giggly and psychotic aura that Toga had and his breath stopped for a moment, his body tensing up for a solid five minutes. He didn't hear anything that the other schools class has said, nor did he hear anything from his own class. His head felt like it was underwater, dulling the sound as white noise filled his head.

It disappeared as the Shiketsu class left, joining the Ketsubutsu students inside the auditorium. He took a deep breath, slightly shaken but refused to show it, especially if the rest of the Lov were there.

"Izuku you alright? You seem kinda out of it..." Momo said as she approached the boy, noticing his stiff posture. He replied with a nod and left to join the rest of the class, leaving the raven haired girl and she sighed, looking over as she felt someone's hand hold her own, smiling softly as the shorter, purple haired girl that stood next to her met her gaze.

"You see him as a little brother, don't you?" Jiro questioned, getting a small, hesitant nod in response and the smaller took the others hand in her own.

"I don't know why though, I know he can take care of himself so why?..." The raven haired girl sighed and felt her purple haired friend comfortingly rub her thumb against the back of the tallers hand, relaxing slightly.

"We should go, Aizawa would yell at us is we don't get there with the others." Jiro said, getting a nod from the other and they hurried to catch up with their class.


Izuku was half paying attention, only gathering the important parts of the test like the rules and whatnot, while the other part of him was tense as can be being in the same room as Toga. He felt someone nudge him and looked over to Katsuki.

'You ok?' He signed.

'She's here.' Izuku replied, seeing confusion flash across the blonds face before the greenette held up the sign for the letter T. Then the other stiffened as well, his crimson gaze flitting around the room at the people, trying to see if he could find the villain.

"Alright everyone, time to start the Provisional Licensing Exam." The tired male said, the students filing out to find the censors for the first half of the test and Izuku let out a huff in agitation.

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