29- Kamino

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Izuku opened his eyes as he felt the air swirl, a sign Kurogiri was there. He expected Shigaraki to be with him, not a man without a face. The only thing he had was a mouth, the rest of it was just slightly scarred flesh. It was honestly disgusting and horrible. But he felt that this man could kill him in an instant, so he kept his mouth shut and stayed where he was. He just watched as the man gazed at him, his skin crawling with both the need to run and fight, like his instincts were fighting over what to do.

Maybe this one time he'll listen to his head over his gut, this one time he can think things out. It's like a game of chess, you have to outsmart your enemy, make your move and wait for theirs, then counter it until you win. That's all life is isn't it? All just a big game that's never in your favor.

"Izuku Midoriya, the last of the Midoriya family. What a pity, they were good heroes. But you are different, you're a hero in a different way. Isn't that right Veridian?" The man asked.

"Mh, I suppose you could say that." Izuku replied, taking in all information he could about the stranger.

"Do you know who I am?" The man asked.

"I have an idea." The greenette replied. The man grinned, it was creepier than a usual evil grin thanks to the lack of eyes.

"The name's All for One, it's a pleasure to meet such a talented kid of your age. What? Sixteen I believe?" All for One said, watching as the teen didn't even react, lost in his own mind.

'All for One, the biggest villain that was out there. He was thought to have died years ago when he fought All Might, that sure as hell was incorrect. The villain was standing right in front of him. His Quirk allows him to take anyone's quirk and can give them to someone else, though he usually keeps them for himself.'

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and blinked, his gaze refocusing on All for One.

"So, are you sure you don't want to join us? You could have what you always wanted." The villain said.

"And what's that?" Izuku questioned, waiting.

"A Quirk." All for One said, thinking that was going to get the boy onto their side. Oh he was wrong, oh so very, very wrong.

Izuku began chuckling, soon full on laughing. The villain stood there confused, feeling a prick of anger that this quirkless boy would have the audacity to laugh at him.

"You think that's what I've always wanted? Do you want to know what I actually want?" Izuku asked, his eyes sparking with a bit of manic energy.

"To prove everyone wrong. And I can't do that with a quirk now can I?" Izuku said, smile widening at the shocked expression of the symbol of evil. He sat back, his head thumping against the wall lightly and he closed his eyes again.

"I'll give you the same answer I gave Shigaraki. No means no you deaf idiots." He said, opening one eye to look as AFO angrily left through a warp gate. He grinned to himself, closing his eye once more.

He loved getting villains mad.


"What's in there?" Shoto questioned, he and Tenya had Katsuki and Hitoshi on their shoulders as the two peered into the building.

"There's.... An army of Nomu..." Hitoshi said, trailing off. This was the first time he's seen one and it was more horrifying than he thought, he shook his head and looked around.

"There's no sign of him." Katsuki said quietly, his crimson orbs looking for anything that would signal the greenette was there. There was nothing and Katsuki and Hitoshi got down from the other twos shoulders, concern written on everyone's faces. Then pro heroes attacked the Nomu warehouse, forcing the students to hide so they didn't get caught. A few minutes into the attack, the figure of a man came out of the shadows. Best Jeanist used his quirk to tie the man up, only for the clothing fibers to snap. The pro hero was shot in the stomach with what seemed to be a shockwave, he luckily got the other pro heroes out of the way in time.

The fight started, and the buildings directly around it were already destroyed when All Might came. Sending a blast of wind in an directions as he went for a punch to the villain.

Izuku felt the shockwave from where he was, looking around as he stood up. He ignored the small stab of pain that came from his leg as he walked over to the bars, looking at how far apart they were before sliding through them sideways. He rolled his eyes at just how fucking easy that was, that or not eating much plays a part in that.

Izuku walked toward the door, trying it. It was locked and he sighed, stepping back. The door was wooden, guess what that means. The greenette had his back to the door and jumped, whirling into a roundhouse that broke the door before landing lightly on his uninjured leg. He carefully stepped through the splinters of the door, walking out into the deserted backstreet neighborhood. He looked around in confusion before recognizing where he was, he was somewhere in Kamino city.

He felt something in his throat and coughed, a black substance coming out of his mouth and wrapped itself around him as he tried gasping for air. He fell to his knees, coughing as he got his breath back and he faintly realized he was somewhere else, a new place. So whatever that was must have been the cause of a quirk, he felt his blood chill as he put the pieces together.

All for One brought him and the League of Villains to a new area, probably getting the league away from heroes. He looked around and inductively rolled out of the way of something, turning and seeing it was Toga's knife. So the league was already there.

He looked around and dodged a blast of fire, using the flames as cover from view so he could duck behind a fallen building. He let out a breath but was startled when someone hugged him, blinking and recognising the head of spiky blond hair.

"Hey Kacchan." Izuku said quietly.

"Don't you fucking 'hey Kacchan' me you just got kidnapped." The other replied and Izuku laughed lightly.

"Hey Kacchan."

"You asshole-"

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