Chapter 9

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*(A/N: I realize that up till now the story is mostly in Iseul's POV

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*(A/N: I realize that up till now the story is mostly in Iseul's POV. [Sweats nervously] Just to let you know there is a "Well-Intended Love" reference in this chapter. If you have watched this drama you'll know it.)*

》Iseul's POV 

I wake up thanks to the light coming into my room. I should really tell Davina not to open the curtains so early in the morning during weekends. 

I stand up from my bed and groggily walk to the bathroom. I don't bother to change my pajamas, I know Namjoom won't be at home anyway. So I only wash my mouth and make my way to the dining room to eat breakfast.

I take a big yawn as I walk into the dining room. "Good morning." I hear a voice say and I look to where it came from. I almost jump out of my skin. Namjoon is seating at the table, cross legged, reading the newspaper. He takes a sip from his coffee cup. He isn't dressed formally which makes my eyes linger over his form longer than I should. My heart skiped a bit as I scanned over his muscly arms and broad chest. I catch his eye as he quirks his brow at me. "Ah... g-good m-morning..." I stutter quickly going to my place at the table and seating. Gosh I want to make myself small. I feel so underdressed next to him. Even with casual house clothes he looks formal and handsome. No one would tell if he had just woken up or had been working all along. While if you look at me I look exactly the way I woke up: messy hair, dark circles under my eyes and my pajamas.

Oh man... my pajamas are so stupidly childish. Fuzzy pants with llama print and a white tank top. I don't even have a freaking bra on! I want to bang my head on the table. I wrap my hands around my torso protectively. "Did you sleep well?" I jump a little, startled by Namjoon's voice. "I did, uh, did you sleep well?" 

Namjoon looks up from the newspaper, taking his glasses of and giving me a smile. "Yes." I question why he is here. He works on weekends too, at least that's what he told me and the first weekend I stayed here he left for work early in the morning. He is a workaholic. 

"Namjoon, aren't you late for work?" I ask looking at the clock on the wall. Namjoon turns to the clock I'm looking at and then he turns to me. "No, I decided to work from home."

"Wait, what?" 

"Like you heard Iseul, I am working from home. I'm the boss anyway, no better place to work than from the comfort of my own house. I also come to accompany my lovely wife." 

My cheeks flush as I understand what he has done. When I told him I didn't want to return home to find nothing and he said I would no longer be alone this is what he meant.

"Namjoon, you didn't have to do that." I say and he looks up at me again. 
"Do what?" He says innocently. Two maids come into the room with our food placing the plates before us. We thank them and start to eat. I don't question him and decide that maybe it could be a good thing that he is here. 

"When you are done eating go change  and meet me in my office." Namjoon says standing up from the chair and leaving with what's left of his coffee. I watch him go in confusion, but I do not complain. As soon as I finish I go and change into something more proper: a blue sun dress that reaches to my knees and a white, wool jaket. I brush my hair and that's it.

If Money Could Buy Love (BTS NamjoonxOC) [Forced Marriage AU]Where stories live. Discover now