Chapter 11

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*(A/N: okay, so I'll start with Namjoon today again, to give you an insider on how he works

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*(A/N: okay, so I'll start with Namjoon today again, to give you an insider on how he works. This part of the chapter might be a hit boring because he'll be talking about work. So I'm sorry if I make it too boring T^T. I tried to write it as enjoyable and interesting as possible. It is a quite important because from this chapter the actual action or drama in the story will arise, not only in the romance part but in the problems that will bring Namjoon and Iseul together. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it.)*

》Namjoon's POV

Monday morning I wake up and wash my mouth and my face, heading downstairs to eat breakfast. I greet my few maids as they wish me a goodmorning and take my place at the table.

It's quite early so Iseul is not still awake. Since our emotional moment on Saturday we have become a bit closer. I'll take my chances to prove to her that she can trust me and that I'll be here for her no matter what. It's sad that she feels the way she does. Alone. Unloved. Unimportant.

If she knew how much I want her. If she realized the people who love her greatly: her friends and her brothers. I'm sure her parents love her too, but they don't show it and instead they force her to have a perfect persona. I wish that she could stop pretending and hiding away. One day she'll be what she has always wanted to be: normal and happy.

I hope I can give her that.

"Namjoon, goodmorning!" Davina says, the old lady giving me a sweet smile. "Morning Davina."

"Irma will bring your breakfast in a minute, I'm going to wake up Iseul." She says and I nod. I watch her climb the stairs and disappear. Irma is another elder woman, she used to serve my father. Even when my father didn't want to live a life full of riches halmoni* begged him to at least take one maid with him. Irma was my father's nana when he was younger, so he dicided to take her with him. After his death grandma brought her back with me and let her work as cook and my nana like she was to my father.

*(할머니- halmoni: grandmother)*

Irma walks in with a two plates at hand and Donhyung, a young cook, behind her. I stand up to help her with the plates. I think that I should lay her off soon. She has worked for this family for far too long, she deserves a rest.

The lady smiles at me when I take the plates and place them down at the table myself. "Goodmorning Irma." I say and she bows her head. "Goodmorning Namu." Irma is Japanese her nickname for me coming from her own pronunciation in Japanese. "I made your favorite breakfast dish. I hope you and your wife enjoy it."
I take her hand I lay a gentle peck at the back of her hand. "I'm sure we will nana." Irma chuckles and hits my arm. "Namjoon, always being a playboy." She pats my cheek softly and makes her way to the kitchen.

Donhyung places the cups of coffee besides our plates and bows. I thank him and he goes back to the kitchen. I had asked Irma to mentor the boy so she can finally take a rest.

If Money Could Buy Love (BTS NamjoonxOC) [Forced Marriage AU]Where stories live. Discover now