Chapter 29

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》Yoongi's POV 

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》Yoongi's POV 

It's been a few months since Iseul and Namjoon got married, making my life at home a living hell. 

I kept on going to work every day, getting to know both Jimin and Hoseok. Since Jimin told me that Namjoon is actually in love with Iseul, I am curious what happened after that day. 

Today, I am packing my belongings in separate boxes. The money I have earned for the past months is enough for me to finally get the hell out of this place. 

I label everything, and make sure I have all my stuff from my sheet music and lyrics, to my underwear and shoes. 

As I start to take my boxes to put them in my car, I am stopped by my furious step father. "Where are you going with that?" 

"To my apartment." I say, finding a way around him and out of the house. But that doesn't stop him from following me outside.

"Your apartment? You bought a place?" He sounds as if he can't believe my words. 

"Yes, I bought a place. I won't be a pest for you anymore. I'll finally be free and be my own person." I stache the boxes in the small trunk and the back sits. I go back into the house to look for the other boxes. 

"Well, I'm glad you are finally getting out of here." He says, an arrogant smirk on his face. 

"Who is getting out of here?" My mother butts in, looking confusedly at me as I put the last boxes in the car.

"I am." I answer, shutting the door of my car close. I had bought this car with hard work, saving up money through high school and night shifts. Now I had a comfortable working schedule, and I didn't have to worry about if I would have enough money to pay my studies. Now I was free to finally chose my own path, away from this forsaken family, and finally get out of the shadows I have been living in all my life. It's ridiculous to get all the blame for something my mother is guilty for. For something that happened 27 years ago. They can never seem to just let it go. 

"Wait, you are moving away? Yoongi, are you really leaving me?" Mother says, her eyes filling with tears. I look at her in the eye, I can't seem to find a way of talking to her in a sweet way, when she hasn't cared for me thanks to the asshole she married.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. Why should I stay for the woman who left me ever since I was born? Because that I know of you don't fight for me, you let him abuse me!" I shout, pointing at Wontae.

I turn to him, to the man that had hated me for so long. To the man that I once hoped to impress as a child. The man that I wanted to call father but never could. I was always jealous of Jackson and Mark. They enjoyed their parents, they knew the warmth of a perfect family. They would always remind me that I was the bastard child, born from a mistake. 

"One last word before I'm gone sir, you know, I hate you, I despise you with every inch of my body. I hate how you treat me as if I am at fault for what she did!" I say, now absently pointing at my mother. "I never asked to be born. I never asked for anything at all. Her mistake is not mine. I had nothing to do with what your wife did. I was just a reminder of her sins. You hate me because you know she doesn't love you. You hate me because I am not your son. I'm sick of sitting in the shadows. I hate what you have done to Iseul. You two forced her to be what you wanted her to be. You hopped to make her what I was not and it didn't work, so now you are getting rid of her. She has nothing to do with your marriage problems. Honestly fuck whatever your intentions were.

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