☆Important Message☆

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Important Message 

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Important Message 

Soooo I know you guys probably won't like the message I'll leave today.

Don't worry I'm not going to stop writing or delete my stories. 

I came to write this message because I need a break. I know I only publish on Fridays and Sundays and I did promise that this month I would do my usual double update Wednesday, but I need the break.

Lately I haven't been feeling too well. I haven't been too active, I've been stressed, I'm not my usual happy. I haven't had any inspiration to write or edit. I really have not been feeling like myself. 

I think that the way I feel will affect the way I write and I don't want to give you crappy chapters if not memorable fun chapters to read every week. 
I know this is just fanfiction and I mostly write for fun and to practice, but if I'm going to write no matter if it's for fun, I will write good story lines. 

I know that you guys return to my story every week even if you don't comment or like or vote on my story. I thank all the people who have given me the chance to prove to you that my stories are worth it. 

You guys know that I keep my promises. I promised I would come back on May 9th, I came back. I promised I would write a special chapter for Our Love Maze, I did. And I thank you for trusting me. 

I don't like taking breaks from writing. To be honest sometimes I rush to write the chapter the night before it was due. Why I do that? Because sometimes I have writer's block for a whole week and then suddenly the spark comes on the very night before I update. 
Still then I don't take breaks from writing. 
The only time I took a break was after I wrote Our Love Maze and I wanted to finish preparing the first few chapters of If Money Could Buy Love (and it was like a two week break).

I do feel bad for making you wait every week and now longer. But if I continue to write the way I'm feeling right now I'll just ruin all I've been working hard for. 

So please I hope you understand my situation. Please don't forget my story while I'm gone. I'll still be here, checking on my stories. I'll be writing while gone so when I come back you guys will have LOTS to read. Like A LOT to read. If someone leaves a comment I'll still answer. If someone DMs me I'll answer. So I won't be completely absent. I just need to relax a bit, so that when I come back, you guys will be able to have your happy Potato back. 

And whoever wonders what's going on with me and why do I feel this way, I honestly have no idea. I've been feeling like this since May. Maybe I'm depressed (I don't know how someone with depression has no idea they are depressed but idk if it's possible not to know you are depressed, y'all know what I mean right?). I guess quarantine has gotten up in my head. 

*sighs in potato salad* But I'll be okay. I promise to come back as soon as I feel better. 

Anyway this is all for now, again I'm sorry.

I don't know how long the hiatus will last, but I will announce my return. 

I love you all very much! 

God bless all of you, take care and if you are feeling bad or not yourself like me, make sure to talk to someone close to you about it, venting is good. 

I will return!

-Random Potato♡

If Money Could Buy Love (BTS NamjoonxOC) [Forced Marriage AU]Where stories live. Discover now