Chapter 26

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》Namjoon's POV 

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》Namjoon's POV 

The Mono 5 project is going very well up till now. We already have the first model of our product. Of course there is still things to change: bugs, possible viruses, add more tools, etc. 

Mira is the supervisor for the inspection. Once everything is settled we can make the production in bigger batches and then proceed to do the last inspection, which will be in the schools chosen to start to project. If it's successful then sales will start to the countries chosen by my team, the places that already approved for these sales, and the trips to poor countries to get children a better chance for their future. 
On the mean time this is all wishful thinking, I am sure that it will be a success; my projects always are. 

I click files on my computer looking at a few reports from other of our electronics. The new batch of smartwatches came out with a few bugs and now I must send them back. It's not an easy process. Things must be secured and inspected. You need to try everything, or I'm just wasting my money and time. 

"Mr. Kim, Ren is here." Jin says upon opening the door. 

"Tell him to come in." I sigh, fixing some papers and putting them back in their binder. I stand and walk to the filer and look for the binder's place. I go through the files in alphabetical and date order, finding the correct place to put it. I walk back to my desk and sit down as the door opens to reveal a short, chubby man. He seems nervous as he holds a small pile of papers.

The man walks to my desk and clears his throat to catch my attention.

"I am already listening Ren, what's your report?" I ask, leaning back on my chair and crossing my legs. 

"I bring the list of the total sales of last month and beginning of this month. And the total used to be promoted. And I bring an issue that is starting to bother me sir..." 
I frown at the last statement, "Yes?"

"Well Mira has not been here all morning and the technology department has been waiting all morning for the final report... she's supervisor and without her the inspector team can't start their job."

I clench my fist on my lap. "Thank you for telling me Ren, I'll speak to her immediately." Ren gives a small bow, leaving my office, and as soon as he does I click a button on the intercom to talk to the receptionist. 


"Yes Mr. Kim?" The lady answers hurriedly.

"Please make sure to tell Mira when she arrives to come straight to my office. It's rather urgent." 

"Will do sir." 

With that I continue to work. The board wants a meeting in a few days to talk about the Mono 5 project. My grandparents will be there and so will Iseul's parents. If everything goes will with the inspections, everything will be ready and it will launch by August. 

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