Chapter 44

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》Iseul's POV 

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》Iseul's POV 

I look at the table full of flavorful and colorful dishes with food, all of Namjoon's favorite dishes. 

I take out the pregnancy test out of my bag and look down at it, butterflies flutter in my tummy on just the thought of being a mother. I hide it in the pocket of my skirt, sitting down at the table to wait for Mr and Mrs. Kim and my husband. A few minutes of sitting at the table and the elderly couple arrive from their side of the house and sit on their spots at the table.

"How are you sweetheart?" Mrs. Kim asks, placing a hand on my hand with her usual smile that resembles Namjoon's.

"Oh I feel great." I say with sincerity, giving her a smile of my own. 

"I noticed, you seem to glow child." She says, observing me closely. I chuckle a little, if she knew. Not only am I radiating the joy at my news, I feel like the heavy weight that once lied over my shoulders was taken from me. Telling Dahyun and Taehyung the truth after 3 years of friendship makes me feel new. There's still the world I need to face, but the world can wait. The two most important people in my life deserved closure, no more lies. 

The door opens and Namjoon shouts to let everyone know he's home. "I'm here!" He bellows, coming into the dinning room and stoping on his track. His eyes scan over all the food that he loves, a smile braking through his exhaustion. 

"Well this looks great!" Namjoon chims, sitting down next to me. I smile, "I helped to cook these, so I hope you enjoy it."

"Nice! I'm sure I'll love it." He says, now turning to his parents right across from us. "Usually I get these dishes for special occasions. What's this all about?" 

"Right, I was wondering that too." Mrs. Kim says, turning her face towards me in question. 

"How about we eat first? I have some newe for all of you." I say, and though the confusion was still there, they complied and ate. We talked happily for a while, enjoying our dinner. 

After everyone was done, they looked at me as if expecting me to finally tell them what was going on.

"What was the news you wanted to tell us?" Namjoon asks, entwining his fingers with mine. 

I sigh a shaky breath, my stomach making flips as I place my hand inside my pocket, touching the hidden pregnancy test. 

"Can you close your eyes and put your palms facing up?" I ask him shyly. With confusion, he does as I ask him to, and he closes his eyes, placing his palms up. I stand up and go behind him, placing the stick in his hands. I place my hands on his shoulders, looking at his grandparents, who have no idea what I just placed in his hands. From the position we are, the can't really see what I gave him. 

"Open your eyes." I say, my heart beating really fast as he does. He looks down into his hands to find what I placed there. I can't see his expression, and I don't know how he has reacted. His face swipes into my direction, his body turning to he can face me. Mr and Mrs. Kim look worried. 

If Money Could Buy Love (BTS NamjoonxOC) [Forced Marriage AU]Where stories live. Discover now