Chapter 35- Part 4

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》Namjoon's POV

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》Namjoon's POV

With the police behind us, following us to our destination, my heart raises with anticipation. If it really is true and this is her location, everything will be finally over. I can get the full proof that Mira is the actual culprit and that Iseul is innocent.

But if she isn't... what if Mira isn't there? Will Mrs. Choi be enough to prove Iseul's innocence? But what about the traitor amongst my team? How can I know they won't do it ever again?

I am scared of the 'what ifs', and there are too many flooding my mind.

Seokjin looks over at me, pity in his dark eyes. "Um... Namjoon, I know it is stupid from my part, but relax. We will find Mira and justice will be made."

I look over at Seokjin and sigh, "Thanks Seokjin." Though he tried to comfort me, I didn't feel fully at ease. I will only feel at ease once Iseul is freed.

When we arrived at a motel I question why would Mira, of all people come here, but then I think she would be kind of a genius, chosing a place she would unlikely be at. I don't get my hopes up though, she might have just left her phone here to distract us.

As I keep un building several scenarios of what could happen, Seokjin places a hand on my shoulder. "Namjoon, now it's the time to find Mira and end this."

I press my lips together firmly and give him a nod. Seokjin stays in the car and I get out, meeting Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok near the entrance of the motel. Some other police officers join us and follow us quietly inside. The people that were out looked at us weirdly but with Jungkook tracking down Mira's phone soon we come to a halt in front of a room. I take a shaky breath, going for the door. We don't want to be suspicious if Mira is really here.

I am worried, there's a thousand reasons Mira could possibly not be here. The what ifs are killing me.

I knock at the door, and I thank goodness that there's no peepholes on these doors.

After a few seconds, the handle twists and I hold my breath. I am afraid to see who's behind the door.

The door creaks open.

I look at the person's face and all the anger seems to come back to me.

Mira gasps, trying to shut the door, but I hold the door and push it open. We all run into the room, following her. She tries to open the window and jump out but I grab her from behind and carry her off the edge. Jimin and Hoseok shut the window and Jungkook stands at the door.

I place Mira down on the bed and she looks at me like a toddler being scolded by her parents.

"Mira you are under arrest for falsely accusing Choi Iseul, and hacking government property."

The cops put the cuffs on her wrists, but before they take her away I needed to ask her myself.

"Why did you do it?"

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