Chapter 32- Part 1

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》Mira's POV

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》Mira's POV

Though it bothers me that Namjoon has gone on a trip with his dumb wife, I thank in silence that she has him distracted. With her as a distraction, I can finish my plans. 

After work, I drive to the Choi's house and I am greeted by them. I join them in their office room and I unfold the lasp bit of our plan. I show them the pendrive and explain everything it will do.

"Before the release, I'll make Iseul give this to someone cue. I have already payed someone to anonymously hand this to her. From that, we have enough proof that it is her who has put this virus in the computers. Not only that but once that this is in the device, one click and the computers will get infected all together, and the apps will glitch. That will let our hacker have access to everything. I also payed for someone for that too. You'll be the saviors of the project, by devastatingly giving the news to Namjoon. I will comfort him when Iseul is gone."

Mr and Mrs. Choi look at each other and nod, "Okay, but promise that Iseul will be fine." Mrs. Choi says, looking down at the floor. 

"She'll be fine, they will have to perform an arrest on her for 'hacking' government property as Mono 5 belongs to the government now." 

Mrs. Choi gulps, nodding her head slowly.

"Anyway, that's all. I'll go now, there's things I have to do." I stand up and bid them goodbye, making my way out of the house, feeling like every step is coming closer to victory.

》Mrs. Choi

I feel utterly disgusted with myself. I have fallen in the trap all over again. I've been thinking lately of Iseul, specially after Yoongi left. This is wrong and I hate myself.

I understand clearly what Yoongi said, we are blinded, striving for power when we already have enough power. I can't let Mira hurt Iseul. Though I never had a close relationship with my daughter, she is my child. I gave birth to her. I loved her the moment I saw her tiny body. I hate myself for all the things I have let her go through. Iseul could have a normal life and look what I've done. I marry her off to a man for the benefits of his money. Losing Yoongi has been hard. He is the son I had with the man I truly loved. I did love Wontae when we were young and dumb. He was my first love, but he changed abruptly. He was no longer the kind man I once knew, he wanted money and power. We used to be a happy family when Jackson and Mark were born. We started to have problems after Mark was born. Wontae was never satisfied with anything, he would have explosions of anger. He never hurt his sons, but he hurt me emotionally. When I was sad, Stephen, my assistant, was there for me. He would give me advice, he would help out with Jackson and Mark from time to time, he protected me and helped me through it all. In a moment of weakness and desperation things slipped out of hand and I ended up falling for Stephen. We had a couple of affairs, but Wontae was bound to find out. I found out I was pregnant not too long after Wontae separated me from Stephen. He did blacklist Stephen and fired him. I still feel horrible till now. I feel like I distroyed Stephen and his future, and whatever happened to him afterwards, I just hope he could pick himself up and find his way to change his life. 

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