Chapter 33- Part 2

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》Iseul's POV 

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》Iseul's POV 

I had never seen Namjoon so upset ever. He has been stressed out, even my parents got involved.  Namjoon decided to stay home today and work in peace from here. I am worried about him as he hasn't come out of the office for the whole day. 

This project was very important to him, this is just devastating for him. He hasn't been able to look at his grandparents these past few days. They know it's not his fault, but he keeps on blaming it on himself. 

I sat down to read on the livin groom, trying hard not to worry about Namjoon, but I can't help it. It brakes my heart to see him this way. I wish I could do more to help him. 

The door bell rings and I stand up to answer it. I am confused when I open the door. My parents are there, with some police officers, and Mira. "Good afternoon Mrs. Kim, can we come in?" Mira asks, flashing a smirk at me. 

"Ah, yes..." I answer, letting then in. I show them to the livin groom and they all accommodate on the sofa. 

"Is Namjoon here?" Mira asks, looking around, which makes me a bit annoyed.

"Yes, I'll go look for him now." 

Mira gives me a fake smile and a thumbs up, I look at my parents, but my mother has her eyes on the floor. That seems weird to me, as she always seems so confident and superior to everyone.

I climb the stairs to the second floor to find Namjoon in his study room. He is looking to a wall as if waiting the lonely room walls to answer his questions.

"Love, you have important visitors." I say and Namjoon snaps his eyes over at me. I can see her understands what I mean. It pains me to see his bloodshot eyes and the dark circles under his eyes, showing he has had little to no sleep at all for the past few days.

Namjoon nods, standing up and walking right past me to get downstairs. It hurts me, but I know that he is just frustrated. 

"Officers, Chois, Mira, welcome." I hear Namjoon say. Once I'm downstairs, I see Namjoon giving them a tired smile. 

"Mr. Kim, with the helps of the Chois we found the culprit and have proof here for you to see." 

Namjoon nods and I come closer, planting myself just behind him to listen what they have to say. Finally Namjoon will get to rest and stop stressing so much. I place a hand on his back, rubbing it softly to give him support.

"We found a camera footage of the day of the Mono5 release. And a USB hidden in the company's coding room. The last thing to find is the hacker, and we are close to finding them. With the help of the culprit, we'll be able to find our final piece of the puzzle to close the case and fix the problem arising in the schools."

Namjoon nods, impatiently awaiting fir the news. 

"Sir, we are very sorry to announce the culprit's identity. As for the person does not work in your company but has experience with coding and electronics." One of the other officers says.

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