Chapter 43

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👀👋 Hellu

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👀👋 Hellu... if u r wondering, I was trying to find a picture that would look like Iseul, and though this model doesn't have the round glasses, I think she looks quite similar to how I imagine Iseul to look like. I also found this other picture of Lisa from Black Pink, that had a similar look to Iseul, if you guys want to see the picture I'll put it here. You can also tell me which look do you prefer.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter 7v7...

(Picture #2 for Iseul's look):   

(Picture #2 for Iseul's look):   

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》Iseul's POV 

Upon my excitement I didn't realize I blew my secret right in a second. There's no lie that can hide the fact that I just gave away that Namjoon and I are together. 

"What did you just say?" Dahyun asks, her face turning red with anger, "Choi Iseul, did you sleep with your sister's husband?"

I want to dig a hole and crawl inside. Yoongi's question comes to mind, am I sure I can keep this up longer? Right now I don't think I can. I have two things in my mind right now: I'm pregnant and I just messed up big time. 

No matter what lie I give her, it will all lead to Namjoon. No matter what choice, Namjoon is stuck between every choice. No lie can hide the fact that I am pregnant with his child. Nothing. 

I also don't feel like lying right now will make things any better, specially not for our friendship. Lies are things you swear to never say when you love someone. I love my friends, they are my family, I have lied to them, and that has to end now.

"How long until you realize?" I blurt the first thing that comes to my mind. Dahyun frowns, her anger still clear as day. 

"Realize what?" She implies, looking at me with confusion.

I grunt, "Dahyun, I never had a sister! You are my bestfriend, I thought you'd discover by the first day of my lies."

Dahyun's expression changes to surprise, her eyes widening, "Wait, what?" 

"Back a in March, my mother told me I was engaged to a wealthy man. I was upset but I still met him. The next month I married him. He found out I liked Taehyung and helped me, but we both ended up falling for each other..." I look down to the pregnancy test in my hands, the lines indicating that it's positive. 

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